originally posted in:The Ashen Conflux
I've read the Books of Sorrow countless times, dumbass. Put yourself in its place. Would you wipe out a planet to save a universe?
>would I give something I'm afraid of a reason to hate me No, I wouldn't. Especially in a case like this, where your pre-emptive strike does nothing but create the very thing you wanted to prevent. The Worm-Gods were harmless, left alone.
Except they weren't harmless. The Worms even say that they had been luring countless races to fundament for a long time to free them. If the hive didn't find them, another race would have.
The Traveler wanted to kill the Hive in order to stop them from meeting the Worms and making a deal. However, it merely caused to happen the very thing it was trying to prevent with the God-Wave
What book of sorrow is this?
It's not stated outright, it's inferred. The Worms wanted to use the Hive to kill the Traveler. Of course it's going to wipe them out
Who is the worm ?
Aren't humans just big worms? That's what Rocky Balboa said.