Listen to me.
I have run that strike over 100+ times since launch.
I have watched all my friends get it and not even want it. I denied myself Iron Banner, Raid, my other two characters and dailies, so I can spend what little time I had to farm for the Maulers.
Last night, while pulling an all nighter, the last strike I did, which you should be able to see, I finally got the Maulers.
You can only imagine the feeling I had when I walked over that purple, and the game displayed what that purple drop was.
I felt like I was released from a prison.
You have to keep trying. Keep playing the strke, and you will get them at some point.
The key is to never give up, because if I gave up after that 100th run, I would never have them at this point.
Good luck, Guardian.
You Sir, are awesome (And "Proto Zero" is even more awesome my fellow Gundam fan!). I've hit try #88 this morning and still nothing but you're right, I do want those awesome Maulers and I'll keep pushing until I get them! Thanks, again!
I got them on my 2nd time on that strike.