For example this year we could get 1 free random exotic off xur since the 25th is a friday! vote what you think
Edit: I did not think too add a simple yes answer. sorry guys. and I agree they should just do it anyway cuz merica
Edit 2: 700+ votes keep em comin!
Yes, but for holidays that the community come up with that are game/lore related.
Put a Christmas tree . At this point Christmas is more of a commercial holiday than a religious one, and I know a few Jews who celebrate it so why not? It would be awesome.
Just yes, no need to be just Halloween. Christmas is more of a commercial holiday then anything at this point and if not that then New Years. I'm sure there are other holidays that would make excellent decoration material as well.
Yes. Halloween and Christmas please and new year please.
If it would, it would be according to US American customs, so I really don't care, either way I'm okay with it.
I don't see why not as long as the majority of major holidays are celebrated and not just White American holidays.
Why would you title this "at seasonal times" and then only include "only at halloween" as the only yes option?
Krampus ftw
Make it snow in the winter, put a pool in during the summer, and change the flora during fall and spring. Maybe some holiday decor every once in a while.
Why is there not just a simple "Yes" option?
Yes all holidays
I say do it for all holidays, but on the US servers (if it's possible, idk how the servers work) add Thanksgiving, Veteran's Day, 4th of July, etc. and do the same for other countries' holidays. For the Holidays (Christmas, Hanukah, etc.) have a general festive theme (like Christmas lights) and maybe have a Christmas tree, menorah, and other stuff spread out around the Tower, but don't make them too big.
Who cares about other religions? Bring on Santa and collect the tears of all these fake religions.
Hell yes
Don't see why it can't be Christmas and Easter. 99% of the people who celebrate those holidays think it's When "the Easter bunny/santa comes". People don't celebrate it because it's Jesus' birthday or when he rose from the dead. It's kinda sickening how materialistic these holidays have become, if you classify as agnostic or atheist don't celebrate these fûcking holidays please, you don't deserve it.
Do it for all holidays. Or, at least the major ones. It wouldn't be hard to add three different holiday decorations in December for the three main celebrations since the Tower is split into three sections.
Yes, and Christmas is awesome so yes add decorations for Christmas and New Years stuff.
Where's the simple YES button? None of that religion poop
Why isn't there just a "yes" button?
How about just yes?
Where is the plain "yes" option.
I voted yes but I think the tower should snow from December to February and the trees should have brown and red leaves from like August to November.
Another idea would be for a destiny lore created holidays that are similar to real ones. Could then have events with themed rewards like mmos do.
Can be touchy. But maybe allusions to things such as snow or rain, floral changes, subtle additions to make it fun.
Yes. And raining sometimes, no puddles when it's not raining.
-blam!- other religions! Halloween, Christmas, Easter, St patrick's, name it.