originally posted in:Savage Samurais
Clan Name: [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/699562]Savage Samurais[/url]
Platform: XBox One
[b][u]STEPS to JOIN the CLAN[/u][/b]:
1. [u]Join the Group[/u] [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/699562]Savage Samurais[/url]
2. [u]Read The Mission Statement[/u]
3. [u]Complete the Clan Initiation [/u]
[url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/699562]Click Here[/url]
334 hunter looking to run fresh speed raid msg for inv asap
Need one 325+ for Golgoroth cp on hard. Gt same as username.
Need four at warpriest 330+ experienced message on Xbox
Warpriest cp Need people who have done it b4 Need 5 and we are doing the challenge Must know how to kill the ads! I am light lvl 327 cuz i just got back on this game last week i already know how to do it! But please be above that light Send msg to jmartinez78 for inv
Warpriest cp Need people who have done it b4 Need 5 and we are doing the challenge Must know how to kill the ads! I am light lvl 327 cuz i just got back on this game last week i already know how to do it! But please be above that light Send msg to jmartinez78 for inv
334 warlock Looking warpriest challenge Inv please
Need team for Oryx
King fall. Oryx checkpoint. need 5. 335 titan. Message me for invite.
Need team for Oryx I'm at 335 Titan Message my GT Looking for quick run
Doing kings fall hard raid fresh or if any of you have totems that would be great! Btw just got back on this game for 4 months so i am 327 light You must have Done it before 327 light or above TOM for oryx We are doing the challenge Msg jmartinez78 for inv you better know what youbare doing
Need 4 more for a fresh run
Need 5 for oryx hard cp on xbox1 be expierenced know what to do trying to get it done i can handle my own. Be 325 above (gt:kswingle89)
Need 4 more for a fresh run
335 titan looking for fresh run Inv gt above
King fall. Oryx checkpoint. need 2. titan 335 titan. Message me for invite.
Lf four 325+ for fresh run on hard msg bmg721 for invite
Need 1 Oryx gt surfer steve68
335 hunter Looking for sisters Co Inv
Need one for oryx. GT same as above
335 Hunter looking to join a fresh King's Fall Raid... Invite KDent91
Need 1 for orxy Sweaty team message for invite
335 hunter Looking for fresh run Inv
3 needed for fresh run and like to do it fast so know your sh*t. Mss KFH Guip 023 for invite
Looking for one player 320+ for fresh run. Please message me.
Oryx cp Need 5 raid veterans inc 2 titans msg gt above for invites Let's get it done
Helping wife out : fresh run : need 5 challenges : gtsa: quick run : 40 _ 1hour