So, what is the correct one? People are using both, which side are you on?
EDIT: I was thinking.. LMG --> Legendary Machine Gun? Hmm? Think about that.. (Nah)
EDIT2: Some lively debates are taking place, but what are [u]your[/u] thoughts? 45 replies and going strong!
EDIT3: Aaaaand we're trending! Keep the discussion going and maybe we'll get to a conclusion
EDIT4: I think we can safely say the [u]heavy[/u] weapon slot contains [u]light[/u] machine guns. Still alot of people choose to say HMG tho
An lmg is something that you can run around with, and in this game uses purple ammo drops. A great example of a hmg for people that don't understand complex answers but understand destiny, would be one of the turrets from destiny. They can be found in some strikes, missions, and in the crucible game mode combined arms(although I'm not sure it's even in rotation anymore).