[b]Stuck Between a Rock and a Hard Place[/b]
[b]Cyprus Cruiser[/b]
[i]Jupiter slowly wakes, 8 AM
She sighs, could she ever sleep in?
Sitting up slowly, popping her back as she does so, and stands
Changing out of her attire, she showers, and redresses
The light in her room was still out, that man broke it last night
She straps her pistol to her thigh, sliding a few more rounds in to compensate for the ones she lost last night
What she didn't know, well, remember, was of that man, Eric?
After the whole thing of him shooting shelves, and the shelves landing on them both
Amnesia, she lost all memory of that whole ordeal, and her mind made up a different version of it
She sighs, walking out of her room, and heading down the hall
Hopefully, nothing else strange would happen...[/i]
[b]A mysterious object is alight in the distance of space, it is faint but resembles a... Ship... It's coming towards the Exalin at high speeds[/b]
I'm lying face down on the floor, not breathing, slightly twitching
[b]a man wearing strange armor standing at around 6'5 walks by[/b]
[b]She watches him go by[/b]
[b]he glances at her as he walks by[/b]
[b]She snaps her head forward, and continues walking[/b]
[b]he continues walking[/b]
[b]She shivers slightly, something was off about him[/b]
[b]he drags his claws against the wall cutting deep into the wall and making a loud screeching sound [/b]
[b]She starts walking faster, trying to get away from the man[/b]
[b]a random crew member steps out of their quarters and is impaled by some sort of energy sword you've never seen before with the armored man holding the hilt of the sword[/b]
[b]By now, she starts running, trying to quickly get away[/b]
[b]he deactivated the lightsaber and he looks at you running and let's out a light synthesized chuckle then in a deep robotic voice says[/b] "Its always more fun when they run" [b]he slowly starts walking towards her with the hilt of the saber in his hand[/b]
[b]She runs faster, drawing her pistol just incase[/b]
[b]she starts to move faster until he is in a full on sprint[/b]
[b]She turns, firing off a few shots at him as she runs down the hall, and makes a sharp left[/b]
[b]he dodges the bullets and quickly starts to gain on her[/b]
[b]Once he rounds the corner, he finds that she isn't there[/b]
[b]he stands still[/b] "I can sense that you are nearby there is no point in hiding"
[b]She remains where she is, hiding in the vents above, as she slowly begins crawling through them[/b]
[b]his lightsaber cuts through the vent right in front of you[/b]
[b]She screams, halting in her escape[/b]
[b]he pulls the vent cover off a telekinetic like power(the force) and pulls you out of the vents with the same power[/b]
[b]She hangs there, in the air, straining to get free [/b]
[b]you start to feel pressure around your neck and the pressure slowly increases[/b]