originally posted in:The Roleplay League
[b]she does a symbol and her appearance shifts and shimmers before changing, she now looks like a red swordbearer and her raze lighter is now a hive sword that pulses with solar energy[/b]
"Ahh.....hive have many secrets, yes? *deep raspy breath* Are you affiliated with Oryx?
"Nope, I'm a mercenary, I'm even planning to kill oryx with a team I'm forming..."
"Even the hive have their own taniks, yes? Much treachery indeed!" [b]He laughs, then wheezes[/b] "I need to get back to the skiff.....my ether supply is ok there" [spoiler]New post?![/spoiler]
[spoiler]sure[/spoiler] [b]she nods as she changes back into her titan form[/b]
[spoiler]its up[/spoiler]