originally posted in:The Ashen Conflux
It came out like last week.
"Horribly incorrect"
1. It's called a theory for a reason. It's not proven for sure.
2. You haven't provided sufficient proof to say this. You're calling shit on him and haven't said why he's wrong.
3. He makes a compelling argument. Unlike you.
The MatPat video failed to use any of the new knowledge gained from the grimoire that came from TTK, especially the Book of Sorrows. His information is outdated and the idea of an evil Traveler has been around for a while now. Reading the Book of Sorrows, it's pretty clear that the Traveler is running from Oryx and his siblings, as they seek to consume it's light. This doesn't mean that the Traveler is inherently good. There's still a bunch of mystery surrounding the Traveler's motives, but it's clear now that the Traveler isn't inherently evil.
I'd like to say this is the answer to the post. Good job sire.
You just support anything that goes your way. You are just as delusional as the other fool that made the post.
I could say the same to you.
I'm not supporting either one. But you idiots blindly listen to anything tree says. It's quite sad actually
Edited by combdoc 437: 10/22/2015 11:33:16 PMOk say what you will. I don't even know tree that well. These are just the ideas that i've concluded on by myself by reading grimore cards on the DB. Also it's more sad to complain about someone elses opinion when you yourself say you don't care.
Exactly. It's an idea. And the fact that this tree fool shoots down someone else's idea because it doesn't align with his is pathetic. He said it's a theory and tree says his points are fact. That in itself is ignorant. He doesn't know what the future of the game or story holds, his ideas are just theories like anyone else's. I hate when people think their idea is the only way and no one else's is good. Stupid
I undestand what you mean I was just agreeing with this comments way of putting it not tree and if tree said thesame as this guy I wouldn't know because tree deleted his post.
Thank ye.
no problem bby.
The video is new. The theory has been around since vanila destiny. You should read grimoire so you can avoid supporting the wrong theories.
Have you even watched the video? It uses old info and misinterpreted grimoire to prove a point that is disproved by many grimoire cards in the expansions
Plus we don't really know if bungie is going to use this idea in a later expansion.