So the chest engram Xur has.
Has anyone gotten a chest piece that WASN'T Crest of Alpha Lupi? LOL.
I got three of them and my friend got the same amount and they were all Alpha Lupi.
Good 310 infusing material so I can't complain,
but i'm just curious if anyone has gotten something else besides this specific chest piece.
Edit: I have been informed that the fact of this is because Crest of Alpha Lupi is apparently the only currently available chest piece for Hunter and Titan. xD
I was unaware of this as I have not spent time keeping track of what armor is and isn't year two yet. Lol.
3x alpha lupi 1x alchemists rainments 1 crest dropped at 290, all others were 310, you guys realise these engrams are now mainly just for infusing gear right? Don't even care, although the 290 drop is a huge waste of coins