Has anyone else had this problem come BUNGIE we need stuff to be done instead of nurffing things in destiny let's fix the problems like lag or the Titan sun breaker leave it alone I know what all u hunters and warlocks are thinking op about time the Titan is talked about being op self res and hunger blade never changed no matter how much ppl hated it stop changing the Titan super xur is also crap and oryx drops shards only wtf I give 20 to get 2 I have a vid so can't say it doesn't happen plus I get the same stuff but lower all the time WHY this can be a great game but the other side of this (Activision) can only be blamed so much with out the fan base every CEO would be living pay check to pay check so fix the real problems without making more and why is there a number to call BUNGIE but you can't talk to anybody fake number BUNGIE how far have you fallen I mean really
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