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Name: Oryx's Revenge
Type: Auto Rifle
Description; some say he is gone, some say he is not, but he still watches waiting for revenge.
Design: Red with holes on the bottom, slick black on top
Attribute: Kinetic
Clip: 35
low rate of fire, high impact, low recoil, accuracy medium,
Initial Upgrades: hip fire and luck in the chamber
Exotic upgrade: Eternal Darkness, Deal blinding damage every 5 shots [ the enemy can't see very well because of the darkness that covers there screen]
Can be obtained by defeating Kings Fall on hard.
I like the idea behind the weapon but luck in the chamber sounds useless on an auto rifle. I'd say either scrap it or make it effect 10-25% of the bullets in the mag. Exotic perk sounds awesome for pve but maybe it's too powerful for pvp. I'd say to replace it with a suppressor effect similar to suppressor grenades. It shuts down all a abilities meaning jumps, grenades and supers would effected. If someone is in mid super, it would have to take a full clip because that would be ridiculous. It could still blind in pve but I feel that it's better this way in terms of balance.