The Fabian Strategy needs a rework/large buff.
The stats are too low. So low it shouldn't be an exotic weapon.
The exotic perk "Front Lines" doesn't activate. (Or it's so low it's hardly noticeable)
When/if you finally get a kill and crowd control activates and you need to reload, crowd control will fall off before you can fire off 2 rounds.
So crowd control needs a duration buff across all weapons in my opinion.
Fix the perk, buff the stats, and make it feel exotic.
Please. I want to love this gun.
Fabian Strategy's exotic perk is broken. It does not do anything at all, or so little that comparison videos done with enemies near show nothing noticeable. If they perk would work, or do anything of note, then it would be worth an exotic slot. It isn't a bad auto-rifle if used properly... but most legendary primaries are just as good if not better. I seriously think they either left the perk bugged or misplaced a decimal point. If the perk worked as advertised, to the degree the tlaloc works, we'd have a contender.