Max looks at Alice. "Tell me then. Why are you making ne fight Tellio for your forgiveness. You know what. I don't care. Max walks up to Tellio. He puts a hand on his shoulder. "Listen..I may not [b]like[/b] like you, but your nice, kind, and sweet. We can be great friends. Whenever you need me where ever. Just gimme a call." Max looked back at Alice. "You barely know me. I barely know you. Let's change that. I am Max Deer. All my life I've been rejected by EVERYSINGLE person I've met so far. Now...I've been searching for The Enforcer. He made me. He calls me The Conduit. He said one day I'll be his ultimate weapon. I realized what that meant."
Max looked up and saw 20 Ketches fly over him. "Listen. If any of you want to come with me to stop whatever's happening, come now. If not. Goodbye. All of this WILL be remembered. But lnow this.
[spoiler]Only the Student can stop The Master.[/spoiler] And Alice. Friend or foe.....Good luck.
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