[b]Of Heroes Mad[/b]
[i]Cyprus Base, Exalin Remnants[/i]
Eric had stowed the "night" away in a storage closet, cloaked and wrapped in a stolen jacket for warmth (which too, was cloaked). What had happened with Jupiter had bothered him, but what had happened with Elënt was even worse... Or was it? Eric's theory about the chip had been confirmed; whatever came out of that chip seemed to fit all the pre-existing information he could find on the being. Continuously, he wondered if he was supposed to free Ginger's mind, or just let him spend penance for eternity. Perhaps that was what Ginger needed: rest after the long fight.
"Close enough, I suppose. Decades of warfare exerts a toll on even the finest of minds.
Eric bolted up, accidentally knocking down a mop as he does so. [i]How the hell did he find me?[/i], he thought.
"I can detect your brainwaves, very impressive ones, by the way, as a part of your armor. When you were sleeping, I transferred myself from the base, into a chip in your arm. Oh, and don't remove the chip; that's actually connected to your HUD."
Instead of saying anything out loud, Eric thought out a little response.
[i]How did you survive? Didn't you commit suicide on that planet?[/i]
"Oh, that wasn't me. It was inspired by a tactic I used during the Sol Conflicts, but I was far, far away at the time. As I am now. As [i]you[/i] are now. You're currently stranded in the center of an enemy base, with nothing but light years of space surrounding you. Hallowed space, I must add. What do you plan on doing with us next?"
That took Eric by surprise. He had expected Ginger to have a plan... But he supposed that after a decade of sleep, he would be a little groggy. Or maybe just insane.
[i]I... I think I have a plan. Here's what...[/i]
Eric took ginger and cut her throat.
Oh noes! *is deded