originally posted in:The Roleplay League
"Sorry, english is not my first language." Shadow said. "By the way, what are you doing?"
"Standing here with my two friends, Tellio and Quinn-2." She says, indicating at the female Warlock then the male Titan. "We put a message up that we were looking for anyone who wants a duel, they come here, pick one of us to duel with, and we all get a good laugh."
Edited by Alpha: 10/25/2015 2:52:08 AM"Cool. Except that i'm not a fighter." Shadow said. "Ah, stupid influence."
"That's okay. You don't need to if you don't want to." She throws her arms wide. "Just enjoy!"
[i]"Besides, it's not an easy task not to kill you all permanently."[/i] Shadow said with Hive Language.
"Yeah, I think you know that from las-" Alice realises what she was just replying to. "Uhh, I mean, what are you saying?"
[i]"You know that my children seek to completely erase opponent."[/i] Shadow said.
"You mind speaking English, or maybe at least a little better in your grammar and punctuation?" Alice says with a smile.
[i]"Oh, okay."[/i] are you pleased now, Alice?" Shadow asked.
Alice looks over her shoulder at her friends, then whispers at Shadow. "I thought you told me you had that under control, what happened?"
"Oh, Alice. My children and my kinds are ontological parasite. We gave two choices those who dared to seek truth. Devour everything, or be devoured." Shadow whispered.
Edited by MegaBeast42: 10/26/2015 1:41:03 PM"Right, well..." Alice holds up her sword. "Wanna fight? I've learnt a bit since our last encounter."
"Alright then." Shadow said. Then he threw Vortex grenade, Scatter grenade, Axiom bolt in rapid succession.
Alice cuts them all in half as they fly through the air.
"Sword. How the hell.. never mind." Shadow said. He sighed and threw 6 Arc Bolt grenade.
Alice triple jumps into the air, landing on a plane wing, each Arc not sensing her location. She looks down at Shadow. "Try a Firebolt grenade. Those might hit me."
"Eh, Alice, dear little girl, i don't want to burn pretty face of yours." Shadow said with joking tone. "And also, hell's flame devour everything of their prey."
"...and dear old Hive guy, learn that what you think you have might be powerful, but anything you throw at me will be easily matched." Alice shrugs. "Unless you'd rather throw more grenades I'll dodge."
"Oh, Alice. I think we can be a nice friend regardless of sides we belong." Shadow said. "Let's dance, Children of Light." Darkness began to wrapped around Shadow and Alice.
Alice switches swords, then pulls out a Bolt-Caster. She spins, aiming towards the ground, the lightning storm cutting through the darkness that surrounds Alice. But the Darkness immediately comes back. Panic begins to rise in her, but she calms herself down, then aim at the last position she saw Shadow. Then she slings a lightning storm at him.
"Not a nice idea, Lady." Strange voice came out from the Darkness.
Alice shakes her head, then slams the Bolt-Caster into the ground at an angle. She then uncovers the Raze-Lighter, fighting against the swelling darkness. She pulls it out in a white knuckled hold, the darkness covering her vision, making everything darkness around her, and manages to push it into the ground at an opposite angle crossing the B.C. The darkness continues to dwell deeper around as she raises her hand to uncover the Dark-Drinker. As soon as the cover is off and void energy seeps out, the darkness retreats a little bit. She takes it out of the sheath, raises it high, and slams it in-between the opposing blades in the ground. As soon as it touches ground, a bright light sparks and quells the surrounding darkness. Alice throws her head back and laughs as she is safe inside her bubble of light with the darkness swirling around her. Alice does the 'Bring it On' emote. "Come and have a go..."
"Shard of Willbreaker, Hadium flakes purified with Light..Great, Great job, Oryx." Shadow said. "And also, don't think you are safe, Light. Hadium flakes reacts both Light and the Darkness." Then shadow formed the Darkness into shape of sword.
"Yeah, you are right." Alice says with a massive smirk. "It draws on the light... And repels the dark." The light throbs twice quickly, then explodes, sending both the Darkness and Shadow's Physical form flying.
"Wrong, Light." Shadow said. Then huge size of vortex created, sucked everything including Alice.
("...sucked everything..." That includes you, Shadow.) Alice grips all three swords, immediately sheathing the Raze-Lighter. She spins through the Air, getting dragged closer to the Vortex, then she strikes down, stabbing the Bolt-Caster into the hardened ground, making a makeshift support. Alice sees Shadow being dragged into the Vortex, just about to pass her. Then she reaches out with her Dark-Drinker, blunt side facing him. "Grab on!" She shouts over the roar of the Vortex "and shut that thing down or I'll shut it down for you!"