originally posted in:The Rebel Squadron
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In this post I will state my reasons why I personally feel as though bungie should update POE . Prison of elders was a game mode and implemented in the House Of Wolves DLC it brought new high level PVE content to the game as a replacement for a raid . It was a gladiator style arena that had challenges , select difficulty levels and boss fights . What made POE so fun was the grind to get to 34 and looking forward to the boss encounters each week with different modifiers . It was unique that instead of a 6 man Fireteam you had 3 teammates which made it a more tight knit challenge . Trials & Iron Banner both modes are yr 1 PVP events that have since been given yr 2 updates . I feel as though POE should receive the same treatment . Since 40 is the max level POE could be updated to start at 240, 280, 300 , then 310 . With either all new bosses or updated modifiers and challenges . I hope you all agree that POE needs to continue if not leave your comments below as to why not .
Edited by BearsMaulThings: 10/24/2015 1:38:43 AMWaste of time, badly implemented arena mode.