Anyone else feel like their time playing and beating Bloodborne has made them super prepared for the witcher 3? I just started playing the witcher 3 earlier this week and have been completely hooked. I'm playing it on blood and broken bones.
After reading some forum and gamefaq stuff about monsters I've killed, and how people are struggling for hours, even on lower difficulty, I realize that beating bloodborne has made me good at the witcher 3 right out of the gate. Both games have a quick side step like dodge using the circle button and I feel like that's the key. I literally almost never get hit in the witcher 3 and out of the gate I was using the quick dodge aggressively like you do in bloodborne in order to get more
attacks in. I haven't died once and after playing bloodborne, I feel like I can take on anything I encounter!
Anyone else have a similar experience?
No spoilers for either game please
I've always sucked at Dark Souls and Bloodborne, but I'm awesome at the Witcher
What difficulty are you playing on?
I'm currently playing witcher 3 on hard and it's a nice challenge but not too hard that I can't focus on the story etc, I do however definitely think that the fact I'm a souls veteran has helped immensely. Enjoy the game by the way, I'm having a great time with it so far!
I am not playing on the harder difficulty currently. I like to take my time and enjoy myself with RPGs. But will say that Witcher is a lot less forgiving then Bloodborne
Nah, witcher3 is just incredibly easy, even on the hardest setting. Certain skills made for cheap wins.
The Witcher 3 is easy mode for any souls veteran.
Just wait. Everyone says the first playthrough is easy. NG + however.... Well my first enemies (other than default ghouls) were wolves. I died by 2 wolves >wolf one hits me >as I stagger wolf two hits me >dead from one mistake >wtf
Kingdom Hearts on critical did the same thing to me. Except it's a lot faster and a lot less forgiving