I've been searching around the Internet for days and I see a lack of romantic fanfiction for Destiny. What do you guys prefer for romantic fanfiction?
Amanda holiday
Either Amanda or Petra. Both 10/10
Mara Sov is at 69%. The irony.
Do you get annoyed with me coming here everyday?
Taniks... He has no house. Maybe he has a FakeTaxi?
Eris... No romance just pure banging
I'd read a romantic fan fiction about cayde and Amanda Or cayde and Eris Or all three of them
Mara x Petra
Lol 69% for Mara Sov
Uldren x Guardian
Shaxx seems, powerful... 😍😍😍 ~[i]TheSpookyNike[/i]
Shaxx, Variks, or Amanda
Maya Sunderash.
WTB Romantic fanfics for the Ghost. #SexyGhost
Uhh... Variks?
Cayde and eris
These comments frighten me
"Mara Sov bows to no one" Lord Shaxx Can Take a Knee for Mara though~
None because all these characters suck.
I can't do fanfiction, when I read, it's gotta be good, I can't do amateur stuff, I need quality
Mara Sov is at 69