As the title reads, I've run the Shield Brothers strike 82 while chasing those damn unique gauntlets and 82 times I've come up NOTHING. What's even more discouraging is that I've read on threads here and other sites that people have run it in excess of 125 times and come up with nothing as well. Whether or not you think they're stylish, I personally like the look of them and therefore want my Titan to sport them. :)
Now, before the masses decided to impart their "wisdom" know that one, this isn't a "screw you, Bungie!" post; I'm honestly just curious as to other peoples success rates, or lack thereof, when farming these items. Two, I KNOW, as you should know and/or learn now while reading, that these unique boss drops ARE NOT tied to the Legendary loot table of Strikes; they're on their own drop percentage so please don't say, "Do strikes for the buff to increase your chances!" because that is false. You should also know, as I recently found out, that you don't have to kill Big Red or Big Blue first/second. Again, I know it's all RNG but still.
Anyhow, rant and rant alike, anyone else out there farming these gauntlets and coming up short? Flayer capes? Darkblade Helm? How many times did it take you to get yours and/or how many times have you run a certain Strike?
115 times and still nothing. Tried running it on my hunter for a change of pace, though. It's at least a little more fun now.
Do people even READ the post before commenting?
Bungie really needs to add a penalty for bailing on a Strike. I lost count of how many times people flaked after getting the fragment.
My 3rd dark blade run when the taken king came out I got the helm, I have done the flayed strike a total of 15 times and got to cloaks, and The shield brothers about the same as the flayers and got the gauntlets last night
You need to go on a strike run. Once you do about five strikes, that vanguard streak will start to mean something
It dropped for my hunter one time. Now I have Titan I wish I kept them :(
I got mine,but the helm from dark blade ugh done it atleast 45 times no luck
It dropped for me... but I accidentally dismantled it thinking it was just another 284 gauntlet :(
well i know your pain, was going for the Arc flayer mantle for 3 weeks and 2 hours a day... i said to myself wel F*ck it, i will use my Taniks cloak then. and eventually i played the heroic strike list normally and the dust palace came, i told oh i don't want it anymore and booomm the arc flayer mantle dropped. pretty funny huh
I had 2 drop while beating them in the chaperone bounty ( I had to beat them twice ). Maybe there's a higher chance for them to drop here because when I did the dark blade strike during the exotic sword quest I got dark blades spite.
Never have managed to have any strike armor drop for any of my chars except for the flayer capes void and solar which I were not even trying for so I think you have better luck then me..
Got them the second time I Killed them
It needs to be a vanguard strike 36 or higher from what I understand. Also, kill Blastoise first...Charizard last. Just a couple things I've heard. Ive maybe done this strike 15 times, gotten them once.
Wait for it to be the nightfall and farm it. The drop rates are really high in NF.
They probably dropped three times in ten runs for me...I haven't even touched my Titan yet since TTK came out.
>Got them on 2nd run by accident >Kappa
Ayy I got those gauntlets but I can see you are dedicated good luck
I have the gloves. You can have them if you want. Too bulky for me.
LOL I dismantled those garbage gaunlets
Got those a while ago
Lol got em on my first try
You run em 82 times in a row making your buff dissapear for better chance at legendary.... Better to play few strikes Then only play 1 strike
Edited by krazy3kyle: 10/23/2015 10:28:18 AMWell [b][i][u]S[/u][/i][/b]ee here is the thing [b][i][u]A[/u][/i][/b]bou[b][i][u]T[/u][/i][/b] those They were a l[b][i][u]I[/u][/i][/b]mit to the amount of them If you didn't get any that's cause people had al[b][i][u]R[/u][/i][/b]eady gotten th[b][i][u]E[/u][/i][/b]last pair and I'm afraid they will no longer be out any more.
Got them 2 different times... 1st time was the strike for The Chaperone, and 2nd time was when it was the nightfall. Both times I was on my Titan.
Why you grinding for those gauntlents when they dont do anything? Imo those strike exlusive gear should be exotic that gives you the powers the boss had. Valus Maual gauntlets should gives Sunbreakers that flaming ground smash he do. The flayers should give hunters shield against its specific element. The helment you get from the sabar strike should give warlocks the blink ability or something. Cmon guys bump and sign if you agree with this.... I KNOW YOU DO!!!
Try with a different class. Warlocks and Hunters seem to get em easier than Titans.
From what I've gleaned from my experience and what I've read. Do it when it's a daily or a nightfall. The chances of getting strike specific gear seems to be much higher.
I found those, the devouring maw and dark blades helm first run:) guess rng favours me.
Edited by legendarydrunk: 10/23/2015 9:49:00 AMI too really like how they look. I got mine pretty quick and with a good roll after about 20 attempts. I also infused them to 310 lol