So I consider myself to be a fairly observant person. Furthermore, I check pretty regularly. I have noticed on the main page, Bungie likes to choose a player to display on their main page under a title which they call "Player Focus", where you also have the option of searching for your own Legend.
Shes My Nerd has now been spotlighted for a good two weeks. I'm not sure exactly how Bungie chooses this method of who to spotlight (and for how long), considering when I compare my stats with whomever is spotlighted, I usually surpass them in multiple categories statistically. I can almost say with certainty that it is not random, because I know I have also seen TripleWreck featured under Player Focus before, and Deej has played with/mentioned him a few times before. Perhaps I am bitter, or maybe my OCD just won't allow me to ignore this until another player is chosen - I just wanted to see if anyone else has noticed this before, and if so, any thoughts?
i totally agree with you i mean i check this week one he havent even done any raid or p.o.e so why would we be interest in a player like that i think the should put players that have made it out there you know like this guy has a 11.97 avg kills in hes stats i have a 18+ avg and i have never been in a player focus