As the title reads, I've run the Shield Brothers strike 82 while chasing those damn unique gauntlets and 82 times I've come up NOTHING. What's even more discouraging is that I've read on threads here and other sites that people have run it in excess of 125 times and come up with nothing as well. Whether or not you think they're stylish, I personally like the look of them and therefore want my Titan to sport them. :)
Now, before the masses decided to impart their "wisdom" know that one, this isn't a "screw you, Bungie!" post; I'm honestly just curious as to other peoples success rates, or lack thereof, when farming these items. Two, I KNOW, as you should know and/or learn now while reading, that these unique boss drops ARE NOT tied to the Legendary loot table of Strikes; they're on their own drop percentage so please don't say, "Do strikes for the buff to increase your chances!" because that is false. You should also know, as I recently found out, that you don't have to kill Big Red or Big Blue first/second. Again, I know it's all RNG but still.
Anyhow, rant and rant alike, anyone else out there farming these gauntlets and coming up short? Flayer capes? Darkblade Helm? How many times did it take you to get yours and/or how many times have you run a certain Strike?
115 times and still nothing. Tried running it on my hunter for a change of pace, though. It's at least a little more fun now.
Do people even READ the post before commenting?
Bungie really needs to add a penalty for bailing on a Strike. I lost count of how many times people flaked after getting the fragment.
60 times gotten them twice
82, 82, 82, 246. Yeah 246 toothpicks
91 on Saber for the helmet for me. The grind is real.
I'm really sorry but I got them on my first run through the strike....on my hunter....I don't have a titan :/
Every strike exclusive drop that I have gotten has been on a different character... I've gotten Titan gear on my warlock, warlock gear on my hunter, and hunter gear on my Titan... I have yet to have something drop on the character that it was actually for... Just a thought.
Iv gotten 2 sets on my hunter
I got em on my 2nd run, with my lock.
Just play a better game. ooooooooooooo
I got a dark blade helm and got rid of it hahaha. I didn't really like it.
Pop a Three of Coins. You have a better chance of it dropping. Also do the strike playlist. The streak also increases drop rates
I've got it 3 times. But whata ya know no flayer cloak...
I got the gauntlets on my Titan. Honestly just keep at it. They seem to be more likely to drop from John Cena(5 knuckle shuffle punch guy). They will drop eventually.
Stop wasting your time
I got the Taniks cloak on my Hunter but no other strike specific items.
Me and two friends grinded Omnigul for the Grask of Malock pulse rifle. After about 20 runs I had the rifle and bond and one friend had two rifles. Another 20 runs later, my third friend still hadn't got any drops whatsoever. Bungie really could do with putting a cap on the RNG for strike specific loot. E.g. If you've run it x number of times without a drop it should be guaranteed.
If it makes you feel better I never play as my Titan and the first time I went in there I with him I got the gauntlets. I dismantled them though because the blow.
How did you keep count? Seems a little ridiculous to waste that much time for some ugly ass gauntlets. Oh ya, i got 'em (twice). Will never, ever equip them, unless its to show what they look like.
Ive gotten so every strike exclusive weapon and armor piece available on xbone. You my friend have the shittiest luck ever.
What? I got them during the chaperon quest and I was near to dismantle them, as I main warlock. If one of my friends hadn't suggested me to level up also another character to obtain more weekly rewards they wouldn't be still here. But anyway they are only cosmetic .
I got them on my hunter. Transferred to the Titan. They are pretty awesome looking. Try running it on another class. It took a lot of tries but I got them. All that work for them to go to my son's Titan. Lol
Got them while on my hunter. Everything for my titan I got on my hunter. Try on a different character.
I have gotten the titan helm and arms also warlock helm all with my Hunter yet can't get any cloaks
Stop trying and just run the playlist. I got them on a nightfall without ever even wanting them. Now currently at 310 ;)
8th time.... on a hunter...
I got them on my first time running it with my hunter I didn't even know they were rare
They're most useful as legendary marks.