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Edited by Wolvers: 1/29/2013 9:20:08 AM

[Novel] True Sangheili (Part 39 available!) ~ 18 December

SCHOLAR, SOLDIER, HERETIC... SAVIOUR. At first, the life of a warrior in the Covenant army seems a noble one. But are the motives behind the war with the humans as innocent as the Sangheili, Sorran, believes? An act of heresy unveils a conspiracy spanning thousands of years, which could bring about the total ruin of the Covenant. [i] True Sangheili[/i], from the fan fiction author of [url=]Halo 3: Insurrection[/url] and [url=]Memoirs of an ODST[/url]. [u] ==[b]CHAPTER LISTING[/b]==[/u] [b]Book I[/b] ([url=]PDF[/url]) [url=]Prologue + Chapter list[/url] [url=]Part One - Sorran[/url] [url=]Part Two - Warrior[/url] [url=]Part Three - Besieged[/url] [url=]Part Four - Into Custody[/url] [url=]Part Five - Interrogated[/url] [url=]Part Six - Assessment[/url] [url=]Part Seven - Covert Extraction[/url] [url=]Part Eight - To kill a Demon[/url] [url=]Part Nine - Immortal Repentance[/url] [url=]Part Ten - Insertion[/url] [url=]Part Eleven - To show mercy[/url] [url=]Part Twelve - Heresy, of the greatest kind[/url] [url=]Part Thirteen - Trial and Punishment[/url] [url=]Part Fourteen - Factions within Factions[/url] [url=]Part Fifteen - The Truth[/url] [b]Book II[/b] [url=]Part Sixteen - Life goes on[/url] [url=]Part Seventeen - Things never go according to plan[/url] [url=]Part Eighteen - The sound of battle[/url] [url=]Part Nineteen - Old habits die hard[/url] [url=]Part Twenty - Cultural differences[/url] [url=]Part Twenty One - Personified Death[/url] [url=]Part Twenty Two - Breaking Point[/url] [url=]Part Twenty Three - Turnabout[/url] [url=]Part Twenty Four - Breaking free[/url] [url=]Part Twenty Five - Mutiny[/url] [url=]Part Twenty Six - Skirmishes, and Reflections[/url] [url=]Part Twenty Seven - Shrouded Heresy[/url] [url=]Part Twenty Eight - Signs and Portents[/url] [url=]Part Twenty Nine -Parted Reunion[/url] [url=]Part Thirty - Honour[/url] [url=]Part Thirty One - Visitations to the past[/url] [url=]Part Thirty Two - Loss concealed within victory[/url] [url=]Part Thirty Three - The best intentions[/url] [url=]Part Thirty Four -The Tower came crashing down.[/url] [url=]Part Thirty Five - Blood runs thick, brotherhood runs thicker.[/url] [url=]Part Thirty Six - For whom the bell tolls, for whom hell calls.[/url] [url=]Part Thirty Seven - Daggers in a cloak.[/url] [url=]Part Thirty Eight - Gods and their weapons.[/url] [url=]Part Thirty Nine - Trials of Delphi.[/url] [i]Next chapter ETA: Valve Time[/i] **** ***** ***** ****** ***** [b]Prologue[/b] [i]Edict of the Most High Prophet of Truth, 9th Age of Reclamation.[/i] By the authority of the noble Prophets of Truth, Regret, and Mercy. Henceforth, any and all battle worthy Sangheili are to be transferred from any idle posts in High Charity and/or upon any Covenant held world/ship into the active combat. Those amongst the excused are the Honour Guard, the Councillors, and the mentally ill, physically unfit, and the old. Female Sangheili are, as always, prohibited from taking part in any military action. Any Sangheili engaged in a guard post, other than the Honour Guard, will be replaced by the Jiralhanae until such a time as the High Council deems otherwise. Any Jiralhanae in question of where they now stand shall direct all enquiries to Tartarus, Chieftain of the Jirahanae. Failure to adhere to this edict will result in death. No exceptions. These are trying times, my brothers. The Human infidels persist in resisting the might of the Covenant. Rest assured, this 'war' as some are calling it, will be over soon -- to be forgotten and dismissed as an insignificant event in Covenant history. [Edited on 12.17.2012 5:35 PM PST]

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  • My, I are have bad, a grammar day. Good job... Wol' Verfrog'ee!!! ;)

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Rolling Flame [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Wolverfrog "Step aside, human. I have no quarrel with you," Ahkrin cautioned,[/quote] I'm going to guess that you have been playing Mass Effect recently.[/quote] Not recently, but it could always have been playing about on my sub-concious I suppose. :P

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Wolverfrog "Step aside, human. I have no quarrel with you," Ahkrin cautioned,[/quote] I'm going to guess that you have been playing Mass Effect recently.

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  • great work as always. i approve. -smiley elite-

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mr Evil 37 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] TheGreenAlloy That was fantastic, as always. Too bad we're in for another tedious wait.[/quote] Dude, seriously, just give him a break. He has more important going on in his life, as he has said many times, than giving you the next chapter of a piece of fan fiction.[/quote] It's not like I'm nagging. It was flatter.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ajw34307 [quote]It's a metaphor.[/quote] This. I'm surprised you didn't figure that one out, AC.[/quote]Still, I think it sounds weird. It's a stupid metaphor. Remember that English is not my first language, so there are still several sayings and metaphors that I don't know, don't understand or do understand but think they're just plain stupid. [Edited on 01.29.2011 7:48 AM PST]

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  • [quote][i]Oh, how I would love a Covenant fleet to arrive now.[/i][/quote] That line had me chuckling for a good few minutes. Excellent work on that chapter, Connor. You started this in '09? Wow, that time has just flown on by, glad to have been reading it from the start. I only spotted a single grammar error where you were trying to spell [i]"on"[/i] but instead put [i]"pn"[/i]. Otherwise you've improved hundred-fold with the whole grammar do-da, well done. :D * [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mr Evil 37 It's a metaphor.[/quote] This. I'm surprised you didn't figure that one out, AC.

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  • It's a metaphor.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Wolverfrog [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] AssaultCommand [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Wolverfrog There was a grill in the shaft up ahead, spilling out darkness from below. Ahkrin listened hard for a few moments, but heard no heart beat or any other signs alluding to life forms.[/quote]I've never heard of a shaft spilling out darkness...[/quote] It's not meant to be taken literally. The room the grill lead out to was dark.[/quote]Still, how could it "spill out" darkness?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] AssaultCommand [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Wolverfrog There was a grill in the shaft up ahead, spilling out darkness from below. Ahkrin listened hard for a few moments, but heard no heart beat or any other signs alluding to life forms.[/quote]I've never heard of a shaft spilling out darkness...[/quote] It's not meant to be taken literally. The room the grill lead out to was dark.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Wolverfrog There was a grill in the shaft up ahead, spilling out darkness from below. Ahkrin listened hard for a few moments, but heard no heart beat or any other signs alluding to life forms.[/quote]I've never heard of a shaft spilling out darkness...

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  • Totally worth the wait! Awesome job Wolverfrog!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] TheGreenAlloy That was fantastic, as always. Too bad we're in for another tedious wait.[/quote] Dude, seriously, just give him a break. He has more important going on in his life, as he has said many times, than giving you the next chapter of a piece of fan fiction.

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  • beauty with out the beast. once again a beautiful chapter wolver.

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  • That was fantastic, as always. Too bad we're in for another tedious wait.

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  • Ahkrin saw the ODST who had been tasked with guarding the prisoners whilst the others posted along the hallway frown, as he saw the ends of several pistols glimmer in the florescent lights embedded in the ceiling, striding forward a little. Ahkrin grabbed the man silently, pressing the carotid arteries in the man's neck firmly. He struggled for a few seconds, before lulling into unconsciousness. After a few more moments, his breathing ground to a halt: dead. Unfortunately, things began to deteriorate then. The man's final breath prompted the ODST posted at the far back to turn around in a remarkable display of attentiveness, and Ahkrin was forced to improvise or be killed. He grabbed the base of the corpse's neck, and hurled the man into the other ODST. To her, it must have seemed like a body had been propelled by some phantom spectre. The resounding crash of the heavy corpse crashing into the lighter female ODST drew the attention of the rest, and Ahkrin finally deactivated his active camouflage, flooding the little power he had to his shields before unsheathing his energy sword. "You're good, I never even suspected you were here," the trooper at the back praised, whilst his squad's rifles were aimed in a deadly position at Ahkrin's lightly shielded torso. A white band snaked across his shoulder, signifying leadership of some sort. "Not good enough to get us all, though. Throw your weapons down. " Ahkrin shrugged, throwing his blade to the ground and hoisting his hands up in the air. The leader nodded. "To kill you now would be too quick. You killed Kyle, as well as Mitch?" he asked, already knowing the answer. Again, Ahkrin shrugged. "Those were my friends, you split-jaw bastard. Another two to add to the list of good men your kind has killed. Well, we're not going to kill you now. That'd be too quick. Do you know what happens when you're spaced?" "For maybe thirty seconds, I'd be aware of what was happening to me. I'd feel my lungs expand due to the lack of external pressure. The water in my body would change to vapour and my eyes and mouth would essentially boil away. The nitrogen in my blood would form bubbles, inducing severe pain. Eventually, my internal organs would rupture. There is no other death quite like it. I have heard this description many times from humans and others such as you. If you haven't noticed, I am still here," Ahkrin replied tartly. [i]I can't believe I'm entrusting my life to Unggoy. Where is Zharn to watch my back when I need him?[/i] The ODST laughed, coldly. "Cute. You can talk smart all you want when you're floating in the vacuum; no one will hear you. Take him." Two of the ODSTs in the squad stepped forward to grab him, and Ahkrin reacted. "Now!" he barked in the Covenant tongue, his voice carrying to the Unggoy even as he dropped to the floor and rolled towards the humans, grabbing the hilt of his sword in an instinctive swipe. Bullets were fired in his direction too slow, missing him save for a few strays which glanced off his shields. The Unggoy retaliated with their own fire, then. Emerald missiles soared past, illuminating the terror and surprise behind the visors for a split second before the molecules in their bodies were ionised, vapourising the man and woman away excruciatingly. Ahkrin drove his sword into the man to his right, grabbing the leg of the other and breaking it. He collapsed to the floor, and was ended in an instant by the sharp crashing-down of Ahkrin's leg. A slight tremour of pain coursed through his body as the still-healing limb impacted against the forgiving metal of the armour. Ahkrin gritted through it, knowing the next few seconds were vital. He reached down to the plasma rifle from his side, bringing it up-- Not quick enough. He didn't need to see it, he knew he had failed as soon as he felt the crushing force of the bullets smash into his shield, which quickly gave way. The rounds smashed into his left arm, sending him sprawling to the ground in an opposite direction to the fushia blood which flew from the wound. A pair of Unggoy attempted to fire back, but the sole surviving ODST, the one with a white band on his shoulder, was far better trained than the grunts and dodged the shots artfully, before taking out each of the armed Unggoy with short, controlled bursts. Others stretched in their gang-chain to pick the pistols up, and were similarly killed, falling ontop of each other in a messy pile. The rest shrank back. Ahkrin moved to fight back, but felt the heavy boot of the ODST crush down on his weak chest. The ODST said nothing as he raised the SMG, aiming it at the Sangheili's head. He began to squeeze the trigger. The rounds missed completely. A hulking blur crashed into the ODST with the might of a raging Sharquoi, hurling him across the hallway. The human's arms flailed, almost comically, letting loose bullets all over the room. Ahkrin found himself sheltered from the soaring rounds by the indistinguishable blur, until finally the noise stopped, met with the final, sharp note of a man's neck cracking. The cover drew away from Ahkrin, standing up and becoming a fully formed figure. "Are you well?" Orpheus asked with concern, reaching down to pick Ahkrin up from the ground. His left arm bled, but nothing was serious. Ahkrin nodded. "Yes. How did you get free?" "Two Unggoy with pistols burnt away my bonds when they realised I was awake and that they lacked the skill to hit the ODST, before being killed themselves. Their sacrifices shall be remembered," the Jiralhanae answered, a solemn expression crossing his face. "That was my fault. I should have been cleaner," Ahkrin cursed, striking at the ground with his foot. Orpheus sighed, staring at the small heap of Unggoy bodies. Most remained alive, but some had died. "There were six of them, Ahkrin. The ODSTs are humanity's elite. You did well against such odds, especially since I see you are looking a little worse for wear. Can you walk?" Ahkrin tested it, and found he could... barely. "Yes," the Sangheili answered, struggling to let the next few words escape from the prison of preconceptions they had been trapped in. "... thank you, for saving me. You risked your life when you could have let me die. Gods know I deserve it, the way I've treated you." "Think nothing of it. You were doing the same for me, after all." "Uh... right," Ahkrin replied. [i]I doubt he'll take kindly to me telling him my only concern was the Unggoy.[/i] Orpheus grinned. "Well, we're free. The mutiny still rages throughout this expansive ship, I believe. Now would be an excellent time to free Zharn and as many of our brethren as we can. Are we in consensus?" "Sure," Ahkrin answered, wincing as he bent down to pick up his plasma rifle. He stole a look at the ODST leader, nodding in respect. The man had been a good soldier, although mutinous. "He should be with Admiral Cole, in the bridge. It's going to be a tough fight." "By the grace of the Forerunners, we shall triumph over adversity. Can I count on you to watch my back as I will watch yours?" Ahkrin studied the knowing expression the Jiralhanae wore. [i]He doesn't miss a trick.[/i] With meaning, Ahkrin stuck out a hand to greet the large paw of Orpheus. "As if you were Sangheili," Ahkrin promised. He turned to the Unggoy. "I am sorry for your fellows who perished. We shall avenge them. Those who aren't injured, grab whatever weapons you can find and follow the Jiralhanae and I. Listen well, and you may live." The Unggoy snapped to obedience, as they always did, scooping up human weapons and the few plasma pistols scattered on the floor. Those who didn't armed themselves with pipes ripped from the walls, torn by the heavy gunfire. Ahkrin stared down the long corridor towards the staircase which would take them up a level, closer to the bridge. The road ahead was long, and even with the mutiny would be arduous. [i]Oh, how I would love a Covenant fleet to arrive now.[/i]

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  • * * * * * * * * * * * * Ahkrin crawled through the ventilation duct, the scabs etched into his skin creaking and threatening to split as he moved along. Prior to entering the shaft he'd made sure to inject himself with some painkillers from the medical bay; effective, but he found that they had dulled his wits ever so slightly. Still, he was more than a match for most humans he would encounter, even in his drug-laced state. [i]"We need to get you to safety, Admiral,"[/i] a crackly voice spoke over the supposedly 'secure' radio frequency Ahkrin had tapped into. The uncomfortable human earpiece sat loosely in his ear, but worked. [i]"This is my ship! I will not run away like a frightened child. Are the other ships moving in?[/i]" [i]"Yes, sir."[/i] [i]"Good. Now let's get this lynch mob subdued, and collect the Ultra from my quarters. Guard him, we need him alive. What the hell are those idiots thinking?[/i]" The voices over the frequency went silent, and after a moment's pause Ahkrin started moving along once again. If the other human ships were moving in for crowd control, then he wouldn't have long to escape with Zharn, who was seemingly pn the bridge. The situation had exploded out of control. A few in the military where orchestrating the coup but most of the mutineers were civilians, evacuated from the planet's surface. They obviously weren't happy with the people who had killed their families and friends only days ago being treated as esteemed prisoners of war. Ahkrin could understand their point, but didn't really care. Mutinying or not, they were all the enemy. Ahkrin's first move after locating Zharn would be to hunt down Cole and sink a blade into his infernal throat. And if they had killed his friend, then the heathens would be embarking on their own heretical version of the Journey very swiftly. There was a grill in the shaft up ahead, spilling out darkness from below. Ahkrin listened hard for a few moments, but heard no heart beat or any other signs alluding to life forms. He ripped the steel bars open, inwardly laughing at the simple alloy the humans adored, before dropping down. His hospital gown fluttered around as he struck the ground with his feet, reminded him that not only did he need to find Zharn, but that he needed to find them armour too. Ahkrin suspected that their flight from the [i]Everest[/i] would include a heavy impact. Ahkrin acquired his bearings, noting the brooms and mops positioned disparately about the room. It seemed he was in a closet of some sort. In a flash of inspiration, the Sangheili grabbed the shaft of a wooden broom and snapped it in two, making sure that the tip of one side was tapered sufficiently. [i]An assassin always craves a silent weapon,[/i] Ahkrin mused, jamming the broken stick into the tight gap between his belt and abdomen. It wasn't exactly comfortable, but would have to do. Without all the usual technology and implements he had grown used to since first serving in the army of the Covenant, Ahkrin felt strangely naked. He would have to make sure to be careful; a round that would normally be easily deflected by personal shielding could kill. And the human weapons also holstered at his side were prone to ridiculous recoil. Indeed, this escapade would require far more finesse. Ahkrin sidled up to the door and it automatically slid open with a hydraulic hiss. The Sangheili stepped out into the corridor, relieved to find it empty-- "Well, what do we have here?" a voice mockingly taunted from behind him. Ahkrin turned slowly to see a marine step out from a doorway, holding a pistol confidently. "Step aside, human. I have no quarrel with you," Ahkrin cautioned, noting that the man was young and no doubt acting on foolish bravado. "Well, I do seeing as how our two peoples are at war, but I would rather not waste what little energy I have on killing mindless sheep." The marine sneered. "That's fine; you just stay quiet and friendly while I take you back into custody--" The man's speech died in a torrent of blood streaming from his neck, a wooden makeshift spear impaling it like a harpoon would. Ahkrin strode forward, grasping the end and lazily kicking the human away from it. His corpse slid off smoothly, landing with a gentle thud. "Rest easy," Ahkrin murmured, closing the man's utterly surprised eyes even as crimson continued to trickle from the hole in his neck. Ahkrin jammed the blood stained sharp stick back into his belt, taking one last glance at the body before moving swiftly onwards, ascending a flight of stairs adorned by a sign which read 'Holding cells.' Hopefully he would find his armour waiting for him there. * * * [i]Oh, for the love of all things sacred,[/i] Ahkrin cursed as he watched the procession before him from the safety of shadows. A hoard of Unggoy were being shepherded along by armed humans, and they dragging along a large, sickeningly familiar figure. [i]Orpheus.[/i] The Jiralhanae was unconscious, and was giving the poor Unggoy forced to drag him a hard time. The group marched past Ahkrin without spotting him, thanks to the active camouflage in his newly recovered armour. The quartermaster of the ship had fixed a power coupling; a simple enough job, but one which saved Ahkrin valuable time nonetheless. As a way of thanks, Ahkrin had decided to let him live. He'd still have a mighty headache when he awoke, though. [i]This is the opportunity you've been waiting for, Ahkrin. Leave Orpheus behind, and let him be killed by the humans,[/i] the darker portion of Ahkrin's troubled mind spoke spitefully, and for a few moments Ahkrin considered the notion thoughtfully. But he couldn't let the Unggoy die. He'd have to save them all, unfortunately. Ahkrin sighed, stepping out of the shadows and stalking the oblivious humans. They were ODSTs, and checked back occasionally. Even if they had been looking closely, they would have seen only a faint shimmer, and none would have reason to suspect active camouflage with all the Covenant imprisoned and stripped of their armour. He grabbed the ODST tailing at the back quickly, extended his camouflage around the flailing form. Ahkrin waited until the group had moved on a little, before sharply and painlessly snapping the human's neck. It gave way easily, even with the armour. Ahkrin laid him to rest gently in the shadows, polarising his helmet black so the typical blue wouldn't glint in the darkness. "Kyle?" one of the others called out a few moments later as she realised that the man who had been behind them a few seconds before was missing. The others ground to a halt, telling the captive Unggoy too as well. "What is it?" a man asked, concern in his voice. "Kyle's missing," she answered, staring down at the apparently empty hallway, oblivious to Ahkrin's presence. The man paused for a second, before nodding. "Take point," he ordered the others, who stationed themselves along the hallway that had just walked down. Ahkrin, of course, was already behind them all, smiling slightly. He unclasped four plasma pistols from his belt, deftly weaving his way over to the stationary Unggoy, nervously watching the posted humans, who were completely unaware of his presence. He handed a plasma pistol to four Unggoy dressed in high-ranking armour, before speaking quietly in the Covenant tongue. "When I give the order, open fire upon the humans," he instructed them gently, and was relieved to hear little voices mutter voices of affirmation back, even though their tones were tinged with trepidation.

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  • Wow, this was started in late 2009 and now it's 2011. With any luck I'll complete it over the upcoming months. Hopefully this chapter will tide you over for a short while. Enjoy. [b]Part 25 - Mutiny[/b] [i]Crack! Crack! Crack![/i] The deafening sound of multiple ships weaving their way into the void, which humans termed as 'slipspace.' Sorran thought the human term ironic seeing as how when the human ships entered the void they did anything but slip; a giant hole was literally blasted through into the other realm. Sorran had always wondered how the void functioned. The Covenant said that it was a divine path left by the Forerunners for their worthy successors to follow, and that eventually it would lead them to the Great Journey. The void seemingly wasn't all that holy if the humans were allowed entrance to it, even if they had to smash their way in. The mystical explanation was probably another lie, now that Sorran thought about it, just as the Great Journey was. [i]And if there is a more realistic explanation for the void then I imagine that the humans understand it,[/i] Sorran thought bitterly, once again lamenting the ignorant imitation of the Covenant. Theirs had not been a natural advancement as nature had intended it; advanced technology had been thrust upon them. With races such as the Jiralhanae, Sorran suspected that this would prove to be a dangerous move. They had originally achieved space flight without the Covenant and had nuked themselves back to the industrial age. Now, even more destructive weapons were available to them. Where was the logic? All throughout the city of High Charity, billions had stopped their monotonous, ignorant lives long enough to stare at the reinforcement fleet leaving for Eridanus II, through the giant energy barriers that dotted the colossal station, keeping oxygen inside. The vibrations of the huge cruisers and destroyers leaving shook the ground beneath Sorran's feet, interrupting the gentle hum of the Forerunner Dreadnought. "Look at what you've done," Jajab's bitter voice chastised, as the elderly Unggoy shook his head. Sorran was sat in his room, staring out from his window down at the crowds below. It fascinated him to think that every one of the millions he could see had a life as deep and intricate as his own had once been. Before the revelation of the Great Journey, that is. Sorran reached down to pick up the pot of herbal tea Jajab had practically thrown on the table, pouring a small measure into a energy cup. The condensed light curved into the shape of a mug, trapping the liquid inside the glowing nimbus as it fell. Another work of magic from the Forerunners that known of them wanted to understand. "What's wrong now, Jajab?" he asked, taking another cup and pouring it for the Unggoy. Technically Jajab was the household servant in order to keep things proper, but Sorran knew that if he even dared to treat him as anything but an equal he'd pay dearly for it. "You've made the Minister come out of hiding and speak out against the Hierarchs! Have you any idea about the danger you've put him in?" "Jajab, assassins have been visiting on such a regular basis that it's considered unusual if one doesn't come each week. How much more danger could he be in?" Sorran laughed, taking a sip of his tea. Not even the grouchy old Unggoy could temper his mood today; the fleet had left and would with any luck soon rescue Zharn and Ahkrin. "No good shall come of this, Sangheili. I suppose you did this all to help your friends out?" Sorran was surprised that Jajab had seen straight to the core of the matter, and paused mid-sip of his tea. "Partially," he covered, smiling. "It's a good thing on the whole though, right?" "Is it?" Jajab asked, standing up and shaking his head. "Whatever has befallen our 'warriors' at Eridanus II, such an event has no doubt allowed countless innocent humans to evacuate. And the fleet will interrupt that, killing all the rest. After all you've seen do you really believe the hierarchs when they say the humans are all heretics?" And with those words all the breath left Sorran, and he collapsed backwards in his chair, thinking truly about what he had done. He had saved Ahkrin and Zharn and thousands of other Covenant soldiers through pressuring Restraint to stand up in the Council... would this mean the lives of hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of innocent human men, women and children? "I-- the Covenant would have sent them eventually anyway," he argued, feeling shaky. "I just quickened an inevitable process." "Maybe so," Jajab answered gravely, shaking his white-hair tinged diminutive head with a grim smile crossing his wrinkled face, his breaths through the methane mask long and solemn. "But that quickening could mean the blood of millions on your hands, Sorran." Sorran just sat there, trying to justify it in his mind. Zharn and Ahkrin were down there. This was war. Zharn and Ahkrin were down there. His fellow Sangheili needed him. Zharn and Ahkrin-- The Sangheili Honour Guard stood up, tears in his eyes as he stared at the last few ships entering slipspace, the culmination of his efforts. They would save thousands of his people, and his two dearest friends... but may kill many, many more. [i]What have I done?[/i] "Yes, perhaps you now realise. When you are done epiphanising, the Minister requires you in the study. I believe the matter regards the stray you picked up, Pel. It would be wise not to keep him waiting." * * * * * * * * * Warden Amanda Norikov was not having a very good day. She had been planning on spending the night with a bottle of cheap alcohol that had been distilled on the ship. Drinking on-duty wasn't allowed, but it was the middle of the night and the officers were all busy dealing with the evacuation planet-side. The Covenant prisoners were locked away tightly and she had enough subordinates to keep order amongst them. Besides, drinking was the only thing that drowned away the sorrows which had been plaguing her since Adam's death. Norikov had walked over to the beaker on the table, full of a clear liquid which from a distance looked just like water. The smell was clearly that of the cloying, bitter-sweet smell of spirits, though. Cheap spirits. She had begun to pour the first glass when the door at the end of the hallway opened. Hastily pouring the liquid down a nearby sink and hiding the beaker behind a file, Norikov had picked up her side-arm, moving towards the door. Probably another Covenant prisoner waiting to be thrown in the cellar. That train of thought had been killed when she saw the gun barrel pointed at her. Had she been ten years younger she might have been able to do something, but age and the depression of Adam's killing during the glassing of Chi-Ceti had slowed her down considerably. "Put the gun on the floor, Amanda," a familiar voice had told her, before stepping out of the shadows the dim light-bulb in the ceiling had cast. Norikov's face was a picture of puzzlement. "James? What are you--?" her words were cut off as the man she had considered a friend took advantage of her surprise, stepping forward and disarming her in the way only trained ODST could. She made a fist and swung at him, but James had better combat training and avoided it easily, before restraining her fully. He smiled at her warmly as he always did. "Relax, Mandy," he assured her as an entire squad of other men and women from James' troop jogged past. "We're not here to hurt you. It's those things we want." He pointed at the dozens of tiny Grunts huddled in their cages, staring up with terror at the approaching men. Norikov stared up at him. "Don't do this, James. You'll be hanged." "I doubt that, Mandy. All a tribunal will find is a sentimental old fool of an Admiral who treats these scum like real people." "We need them alive. If not, the Covenant will--" "Dammit Mandy, we're not going to bargain with those scum anymore. If we don't kill them now, they'll kill us. If that means sacrificing a few thousand stranded people too stupid to evacuate when we told them too in order to save the lives of more from these bastards, then so be it." Norikov shook her head as she watched James' men open the cell doors -- with her keys -- and escort the helpless Grunts out at gunpoint. "We've got a Brute here, sir!" one of James' men suddenly yelped, and every head in the room turned to face the tall silent figure standing in the shadows. James looked at Norikov quizzically. "Why's a Brute with these little bastards?" "He keeps them calm," Norikov answered. "Hasn't spoken a word since being thrown in there though." "Tranq him, then have the little fuc­kers drag him along. Escort them all to the airlock with the rest. I'll catch up with you after I've made sure Mandy won't cause us any trouble," James ordered, and frowned with scorn when he saw Norikov's eyes widen. "Relax, I'm just tying you up. Some people may have forgotten, but I remember just who we're fighting for."

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Axe11154 didn't we already have a fight like this on mirratord ?_? ya we did and I remember I started it lmao. But really wolver. It could work if you got the right people. Sure it would be a little weird but nothing ventured nothing gained. I have the emails all set all I need is the word and 20 machinama groups will get a message. all eager to make the next big thing. I wont send any one thing unless you give me the word Your story you power. [/quote]Make sure to use a spell and grammar checker on the emails before you send them. Although I don't think Wolverfrog will change his mind.

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  • didn't we already have a fight like this on mirratord ?_? ya we did and I remember I started it lmao. But really wolver. It could work if you got the right people. Sure it would be a little weird but nothing ventured nothing gained. I have the emails all set all I need is the word and 20 machinama groups will get a message. all eager to make the next big thing. I wont send any one thing unless you give me the word Your story you power. [Edited on 01.28.2011 1:30 PM PST]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Wolverfrog Elliott (Mr Evil) Ta.[/quote]... *smirks*

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  • Yeah, pretty much what Elliott (Mr Evil) said. I'm neck-deep in my GCSE exams at the moment, which are of course always the priority over this. Also, after two years of writing Halo fan fiction pretty much non-stop and finishing two, one the size of a bloody novel, I guess I need a little break from writing in the universe, which is why I've been dabbling in some original stuff. I'm not abandoning this and I'll still write it now when I'm in the right mood, so don't think it's being put on hold. I'm not about to stop writing a novel 150-odd pages in. Thanks for your patience. Oh, and I'm not a huge fan of machinima, by the way. Red vs Blue and a few others are great, but they're all comedy and fit perfectly into the medium. An adaptation of this or Insurrection wouldn't be good as a machinima. Ta.

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  • Bungie/343i/Microsoft would NEVER publish a piece of fan fiction, no matter how well written it was. They will not accept unsolicited manuscripts, just like many big publishers won't. It would cause way too many legal issues and is not officially produced material. And yeah, Connor has a lot of school work to do and does not currently have the inspiration to write Halo, so he is slowly working on a new original story which, obviously, he cannot post here. And while I'm sure a script written by him would be a great machinima script, it's the fact that machinima is rarely good quality, and serious, character-driven stories are extremely rare. The possibilities of machinima (despite Forge, the armoury and theatre) is still extremely limited and it rarely works outside of comedy. Just Connor's opinion (and mine).

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  • whhhhhyyyy? i read all 24 parts so fast :( we need more awesomesauce for our brains plz make some more, smiley elite approves.

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  • Yeah, CURSE YOU GREG BEAR! YOU RUINED AN AWESOME FAN-FIC! But really I'm surprised WF doesn't at least write a script for a Machinima. Yes he hates Machinima but everything he writes could be a great Machinima, especially with the Armory, he could create any character. BTW MOAR TRUE SANGHEILI! I CRAVE MORE OF HER!

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  • I'm guessing Wolvers has a ton of school work to do. He should bring either this or Memoirs to Bungie's attention, maybe he could get a publication. Shame about Insurrection though I believe that would break a lot of canon.

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