Yes you! Sisterhood of Guardians is recruiting new members, whether you have been around since launch or are new to Destiny. We are a clan that puts our differences aside and joins together to fight the darkness. Every single guardian is willing to help. We have members from all platforms, xbox 360, ps3, ps4, and xbox one, so you are always going to find a friend to join you in game. Our only rules include 1.) You must be female and 2.) Must respect everyone within the clan. Hope to see you in game guardian!
Looking to join a new clan. The one i joined was created for achievements only and has since been a waste. Need to add friends on my account, 17 currently. I play Destiny alot and dont mind helping people as long as the favor is returned. I know all about the Raid mechanics. Not much of a crucible player but do participate. Invite me on xbox one, all gaurdians are atleast 300 light level and i have all current unlockable exotics