originally posted in:Savage Samurais
Clan Name: [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/699562]Savage Samurais[/url]
Platform: XBox One
[b][u]STEPS to JOIN the CLAN[/u][/b]:
1. [u]Join the Group[/u] [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/699562]Savage Samurais[/url]
2. [u]Read The Mission Statement[/u]
3. [u]Complete the Clan Initiation [/u]
[url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/699562]Click Here[/url]
Need 4 members for fresh normal raid we both have malice and very experienced, message XGN DjLoFro to join and be at least 295+. P.S. Leave your light level in the message,thanks.
Need 5 for oryx I'm a 309-310 Titan Please be 309+ Please be experienced Don't be a scrub ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Please have ToM
303 hunter looking for a fresh hard run. Invite me. GT same as name.
Need 2 lvl 310+ for hard Oryx cp Must know what to to GT NobodyMarluxia
Have oryx norm cp, need 5
Need 1 more ,already started send message for invite gt same as above
Need 2 at totems, gt thepromisedone
Oryx CP -XBOX ONE- Need 2. Message for invite. GT is same as above!
310 Hunter with Oryx Cp (Hard) I run relic and have a LOT of raid experience. Must be (((310+))) with TOM or 1000 Yard. Also must have mic. Message GT as above for invite.
296 Titan looking to join a team. Only tried raid once & we made it to sisters before everyone went to sleep. I have a mic and 1,000+ hours into game, so exp not an issue. Follows directions. GT: BroadStBully414
Need 5 For Oryx on hardmode Kings fall raid Light level 300+ Message me on xbox Gamer tag: TMG Silver Wolf P.S. If your inviting me to do another check point I won't join unless I'm interested to do so
298 Titan looking to do normal raid. First time on Titan have done it several times of lock and hunter GT Tha Kid Q89
Need 2 for (HARD) ORYX CP Must be 310+ MSG me on XBox One GT: [b]The Youngin 100[/b]
Need raid team for golgoroth cp Gt above be over 300 light
Need 2 for fresh run on hard message TSBenjoyurcrack on Xbox for invite.
Need 4 for oryx on hard 310+ need to know what to do GT: N3W J0K3R
Need 2 for oryx hard, 310+ must know what's up
Looking for two people for warpriest hard 306+ message Thanny Xbox one
Need 4 experienced players for oryx hard. Must be 310+
Need 4 for either hard Oryx or a hard fresh run. I have oryx cp on one character and need a fresh on another so it doesn't matter to me. Message for invite please
Hard oryx need 3
LF 1 more Titan for hard mode fresh run! At jumping ships now!! Must be 305+ and have experienced the raid Send message to Xx RaPiiD2z xX with light level and class
Need 2 for (HARD) ORYX CP Must be 310+ MSG me on XBox One GT: [b]The Youngin 100[/b]
Need 2 for (HARD) ORYX CP Must be 310+ MSG me on XBox One GT: [b]The Youngin 100[/b]
Need 5 308+ experienced for golgoroth Hard. MSG for invite.
Looking for one experienced with the raid to help get us through on normal, message reggieray83 for invite.