Wade woke up few hours later. The nurse was there again, doing whatever they do. He noticed the Huntress on the couch, sleeping. "When did she come here?" He asked the nurse, almost whispering. "Few hours ago, when you were still asleep" the nurse answered with a smile. His stomach dropped. [i]She actually came to see him, instead of going home[/i]. He didn't dare to wake her, after all she'd been up for, what, over 24 hours? He took his datapad from the table next to him. [i]hmph, one new message, from Executor Hideo[/i]. "Agh, he must have heard". The message said:
[b]Hey brother, we heard about your ordeal. We hope you're fine. Come to the Faction room as soon as you can, we have something for you.
May the peoples will remain as your guide.
Regards, Executor Hideo[/b] "so sentimental" Wade chuckled as he closed the message. Artemis must have heard it, she was starting to wake up.
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