originally posted in:The Ashen Conflux
Actually the grimoire says, at the very least, the traveler isn't good.
[spoiler]It was getting ready to abandon us, so Rasputin basically shot it out of the sky so it couldn't leave and would be force to stay and protect humanity. That's why all the damage is on the underside. I forget which card it is, but there is one where Rasputin specifically says its targeting "O" (the traveler) so that it will be crippled and forced to enable a pseudo protective protocol. I.e. It pretended to ace us, when really it was just saving itself. [/spoiler]
That poor bastard is gonna have to say this a million times, but the traveler did not want to leave. Check "the traveler 2", it wanted to stay. Rasputin made an assumption (that wasn't unreasonable, but still wrong) that it would leave.
That is all based on the assumption that the Traveler is Alpha Lupi. And that Grimoire is not so cut and dry. It still needs to be interpreted.
Please read my answer to the other guy, it applies to you. About the grimoire, I'm not saying there's no room for surprises (there definitely are), but these are some of the clearer parts.
And I disagree. I think that is what they want you to think. But I do not think it is so. Even if it is so there are still several important questions that need answered that the Dreams do not do. Is the T AL? If not who or what is? Is the T talking to itself? Is someone else talking to the T? Is the T talking to someone else? Do these dreams take place before during or after the fall? The Grimoire may seem "clear cut". But it is far from it.
Once again you and the other guy have a similar skepticism. I am still eating, so if you would be so kind, my answer to him is pretty much exactly what I would say to you.
I agree on that. "We will see". Is basically all we can do.
It's a huge assumption that the traveler is alpha lupi, and that its stalking to itself here. Assuming that is the travelers dream, it could just as easily be trying to convince itself that we will fight and win. I.e. It's helped out countless civilizations before, only for all of them to fall, but he's [i]sure[/i] we're different... But I say again. He's never stuck around to help his creations defend themselves, not until Rasputin came along and clipped his wings.
...what? The traveler being alpha lupi is one of the clearest points in the grimoire. I...don't know where to begin to explain. And lupi is literally saying that she's going to stand and fight. Sure, that could be self-talk or something, but that would be a lot more of a leap than the straightforward answer.
It's no more clear than the possibility of something else plainly describing the traveler. It's just as possible that it's another entity narrating for the traveler. AL could just as easily be something like a vex mind narrating what had happened, and saying that, according to its analysis, this is where the traveler will fight and win because the choice to leave was taken from it.
That's what I'm saying
I'd be kinda disappointed if the story was being narrated like a Christmas special, but anyway, the kind of questions you're asking are maybe paranoid but also not answered in the concrete terms that you want. From here, we can only say "we'll see".
Sure. Until more is revealed all we know can be summed up as: Oryx has been chasing the traveler for some time. The travelers origins and motives are unclear The traveler hasnt stayed to defend a civilization it altered. They've all been destroyed or altered. When something arrived in our system after the golden age, Rasputin detected activity in the traveler, assessed it as getting ready to depart, and hamstrung it to force it to stay and protect him/humanity. This is what we know from a variety of the cards, and without relying too heavily on any one card since it's pretty obvious nearly everyone has their own personal agenda in the grimoire. I.e. The traveler may or may not have been preparing to defend humanity. Rasputin may or may not have been attempting to defend humanity or himself. Oryx was just trying to get revenge, save his(her) race, and help the universe progress in its intended manner. The Awoken and Eris are having various dealings with each other and with other non-vanguard sanctioned fellows. Varik's may or may not be plotting to reunite the fallen under a kell of his choosing for either benign or malign ends. Ect Ect. I think ultimately the story originally rejected was one linear story that was very black and white, but the story since has evolved to take on many shades of grey. I personally would find it interesting if the alpha lupi sequence is a third party setting the stage of the opening act for a bigger production. Regardless of the Traveler's motives, he's dependent upon us now. And how do the worms and the vex fit into all of this? It's pretty clear that the fallen and cabal are merely societies impacted by the traveler and oryx, but even the vex and hive seem to be pawns at play in a larger game. The one thing that makes me think the story isn't a straightforward as it appears is how much play the vex are getting in TTK. Especially their ability to simulate realities, reach conclusions, and then set things on the path of those conclusions. TL:DR you're right, we will see. But I'm guessing the traveler isn't 100% benevolent creator. And that the light of humanity, and subsequent success, wasn't an event planned by anyone attempting to work the levers behind the scenes.
Edited by FrugMaddict: 10/22/2015 5:03:21 AMThere's always that difference between sticking to the facts and trying to connect dots. After what I've seen, I think (for those that want to explore the story) Bungie purposefully leaves breadcrumbs to be followed. Anonpig has been temporarily banned in the past for what he's revealed after studying the grimoire, so there are right answers to be found. But for you, one who prefers to wait for the facts (which is different, not worse), you're going to have problems with posts from our ruinous Tree and Anonpig.
Why didn't the fallen just shoot the traveler like rasputin? Lol
Likely because the traveler didn't think it had to defend itself from us, but Rasputin sucker punched it.