originally posted in:Kush Blowin Guardians
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Hey guys,
Can't really think of an appropriate way to say that I'm leaving the clan, so I guess it'll have to be straight forward. I'm hoping it's temporary but we will see. My reasons are multiple and personal, but just know that most of you would understand.
It's been a real honor to be apart of a clan full of so many interesting individuals, and I still plan on keeping every one of you on my friends list. I.
I haven't been in many clans, but I can tell that this is one of the best ones based on all the individuals I've met.
I'll never forget the day I recruited most of you... So many interesting individuals. Continue to make this clan what it is....
Think its time I went down my own road for a while.
Thanks for a great time, there will be more to come in the future
Til then, keep Blowin kush Guardians
Ill see you starside, Chris.