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10/23/2015 6:18:03 PM
Christ almighty. Nice job Bungie, less than an hour and a half. Hard mode indeed.

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  • It's the same person that soloed black spindle and two manned oryx

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  • I'm sorry, what did you want? For them to make it just stupidly difficult so that it was impossible for even the best teams to beat in under 10 hours? From what I've read about the new stuff there's new mechanics and challenges. It's much more than just "oh look, here's a lot more mobs, and half of them are majors" like crota. The difficulty wasn't arbitrarily inflated by making you do 1/3 damage even at max level because the enemies would always be above you in level. I'm not a bungie apologist and criticize them often, but comments like this one are trash.

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  • I wasn't complaining. I was pointing out the fact that their Hard mode got blown through in about an hour. Stop jumping to conclusions, all I was saying was that it clearly wasn't too hard for the folks that beat it so quickly. How about comments that jump down people's throats with no justified, sound reasoning? Think those are trash too? I swear, for every calm cool and collected person on this forum, there's two that do stuff like [i]that[/i]. Calm your tits, will ya?

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  • How long should Hard Mode take anyway? Personally I don't know. I suppose we do have to take into account that the teams that are trying for World's First have probably ran the normal raid a lot already. Practice makes perfect and all that.

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  • True, it's just a bit anticlimactic. I enjoy the suspense of it taking longer than an hour I guess.

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  • [quote]Less than an hour and a half. Hard mode indeed.[/quote] That, right there, is you being a flippant douchebag regarding the difficulty of the raid. Please, tell me what you would have done in order to make the raid more difficult but not impossible. How would you have changed it? Because it's actually more different than any raid has been in the past when compared to hard mode, and they actually added stuff to the bosses rather than just making their adds all majors that are a higher level than we are. Your post was trash. I didn't jump down your throat, I criticized your shitty attitude because I have no idea what you think they should have done. You pointed out what you perceived to be a problem while offering no solution. So, please. Give us examples of things they could have done that wouldn't leave the raid impossible, but would be hard enough to meet your lofty standards. And don't tell me what to do with my tits. My tits are my business (and if you notice my GT, you'll understand that I prefer to call them udders).

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  • You realize I haven't criticized anything right? I simply pointed out that someone crushed it in an hour. That's when you took over and started spewing some sort of nonsense about how I must have a master plan and how I think they did it wrong. I never said any of that. I haven't even attempted hard mode yet, so I can't say anything about it. People like you are why we warn people that these forums are a toxic place. You take every minuscule thing that anyone says, turn it into some huge pointless argument, and spin it to make me look like some sort of big bad wolf that is unfairly attacking something or someone. Why? Seriously, why? Are you just that unfulfilled in life? If you need to unnecessarily call me a douchebag to feel like your existence has a purpose, go right ahead. I'll be your punching bag sweetheart. But don't turn this around to make it seem like I'm attacking Bungie or the job they do, or that I feel like I could do it better. That's just ignorant. I made an innocent comment. That's when you went full retard. Never go full retard.

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  • Please, tell me again that "hard mode indeed" was anything other than sarcastic and critical. Because your comment speaks for itself. You can try and be condescending and pretend you're superior to everyone else on these forums, but you aren't fooling anyone. You came to this thread and were sarcastic and critical of the hard mode as if it wasn't any more difficult and proved some point for you because it was beaten so quickly by one of the best teams in the game. So yes, I criticized your comment and pointed out that there is actually MORE different in this raid when compared to either of the previous two. And they avoided the arbitrary difficulty increase we ran into before with level 35 enemies immediately being more of a pain in the ass and that being the primary increase to the difficulty of the raid. This hard mode, from all I have read while at work, actually appears to be much more than what they've done in the past, yet you have nothing more to say than a flippant, sarcastic "hard mode indeed", and then attempt to talk down to someone that points out all that I've pointed out above. People like me are not the problem with these forums. People like you are. The worst part is you can't even see it.

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  • This is the most idiotic conversation I've ever had. It's like arguing with a psych patient. Keep going, you getting your fill yet? I clearly can't get through to you with any logic since you apparently live in your own little world. Instead, I'll just sit here and let you play hero and beat up on the big, bad, sarcastic meanie that said something so awful it would churn your stomach. "Hard mode, indeed..." I'm surprised it hasn't gotten ninja edited yet. Thank goodness you were here to tell me what an awful person I am for sarcastically pointing out a fairly obvious fact.

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  • I never called you a horrible person in the initial comment. I said your comment was trash and pointed out why. I decided you were a less than great person only after your ridiculous posts following my reply where you start being a douche because someone had the gall to point out that the hard mode is actually more significantly different than any other one before.

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  • Edited by Tits McGhee: 10/23/2015 8:09:59 PM
    If you had simply pointed that out, we could have had a respectful discussion about it. You threw that out the window when you started taking things way too seriously. For the future, a simple statement like "I haven't played it yet, but I don't know man so far from what I'm hearing it sounds like they may have done a better job on this one". I would have then rebutted with something else that qualifies as friendly discussion. Instead, you immediately took the route that so many other typical forum users do and went with the whole "I disagree with you so what you say is trash" idea. Let's not forget who started the whole insulting each other thing. Scroll up if you need a reminder that you came at me first. I always form my reaction to someone's reply entirely on the tone and context within it. You keep it friendly, I will too. However, you can't judge me as a person any more than I can you. Just remember that if you don't want to be talked down to, don't talk down to someone to begin with. Now, are we done here? I feel like this has wasted enough of our time.

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  • Edited by nukethecow: 10/23/2015 8:15:50 PM
    So the one sentence where I said your post (by the way, your post, not you) was trash is what got this going? Honestly, man, I still think the post was trash. I think people are too often ready to jump on and be critical of things, and in this instance it was unwarranted. Bungie deserves a lot of criticism over this game, but this issue seems crazy to me. There is a decent bit new in hard mode, and it is more difficult. It's just not horrendously impossible. But if you want to have friendlier conversation I'm all for it. I'm definitely not a forum troll and didn't really intend that post to insult you to begin with. Have a good one.

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