originally posted in:The Roleplay League
In the Cosmodrome, snow falls from dark clouds, layering the ground with fresh snow. Fallen verse hive all around Russia, the Taken leaving this area be for a while, leaving the Fire-team Breaker standing alone in the middle of the Mothyard Plane wreckages.
They stand in a line, waiting, each one preparing themselves for a fight. All three are Guardians, each one a different class.
One a NightStalker, with a Dead Zone Revolution cloak blowing in the Snowy breeze.
Her name is Alice Long.
One a SunBreaker, with two Grenades being juggled in one hand.
His name is Quinn-2.
One a StormCaller, with lightning bouncing around her gloves.
Her name is Tellio Taynt.
They stand there, waiting for a challenge of three to approach for single combat.
[spoiler] Open to anyone, but max of three (other than me). Be prepared for a long battle, and go off of the bottom reply please. See ya on the field, challenger. [/spoiler]
He watches the blade flying towards him, terror in his eyes. Just before it hits him, the tethers release and he slumps to the ground, drained of his energy. It narrowly misses the top of his head, spiralling off into the distance
Alice lands on top of him, puts a hand on his breastplate, then quickly grabs the knife and holds it to his neck. "We really need to stop meeting like this." She stands up, takes a step back, then flips the knife through the air, spinning lazily. Alice offers her hand to Phantom.
Edited by RaTheRazer: 10/25/2015 1:11:36 PMHe moans "Never again" He takes her hand for the third time. "How about we chill it off for a while eh? Hopefully that won't get me killed, haha. I'm also pretty tired, I got smacked around like hell" He takes his helmet off, and grins. He then places his weapons down on the floor. He gestures toward the ruined building, and walks sluggishly, still drained by the effect of the shadowshot.
"Yeah, sorry about that." She says. Alice indicates over her shoulder with her thumb at two other guardians. "Wanna go meet my friends?"
Edited by RaTheRazer: 10/25/2015 9:55:16 PM"Don't apologise. Pain is the game. I also didn't know about my inner poet" He laughs, walking beside her "And yeah, I would love to see what your buddies were doing over there"
Walking up to them, Alice points at the two I'm turn. "This is Quinn-2, a Sunbreaker." Quinn nods to Phantom. "And this is Tellio. S.C." Tellio waves. "Hello, a pleasure to meet you."
[spoiler]Psst... I made a post[/spoiler]
Edited by RaTheRazer: 10/24/2015 11:08:29 PMLegs around chest? So like [spoiler]JOHN CENA!!! XD[/spoiler] Ok actually it doesn't make sense sry I'll change it
[spoiler] Uhh, a few things. Don't use first person words like 'I' or 'You' because people reading won't know who your indicating at. Use a persons name in a third person context. Second thing, this is a beginning of a fight between my three characters and three people who choose to join. Basically, aim your attacks at one of my three and the fight between that character and your character will begin, until one person goes down or not. Only fight for as long as you could last in real life. One last thing, don't control other peoples characters in speaking or actions. You can push then or slam them to the ground, but you can't make them punch themselves to death practically, without the users permission. Sorry if that seemed like a lecture, but I hope it helps. [/spoiler]
[spoiler] Still open for one more fight? haha[/spoiler]
[spoiler] Let's go then. Good luck. But create a new thread. [/spoiler]
Max stands behind a rock, looking at the girl and the guy battling. "Man. That girl is really cute. And cool." His ghost came out. "Pffft. Max.... You and I both know that you can't even get a girl like her!" Max looks at his ghost. "Thanks for the encouragement. You know what. I'm gonna go over there. And talk to her. And not studder." Max's ghost sighed as he disappeared into thin air, too embarassed to see what's about to happen.
Edited by RaTheRazer: 10/24/2015 1:39:56 AM