originally posted in:Destiny Reset
Afternoon All.
Im having trouble finding people in my timezone, to play with. I love the DRP family and most of you guys are in the US timezone.
If any of you are in the UK are near my timezone let me know. It would be nice to get a little group together, to get more involved.
Hey all,haven't run the raid much and wanna start running it more often especially now challenge mode is out,but a lot of the drp fam are in the U.S so it's difficult to run with them,just wondering if anyone fancies putting a team together to run raids more regularly,I'm usually on from 10pm gmt.
Hey guys, thanks for all the feedback. Ive not been on destiny much due to fallout. Im sure you can all understand. If you would like to add me all on xbox GT Mr Banterbear Message your from the derp family and i will happily add you back. any problems let me know
Hey guys I'm in the U.K as well. If anyone wants to add me on Xbox 1 I'd be happy to play with you if I'm on
UK player, also DRP. Play in the evenings a couple of times a week. Add me if you like, happy to help with raids/nf/dailies.... Gt is same as above...
UK player here mainly plays evenings most nights especially weekends for trials.
Use the100.io website. It has groups you can join depending on your timezones and also public games listed that anyone can join. You can search for games that aren't full or search for specific activities. If you can't find what you want, host your own game and let others join that.
already tried this myself. just made the game die quicker, cause too many nnobs being to bad at the raid
If you're PS4 search FB for UK/Ireland PS4 Destiny Team Finder. Some good lads and lasses there and 150+ members.
I'm from Wales, add me if your on xbox one!
yeah uk player. SK Zac
Ftw sappy84 xb1 Anyone adding me send me a message too
Console? Times online? Etc etc.
Edited by Gareth: 10/29/2015 8:38:48 PMHey there all the guys I run with are from the. U.K. All a decent bunch of lads we take the piss but it's all a bit of fun my Xbox one gt I'd GAZWJ add me up I'm working strange shifts at the mine but all resumes to normality in a couple of weeks Edit: sorry about bad spelling it'd fat thumb small buttons on phone syndrome
Im from uk add me on xbox one if yous want
Join our clan your welcome bud we need more brits
Check us out! Most of us are from the UK! We play daily and help everyone out if someone needs help! We're friends and we welcome anybody who is respectful and mature!
Try th100.io - I've had a lot of success since I joined.
Catseyez (I think is the spelling) is in the UK
Hey buddy your welcome to add me I'm in the uk gt is the same,I'm on from around 9.30pm till early hours every day,if you ever need a hand with anything just jump in.
Hey I'm normal on from 7 most nights. Gt grant171
You can add me dude. I'm in the uk and in DRP. I play most nights between 9 and 12. GT same as above.