As the title reads, I've run the Shield Brothers strike 82 while chasing those damn unique gauntlets and 82 times I've come up NOTHING. What's even more discouraging is that I've read on threads here and other sites that people have run it in excess of 125 times and come up with nothing as well. Whether or not you think they're stylish, I personally like the look of them and therefore want my Titan to sport them. :)
Now, before the masses decided to impart their "wisdom" know that one, this isn't a "screw you, Bungie!" post; I'm honestly just curious as to other peoples success rates, or lack thereof, when farming these items. Two, I KNOW, as you should know and/or learn now while reading, that these unique boss drops ARE NOT tied to the Legendary loot table of Strikes; they're on their own drop percentage so please don't say, "Do strikes for the buff to increase your chances!" because that is false. You should also know, as I recently found out, that you don't have to kill Big Red or Big Blue first/second. Again, I know it's all RNG but still.
Anyhow, rant and rant alike, anyone else out there farming these gauntlets and coming up short? Flayer capes? Darkblade Helm? How many times did it take you to get yours and/or how many times have you run a certain Strike?
115 times and still nothing. Tried running it on my hunter for a change of pace, though. It's at least a little more fun now.
Do people even READ the post before commenting?
Bungie really needs to add a penalty for bailing on a Strike. I lost count of how many times people flaked after getting the fragment.
Edited by FlandreScarlette: 10/27/2015 12:43:51 PM*gets Tread Upon Stars to drop twice in a row yesterday, and already had one* *still has yet to get any strike exclusive armor* Are you guys having better luck getting weapons than armor? EDIT: Also, to show just how much more this sucks ass, you also have to hope for a good roll 200 times before you get the gauntlets, 500 times before they actually have a use. We should be able to use Glass Needles on Armor.
Picked them up on the first few runs
They can drop from any cabal boss
You counted?
Wish i could see you crying in person
I've gotten them twice, both times on regular level 36 vanguard strike list. I'm sorry for your luck, hope they drop soon!! If it makes you feel any better, I just spent all night on hard mode oryx, and the only thing he dropped was a 310 ghost shell. Which I already had from normal mode...
Edited by ambitiouscurse: 10/24/2015 6:36:19 AMIt's -blam!-ing hilarious when you use the last word with them can't even see what your shooting
Sorry to hear we have the same luck. I'll never get my Psion cloak, fingers crossed for you guardian.
Got those a few weeks ago on my titan. Today I grinded nightfall for 3 hours and got all three cloaks and 4 guns. And I didn't have a cloak before today. The rng on these things seems less then one percent drop rate unless it's in the nightfall.
I have nearly everything from all strikes. Even omnigul. EXCEPT those goddam flare mantels. They will not drop.
Run it again and stop bitching.
Anyone know if Tanik's Cloak is particularly rare? It's crazy awesome, the only other cloak I have found without a hood is the Makeshift Scarf that you start with.
Got em. U should try heroic strike or grind it when its tge nightfall. Better odds
My friend got imago loop on his first try with outlaw, explosive rounds and firefly. [spoiler]i got so mad[/spoiler]
Gotten 3 darkblade helms on my Titan(two in two runs), but no other armours.
Run it maybe 10-15 times and have had 3
Curious how you "know" these drops are not effected by the streak bonus
I know how you feel. I've been chasing that helmet from the SABER strike and omnigul's bond for a while now. Friend of mine got his helmet the 1st try.
Thing that sucks about this strike is that they rarely even drop legendaries. At least when I was farming for my imago loop, ON LEVEL 20, I would get some drops.
I didn't specifically go after any of those special armors, but I noticed something weird about my drops. My titan was first as he received the flayer cape (for hunters). Then this weekend, my warlock got the dark blade helm (for titans). Then also this weekend, I got the taniks cape (for hunters) with my titan. Notice anything odd there? I never once got any of those only the intended character of those armor pieces. This got me wondering. Has anyone actually gotten the armor piece with the class it was intended for?
I did 37 shadow thief strikes for my cloak of Taniks. I thought I had it bad...
I have them...Def didn't run it that much. keep trying it's not bungies fault
Dear Bungie, The current state of game play in Destiny has made me Pre-Order Halo 5.... Good luck with the help from High Moon Studios and Activision....
..I've had them drop once...I was on my hunter when they dropped ...and the flayers capes dropped when I was on my warlock.. Hope the arm piece drops soon for you...
I've had 2.
I would have spent that time looking for a better job....