originally posted in:Savage Samurais
Clan Name: [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/699562]Savage Samurais[/url]
Platform: XBox One
[b][u]STEPS to JOIN the CLAN[/u][/b]:
1. [u]Join the Group[/u] [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/699562]Savage Samurais[/url]
2. [u]Read The Mission Statement[/u]
3. [u]Complete the Clan Initiation [/u]
[url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/699562]Click Here[/url]
Need more for fresh, message light and class.
Need 3 for golgoroth cp 315 + must have done it before msg in game x BLOWY x
335 Hunter and have a 332 Hunter so need 4 x 330+ inc. 2 x Titan Starting a Fresh Hard Raid inc. Challenge (adults only, must have a mic and have beaten Hard Oryx before). Send a msg for an invite on xbox using my gt above.
Need three for fresh run. 325 plus want a quick run. If done fast enough may run more then one. Must know golg challenge. Message KrypticKnight13 for inv
Need 5 for golgoroth cp 315 + must have done it before msg in game x BLOWY x
Need 5 for golgoroth cp 315 + must have done it before msg in game x BLOWY x
Lf five 320+ for fresh run msg bmg721 for invite
Need 1 titan for golgoroth cp 315 + must have done it before msg in game x BLOWY x
Need 1 titan for golgoroth cp 315 + must have done it before msg in game x BLOWY x
Need 1 at oryx
Need 4 expierenced/chill players for hard oryx gt same in xbox one. Know your roll just trying to get it done.
Need 3 for totems cp run 315 + must have done it before msg in game x BLOWY x
Edited by xATHEOSx: 5/24/2016 6:06:31 PM334 warlock Hosting fresh run. Message me with light and class.
Need 5 for fresh run GT: Tichoss
Need 5 at oryx cp msg for inv 300 + and experienced cheers
I'm a 335 hunter need 5 ppl for fresh preferably 2 Titans first and must be 330+ and experienced
334 Titan looking for fresh run GT: Tichoss
Need 2 for golg
Fresh run fast No amateurs Don't die Message for invite
Fresh run fast No amateurs Don't die Message for invite
Need 2 for fresh hard raid..325+ n mic
LF 5 for quick run 330+ light Msg GT - By Skeptical
Need 3 for totems cp Send message for inv Must have experience
Need 5 310+ for hard Gt same
Need 4 for fresh run hard mode 330+ let's make it a quick run and done baby let's get it :)
Lf 4 330+ guardians for fresh start kings fall hard mode. Must have mic and no squeakers. The weirder the better. Message GT Mr SmoothDangle with class and lvl for invite