Dear Bungie,
Can you respond to this Kotaku article?
I love your games. You all have set the standards for Science Fiction video games forever.
That being said, we are all aware of the massive hype train that was 2013-2014 Destiny pre-release. I think you guys were on the right path for making the greatest game franchise there ever was. And you got half of the goal right -- beautiful gameplay and graphics, catchy tunes, and a prototype social somewhat-open-world to keep you engaged while you play.
The last half was missing as we all know already, the story, that which keeps you thinking about the game once you step away from the controller, past the next loot drop, and what lore’s you to come back and replay content. There was none, and even with the few cinematics from the Taken King, there are still MANY questions left unanswered and context not provided for in the game.
After reading the Kotaku article, the worst fears from us Bungie fanboys have been revealed to be true after all.
I ask, would it be that hard for that cinematic story in which Joe Staten and his team created be released as its own alternate universe movie, animated film, or standalone title. Or simply take the cinematics you had, and release it as one big update before Destiny 2 comes out, and build the story off from there, maybe explain away this alternate reality with mythical Vex powers if you have to.
I think you would do all the hard work your men and women slaved over for those years justice by doing something along these lines. And please, do it for your fans. Stop abusing their wallets, trust, and hope for a brighter Destiny.
A fellow Guardian
Something being cut is not the same as something that isn't ready. Nevertheless, I'm over it. The game is fun so I play. I don't care what changed or disrupted development two years ago. What's done is done.