Is the Taken King worth it? I'm thinking about buying it this Christmas. I'm a day 1 player as well, didn't buy any DLC, skipped TDB, checked HoW. Nah but TTK? I need help deciding.
The story is better but I would just get Fallout.
Edited by OrangeGecko156: 10/23/2015 6:06:07 PMI have bought all the DLC's so far, dark below was meh, HOW was meh (cause POE sucks), and TTK was to be the last chance I gave to the game. And honestly, I wasn't disappointed. MUCH better story with gorgeous cutscenes, strike bosses are NOT bullet bullet sponges, they are really fun and have actual mechanics. Raid is fantastic, enough to rival VOG ( I might actually like KF better). Crucible is finally more balanced, with the exception of sun breaker ( I'm sure you've heard all about that). Exotics are cool and fun to reforge, and I actually have enjoyed getting the hidden ones by quests ( sleeper sim, black spindle, no time to explain). So yeah, TTK is mostly really good. Only complaints I have: Kings fall loot system is kinda screwed up Court of oryx is fun, but there's never anyone there Some exotic quests are pretty long ( sword material farming ) I HAVE NO WEAPON PARTS iron banner had problems ( nightstalker/ loot system had a bug/ entire sunbreaker teams) In conclusion, TTK is fun, bungie is learning, 8.5/10, would buy again Oh yeah and RAHOOL GIVE ME MY TWILIGHT GARRISON ALREADY!!!!
Idk .. its so fff hard to find a raid team
Yea I thought it was gonna be a waste BOI WAS I WRONG TTK IS AMAZING 8/8 i recommend to buy it
I love it
Shameless bump. C'mon guys I'm planning to upgrade as well to PS4
If you like destiny. Yes.