Farewell Everyone!
I know. This is hard for you. But remember: not all tears are an evil. I am leaving. Leave me some heartfelt Offtopic love: pics, notes, gifs. Basically anything you feel will heal this separation process. And in a month or so, I will be back! It will pick up my spirits when I return! Goodbye guys!
Edited by Krishnas Prophet: 11/30/2015 7:14:11 AMI thought you said a month. Over a month. Could he be gone for good? [spoiler]Yipyeeee!!! [/spoiler]
"You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave"
I'll miss you man. College stuff? Or just plain old done?
Click the peach tag. Very interesting stuff there...
[b] [/b]
The Frodo feels.
Guess your poll penis didn't work out
No one ever leaves.
Who are you?
The flood is gone. Very rarely is there a poll Penis.
I literally have no idea who you are.
>less than 1 year Literally who?
>be 10 >playing Pokemon on shitter before school >bus comes outside >I still haven't wiped >mom yells I have to go >have horrible poison ivy on crotch >pour a bunch of cream on penis, put on my pants and run to the bus >girl I like sits next to me >asks me if I've ever been kissed >I take out my gameboy >she starts whispering in my ear >I start sweating >I look down >the cream is seeping through my jeans, Making me look like I cummed >she notices >I notice >I open my Fannie pack to grab some Kleenexes >my spaghetti falls out all over >I start sweating more >realize I forgot to wipe my ass >whole entire bus smells like shit and spaghetti >bus gets to school >try and run to bathroom >teacher catches me >it's penis inspection day >my name is Alan aardvark >I have to go first >nurse demands for me to take off my pants >I rufuse >she wrestles me down, and gets a microscope real close to my crotch >close my eyes and scream the guile scream on top of my lungs >she unzips my pants, the smell of spaghetti, cream and shit leaks out >she pukes on my dick >gets expelled
Baby come back!
Edited by Stark: 10/24/2015 2:08:19 PMFarewells to people on the Internet are a waste of time. If you're going to go, just go. I don't even know you.
I don't know you... But because you posted a lord of the rings gif, you will be missed.
Bye love you!
*votes good riddance* [spoiler]No more religion threads from you is a great thing.[/spoiler]
Bye bye!
Who are you exactly ?
Didn't want u to leave. I'm sorry I told u to watch your pie hole. Be chill bro!
Edited by TechyWizard: 10/22/2015 5:23:05 AMNooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!