What feels like a long time ago now, myself and a couple of bandmates, [i]SkaggyT[/i] and [i]JakCyphar[/i], were havin a jolly old time attempting Vault of Glass with a few randoms we found on LFG.
We were playing with a few guys from all over the place and there were 2 in particular that were just hilaaarious, the sort of players that we knew we'd get on with, so we added them for future raids/games. They didn't know each other either. After a while we started chatting more and getting to know each other. Turns out one of the guys, [i]SneakyElk[/i], was literally just across the river from us, less than half hour away!!. Was pretty crazy as we got put into a game full of randoms.
We've since met up a fair few times, had a few pints & got very drunk, he's seen our band play, gone paintballing and had some proper funny nights.
Unfortunately though our other raid buddy, [i]BAHAMUT ZEERR00[/i], lives about 9 hours away in Scotland so we haven't had a chance to meet up. We've spent endless hours doing raids and games with these dude and then upon the release of TTK he tells us he isn't getting it as he's abit skint and can't afford it right now. He was adament he'd get it eventually when it lowered in price but we knew by the time he'd get it we would be well ahead of him and he wouldnt enjoy it as much. We knew we wanted him for The Kings Fall. Wouldn't be the same without him after the hours upon hours of Vault of Glass/Crotas End/Missions/Story/Crucible etc.
Sooooooo, we all chipped in some money, i messaged his girlfriend to get his address, and we bought him it!
It was delivered day after release under.
He almost had a heart attack when he got it, literally exploded on our facebook group chat!! It wasn't much between us and was a great feeling that we'd made his day and we've all already spent alot of time on TTK together. We've yet to do the new raid but we cannot wait to give it a go!
TL;DR - We've never met this guy, but thanks to Destiny he is pretty much a mate, we're always taking the piss out of each other and having a laugh. Hopefully one day we'll meet him in person too, but the main thing is.... WE HAVE OUR RAID BUDDY BACK ^_^
[i]*EDIT: Okay, i need to establish that i genuinely did not post this seeking attention. Me and these guys love Destiny, we've met alot of great people playing and now really good mates with them. This was just a random encounter that we personally experienced and made good friends from and just thought I'd share. I'm always on the forums and always see brutal posts that really do make this community seem shit. Apologies if anyone's offended by this.
It's nice seeing other people share their similar stories :)*[/i]
Great post. Moar positive stuff please community.