originally posted in:The Roleplay League
Alice sits in a nearby cave, watching as the hive now come to Venus to take the Vault.
[i] What would the hive want with the vault?[/i] She thinks, but knows the answer will not come.
She takes a step out of the cave and starts walking toward the battlefield.
[spoiler] Sorry man this is only open to people who were part of a previous thread. it states as much in the original threads spoiler.[/spoiler]
With a dejected sigh, Ginger grunts and follows the Warlock, still running despite his deficit. "Ugh... Damn floofy Warlocks and their fancy ass powers. I'll show him what a [i]real[/i] warrior can do." Picking up the pace, he begins to gain on the Warlock, though he's hampered when he looks back at the Hunter behind him.
Max slid out of caves and bumped into Ginger. "Oh ummm. By the way there's five Ultra Ogres coming our way." Max ran slid behind a rock. One ogre came out and blasted the rock into pieces. Max quickly went into Stormtrance, his eyes turning blue and his body pulsing with Arc energy. "Titan. I think it's hammer time! Hunter. Mind delivering the spice with a void tether?" Max said that as he blasted the beastly thing with Arc.
Ginger watched the spectacle, a little taken aback. Behind his helmet, he looked a little amused. Nevertheless, when he balled his fist, sparks of bright blue lightning courses down to his wrists. "I'm a Striker, and if you'd excuse me, I have a girl to impress."
[spoiler]Not in the quest so I'll just make my character leave.[/spoiler] "Oooh. A girl to impress? Show ya moves man." Max watched the striker do his magic. And themmn Max disappeared into thin air.
[spoiler]Its alright. We have room for one more[/spoiler] Ginger watches him disappear, "Hmm... What a queer fellow." He then proceeds to run away, back towards Alice.
Edited by Life Aegis: 10/25/2015 8:06:56 AM[i]Is that Alice? Where's Quinn and Tellio? Well isn't this just great. I bet this Titans gonna hit it off with her.[/i] Mean while I'm getting rejected by a leaf.
"Witches...Aren't...The Best..." Max teleports back in and falls to the ground. "Hi..I'm back. Ready to stop whatever's in that vault with ya!"
A little surprised by his return, Ginger soundlessly gestures towards the Throne of Glass and begins making his way over. [spoiler]See above post[/spoiler]
Max follows him. " Wonder what craziness I'm gonna get into this time."
Edited by MegaBeast42: 10/25/2015 1:19:39 AM[spoiler] Never mind this. [/spoiler]
Drakein the ahamkara watches... Waiting within A hidden door within the vault hoping the guardians don't come to slaughter him like the other members of his race, when he suddenly heard gunshots of guardians a bit away from the door, drake in uses the magic he has to turn invisible and at least try to hide, but he makes too much noise and fears he got the attention of the guardians.