I was convinced 2 give anime a try. I don't watch anime because it seems to be very soap opera-ish/raunchy .. with that said, what do you suggest? Only thing i can say is I enjoy a well written story.
Update: started watching death note... way better than expected.
Gurren Lagan - Giant mechs, but with a hint of the impossible odds [spoiler]BRO-RO-FIGHT-THE-POWAH!!!![/spoiler] Full Metal Alchemist - Science with a twist and overall feels and badassery [spoiler]It is a horrible day for rain.[/spoiler] Soul Eater - something to just watch and get pumped too [spoiler]Can you handle us? So cool and scandelous.[/spoiler] Akame ga kill - so much death [spoiler]Assasination, death, and somewhat deathly consequences.[/spoiler] Kill la kill - be warned this one is classic Japanese with a bit more hints towards nudity. [spoiler]NUDIST BEACH!!!!!!![/spoiler]