Why is it everyone always says that if someone makes a love story about me, the love dies in the end and I become who I am today
Dunno. Sorry, Shaxx. It's a common assumption with you badass characters. You were in the Battle at the Twilight Gap, and you're a Titan, that itself explains your badass attitude. You were also trained under Lord Saladin, another factor.
Ya, but still, I've had a crappy life, but nothing like that's happened
*shrug* can't change how people think, Shaxx. Sorry.
Awwww, my hopes have been crushed
Didn't know anything about you could even BE crushed XD JK, Shaxx.
I have a soft-ish(not really) side
I KNEW IT!!!!! :D
No one else heard that right?
My Ghost did... 030
Crap baskets, in going to need to confiscate that ghost now.....