originally posted in:Savage Samurais
Clan Name: [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/699562]Savage Samurais[/url]
Platform: XBox One
[b][u]STEPS to JOIN the CLAN[/u][/b]:
1. [u]Join the Group[/u] [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/699562]Savage Samurais[/url]
2. [u]Read The Mission Statement[/u]
3. [u]Complete the Clan Initiation [/u]
[url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/699562]Click Here[/url]
Need 5 for fresh run message for invite. GT is the same as above.
Sisters normal need touch of malice looking for 2 more
302 warlock LF hard mode already finished on 307 Titan and 310 hunter. Invite Aeonmortemvivat
Need 5 for normal golgoroth go message TDAWG747 for inv
Need 2 for HARD golgoroth cp GT ABOVE
Need 1 for totems
310 warlock with Tom and hard emblem Have beaten hard raid on my Titan and hunter Experienced back side platformer Can run either strat kill ogres or leave ogres till after flinch Only joining a team that's in sync with eachother and ready to get rid of oryx quick. Not sticking along for hours waiting for people to get it right sorry there's been way too much of that going on. 5 wipes only if no progression is made I'm out If you meet the requirements and NEED 1 GUY INVITE ME
Need 3 players for oryx checkpoint, 307+ light, message for invite hard mode
At sisters please help me beat this 299 hunters send message on xb1 for invite
Need 5 for sisters cp 290 + Plz be experienced Normal
Kings fall hard mode Warpriest checkpoint 305+ light Message GT same as above I will not invite anyone who replies to this
Need 1 for golgarth CP message LUTENANT DANXXX for invite
Need 3 for war preist, leave gtag and I will.invite you
Need 1 for oryx on hard. 307+ please know what you're doing and have ToM
Need a 310+ Titan for HARD ORYX CP GT: broelin
310 hunter at daughters need 4 add Zindele
Need 4 300+ for normal oryx
Need 5 For Normal Fresh Run Message ii skyplumm ii
Need 4 for oryx msg me for inv ( normal )
Looking to set up a normal raid on Tuesday 10am uk time. Anyone interested drop me a message and add my gamer tag. 298 hunter able to run competently. No light limit but ideally in the 290s any experience is cool even first timers
Need 1 for oryx 310+ with emblem and experience. Msg me ur light and class for invite
On Shrek need 2 message CRIONICxWEIRDO to join
Need 5 war preist message stevo166 experienced 295+ light
My friend and I need normal oryx c.p. I am 303 with touch and have beaten hard raid. He is 297. We have both complete the raid before. Invite korneone 22
307 hunter with oryx hard checkpoint. Looking for EXPERIENCED players 308+. Message hb bucci for inv
need 2 for Oryx regular. message me: idi0tek