That's alot more reasonable.
Go for ir
If she's the hottest chances are she has the flu or is Indian ( ͡°╭͜ʖ╮͡° )
Lmao, if you wanted to actually do it, you'd already would've without this. Go to /b/ and post something like this. [spoiler]Also, are girls in middle-school that hot now?[/spoiler]
http://www.cat-bounce.com/mobile/index.html CAT BOUNCE!!!!!!?!!!!! [url=http://frankly.pitas.com]http://www.cat-bounce.com/mobile/index.html[/url] Don't click this link. http://i.imgur.com/GAn9H5V.gif
Do you like her? Or would it just be for attention?
Or you could just not be a pussy and do it anyway.
I'd do it already. What's stopping you? There ain't no shame go like a man speak like a man and deal with rejection like a man!
Walks up to hot girl and squeals*
[b] [/b]