Post the word "engram", followed by a color (white, green, blue, purple, yellow) and I will tell you what you get!
Disclaimer - it could be anything.
The Cryptard is busy and currently restocking his items. Will return later.
We now have an army of Cryptarchs... Hahaha! Suck it Oprah!
[b]now recruiting Cryptard apprentices[/b]
How to apply -
1.) you must be literally.. Really dumb.
2.) you have to know how to give people what they truly need, rather than what they want.
3.) you have to be active in the forums
4.) you have to have a Cryptard emblem
[b]if you meet these requirements, feel free to help give out engrams to those who desperately need them. [/b]
Engram-purple [spoiler]hope I get an exotic[/spoiler]
Engram - White
Edited by anything4views: 10/27/2015 2:12:03 AMEngram- Red White and Blue
Engram- White
Engram purple
Green engram (could be orange but I'm too colorblind to tell the difference...)
Green engram
Salty engram
Descriptive Engram
Engram black
Engram White [spoiler]pls b0ss[/spoiler]
Engram blue
Engram: Class Item Blue
Engram: green primary
Edited by Retard: 10/26/2015 9:37:54 PMEngram: Yellow - Primary
Engram (red)
Yellow primary
Engram white
Engram, rainbow
Engram green
Am I doing good master?
Edited by RamsNation01: 10/25/2015 11:42:01 PMAlso think the cryptard has muted more people he has responded to.
I read this in your voice.
Engram ammarillo