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Edited by Wolvers: 1/29/2013 9:20:08 AM

[Novel] True Sangheili (Part 39 available!) ~ 18 December

SCHOLAR, SOLDIER, HERETIC... SAVIOUR. At first, the life of a warrior in the Covenant army seems a noble one. But are the motives behind the war with the humans as innocent as the Sangheili, Sorran, believes? An act of heresy unveils a conspiracy spanning thousands of years, which could bring about the total ruin of the Covenant. [i] True Sangheili[/i], from the fan fiction author of [url=]Halo 3: Insurrection[/url] and [url=]Memoirs of an ODST[/url]. [u] ==[b]CHAPTER LISTING[/b]==[/u] [b]Book I[/b] ([url=]PDF[/url]) [url=]Prologue + Chapter list[/url] [url=]Part One - Sorran[/url] [url=]Part Two - Warrior[/url] [url=]Part Three - Besieged[/url] [url=]Part Four - Into Custody[/url] [url=]Part Five - Interrogated[/url] [url=]Part Six - Assessment[/url] [url=]Part Seven - Covert Extraction[/url] [url=]Part Eight - To kill a Demon[/url] [url=]Part Nine - Immortal Repentance[/url] [url=]Part Ten - Insertion[/url] [url=]Part Eleven - To show mercy[/url] [url=]Part Twelve - Heresy, of the greatest kind[/url] [url=]Part Thirteen - Trial and Punishment[/url] [url=]Part Fourteen - Factions within Factions[/url] [url=]Part Fifteen - The Truth[/url] [b]Book II[/b] [url=]Part Sixteen - Life goes on[/url] [url=]Part Seventeen - Things never go according to plan[/url] [url=]Part Eighteen - The sound of battle[/url] [url=]Part Nineteen - Old habits die hard[/url] [url=]Part Twenty - Cultural differences[/url] [url=]Part Twenty One - Personified Death[/url] [url=]Part Twenty Two - Breaking Point[/url] [url=]Part Twenty Three - Turnabout[/url] [url=]Part Twenty Four - Breaking free[/url] [url=]Part Twenty Five - Mutiny[/url] [url=]Part Twenty Six - Skirmishes, and Reflections[/url] [url=]Part Twenty Seven - Shrouded Heresy[/url] [url=]Part Twenty Eight - Signs and Portents[/url] [url=]Part Twenty Nine -Parted Reunion[/url] [url=]Part Thirty - Honour[/url] [url=]Part Thirty One - Visitations to the past[/url] [url=]Part Thirty Two - Loss concealed within victory[/url] [url=]Part Thirty Three - The best intentions[/url] [url=]Part Thirty Four -The Tower came crashing down.[/url] [url=]Part Thirty Five - Blood runs thick, brotherhood runs thicker.[/url] [url=]Part Thirty Six - For whom the bell tolls, for whom hell calls.[/url] [url=]Part Thirty Seven - Daggers in a cloak.[/url] [url=]Part Thirty Eight - Gods and their weapons.[/url] [url=]Part Thirty Nine - Trials of Delphi.[/url] [i]Next chapter ETA: Valve Time[/i] **** ***** ***** ****** ***** [b]Prologue[/b] [i]Edict of the Most High Prophet of Truth, 9th Age of Reclamation.[/i] By the authority of the noble Prophets of Truth, Regret, and Mercy. Henceforth, any and all battle worthy Sangheili are to be transferred from any idle posts in High Charity and/or upon any Covenant held world/ship into the active combat. Those amongst the excused are the Honour Guard, the Councillors, and the mentally ill, physically unfit, and the old. Female Sangheili are, as always, prohibited from taking part in any military action. Any Sangheili engaged in a guard post, other than the Honour Guard, will be replaced by the Jiralhanae until such a time as the High Council deems otherwise. Any Jiralhanae in question of where they now stand shall direct all enquiries to Tartarus, Chieftain of the Jirahanae. Failure to adhere to this edict will result in death. No exceptions. These are trying times, my brothers. The Human infidels persist in resisting the might of the Covenant. Rest assured, this 'war' as some are calling it, will be over soon -- to be forgotten and dismissed as an insignificant event in Covenant history. [Edited on 12.17.2012 5:35 PM PST]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Wolverfrog [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] me123456789 Great first section, I wonder if he will ever get to see Savara, Ahkrin or Zharn again. [/quote] And better yet, how will they react if he tells them of Restraint's revelation? Assuming he'll see them again, of course. >.> <.<[/quote]We will see them again.

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  • I'm really liking the whole Minor Prophet dislikes the Hierarchs thing. What he'll do after this huge revelation.... Well only time and five cups of tea can tell.

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  • AWESOME! I just read up to the fight with the assasin, amazing fight scene!!! I love this, keep it up! PS. The next part of Harvest is up, can you check it out?

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  • Pure, pure awesomeness.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] random no337 Gonna put up a PDF for this one too?[/quote] End of Section I doesn't mean the end of the story. It just means the next part will continue a short while in the future. The next part will be up soon.

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  • Gonna put up a PDF for this one too?

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  • (dramatic music starts)dun dun dun i hope sorran actually carries on trying to reveal this new found truth to a smal fraction of the covenant and then the prophet might be over thrown for the beginning of a new era in the covenant

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  • With all this writing going on, Wolver, you'll be releasing a book in no time.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] me123456789 Great first section, I wonder if he will ever get to see Savara, Ahkrin or Zharn again. [/quote] And better yet, how will they react if he tells them of Restraint's revelation? Assuming he'll see them again, of course. >.> <.<

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  • I love it! Nice tie-in with the title at the end, this has been very well done! 9.5/10 for this part, and I hope that it will continue!

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  • Great first section, I wonder if he will ever get to see Savara, Ahkrin or Zharn again. [Edited on 10.26.2009 6:41 PM PDT]

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  • Awesome! Great tie-in, I love it.

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  • Bravo another excellent part!

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  • I just read trial and punishment, it was awesome! I thought it was really cool how you included Tartarus, and the way Truth was enjoying torturing Sorran. I can't read the next part right now (GOD DAMN YOU HOME WORK!) but i will be sure to read it tonight. This is really great stuff man, and you have always been an awesome mentor :)

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  • "And what he told me that night shook me. Apparently, he, Truth, and Mercy, had spoken with the Oracle, within the Dreadnought." Sorran couldn't help but gasp. Never in living memory had the Oracle spoke, not since the Writ had been formed originally. "And the Oracle told them the truth. You have, no doubt wondered why our Covenant is so obsessed with destroying the humans? It is all because Truth is afraid. You see, Sorran, the humans are not infidels. They are our Gods. They are the Forerunner, those who were left behind." This was too much for the Sangheili to take. The wine glass he held tumbled to the ground, smashing into an infinite amount of shards. Restraint hardly took note, carrying on with his tale. "And yet still, my tale is not finished. After their ascendancy, the three new Hierarchs visited to Oracle once again, reconnected it, although had Huragok ready to disconnect it should the Oracle prove troublesome as it had last time. And this time, the Oracle told them the horrifying truth: there is not Great Journey. The Sacred Rings the Covenant has revered for aeons are not divine propellers to the heavens, they are weapons. If activated, Halo will rush through the stars indeed, as the Writ says, but is shall not place us on the Path. It will kill us every Sentient being in the galaxy. All this came from Regret's own foolish mouth, and I have since gathered evidence supporting his claims." There was a silence as Sorran digested this information. He then slowly shook his head, softly at first, then more aggressively. "No, it's not true. You lie!" the Sangheili accused, pointing a disrespectful finger at the solemn Minister, who shook his head. "What possible reason could I have to lie Sorran? I speak only the truth. It hurts, I know, I myself sat curled in a foetal position for hours after Regret had left my abode. But rest assured, I--" Restraint was then broken off as Sorran, in his blind rage, hefted his stave, and held it mere centimetres from the Minister's feeble heart. "Enough with your heresy! I should report you to the Ministry for this!" Sorran threatened, and Restraint showed no fear, merely hanging his head. "I have proof, if you would see it." the Minister said softly, and for some reason Sorran shook his head. Perhaps, deep down, he knew it to be true. But he didn't want to admit it, didn't want to admit his entire life, and upbringing, had been a lie. Still, when Restraint offered him documents, he took them. As he read, he became less and less certain. All of these words, damning evidence. Suddenly, every non-nonsensical thing he had ever questioned made perfect sense. This was no lie, it all fit too perfectly for that. And that's when it hit Sorran; Restraint was telling the truth. With a sob, Sorran let to documents fall to the ground in a heap, with him tumbling after them. He kneeled there for what seemed hours, weeping. He then felt a soft hand on his back, and looked up to see Restraint, wearing a sympathetic expression. "It is hard, isn't it? But you shall get through, even as I did. But three outside the Hierarchs know this truth, I, Hem, and now you." the Minister said, and Sorran frowned through his tears. "We must tell everyone of this." the Sangheili muttered, before Restraint snapped back at him. "Don't be a fool. Do you believe the Hierarchs to be oblivious to my knowledge? The very next day, Regret came around again, threatening to kill me should I ever reveal it. The three Hierarchs have long since tried to get me kicked off the High Council, but have been overruled by the Council in every attempt they make. Truth has been sending assassins around ever since, and whilst Hem has been able to fend them off long enough, he is growing old. You must now take up his mantle." Sorran still believed they should inform the rest of the Covenant. "I will tell the masses, you will not be implicate--" Sorran began, and Restrain cut in once again. "Do you honestly think that they would believe you, a mere Honour Guard? Truth, Regret and Mercy would merely deny your allegations, and then would have you, and most likely I, being your master, killed for high heresy. The Covenant is too brainwashed to accept such a revelation. We must merely keep the secret alive, so when the time comes, they can be told." the Minister said wisely, and Sorran finally understood Restraint's reasons. "I understand, Minister. May I retire for the night? I have much to ponder upon." Sorran asked, still weeping. Restraint softened, nodding. "Of course. Worry not Sorran, I have survived long enough with this truth. Indeed, it opens up a larger world, when you truly think about it. You shall not have to worry about another assassin for a while. Truth dares not hire more than one every two weeks, for fear of arousing too much suspicion. Good night Sorran. You are indeed a True Sangheili, to accept this with so much dignity." the Minister told Sorran. Sorran grunted. "Dignity? I feel ready to collapse onto the ground in a writhing mass..." the Honour Guard muttered as he stepped into the gravity lift. Restraint did not hear him. [i]My whole life has been a lie. Every single moment of it. However, every moment from now on shall be as true as can be.[/i] [b]END SECTION I[/b]

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  • ****************** "You are, I take it, familiar with the history of the Writ?" Restraint asked Sorran as the two sat before the roaring fire. The stench of blood from both Sorran and the felled Jackal, which now lay on the burning flames, was strong. "Of course. The Prophets discovered evidence of the Great Journey, and proposed an alliance between them and we, the Sangheili, in an effort to uncover this Journey." Sorran recited from memory, confused as to why the Minister would ask such a question. Restraint merely nodded gravely, drumming his tapered fingertips together. "And thus the Covenant was born, out of this promise of the Great Journey." the Prophet spat mockingly. Sorran leaned forward, concerned. "What is your point?" the Sangheili questioned bluntly, forgetting about the honorific suffix he usually would have used. Restraint instead decided to answer his question with a question. "How much do you believe in the promise of the Path, Honour Guard of mine?" This threw Sorran off. He wasn't entirely sure how to proceed. However, in the short time he had known Restraint, the Minister had never rebuked him for expressing his opinion. "I am no zealot, noble one, yet I, like all of the Covenant, believe in the Journey. How could I not?" Sorran replied, apprehension clear in his voice. Restraint merely sighed, shaking his head sadly. "I was afraid you would say that. It will make what I'm about to tell you even harder. Sorran; there is no Great Journey. It's all a lie." the Minister revealed, and Sorran could sense no trace of jest in the Prophet's voice. Even so, he broke out into a smile. "How very amusing noble one." Sorran said, an air of certainty about him. There was no doubt in his mind that the Prophet was lying. This didn't seem to be the response Restraint expected, for his face screwed up in annoyance. "This is no joke Sangheili, although I wish with all my heart that it was. All you have ever known, every history lesson, religious ceremony, everything. All of it a grand deception." the Minister snapped back, and Sorran blinked, realising the Prophet truly believed himself to be speaking the truth. The Sangheili was now worried; had the Jackal slipped some sort of Hallucinogen into the rich wine Restraint was now drinking? "Noble Minister, this night has been distressing for us all I think. Come, let us clear our minds of these heretical thoughts, and retire to our quarters." Sorran suggested, beginning to stand. An icy command from Restraint forced him to sit once again. "I told you you would not believe me, at first. But I offer no lies here. Perhaps if I explain fully, from the beginning, you will understand." Sorran was still worried about the Minister, and had half a mind to disobey Restraint's command and go fetch a healer to purge the poison that was so obviously flowing through the Prophet's veins as he spoke. However, there was just enough sincerity in Restraint's tones to keep him seated. He nodded for the Minister to continue. "Now you know doubt know that years ago, I was a High Hierarch, alongside the Prophet of Tolerance, and Prophetess of Obligation. Both of them are now dead. Now, Regret, Mercy, and the snake Truth have replaced as Hierarchs. No doubt you hold them in the highest opinion, brainwashed as you are. However, I shall tell you how they came to power." Now Sorran was truly intrigued. He had heard of Tolerance and Obligation's demise a few years ago, both apparently victims of a serial killer. Restraint then moved on with his tale. "I am on a list of those San 'Shyuum who are forbidden to partake in the reproduction process, as you may or may not know. There are so few of my race that such precautionary measures have to be taken, in order to keep our legacy pure of mind and body. However; I am ashamed to admit, I did not adhere to this law. I bed a female when I was Hierarch, and she fell pregnant with my offspring." This was something Sorran hadn't heard before. "I should have had the foetus terminated as soon as I knew. But I couldn't. It was my child, my legacy. And no matter how flawed it would be, I would cherish it." A noble sentiment indeed. "The birth date loomed ever closer, and I began to grow worried. Should word have leaked out that I sired a child, then no matter what position I held, I would be executed within the week. Nervous, I approached whom I thought to be a trustworthy friend; the Vice Minister of Tranquillity. You will know him better as Regret. I told him about the ill begotten child, and implored him to claim it as his own. He told me he would consider it." Restraint's gaze then grew dark. "Little did I know the poisonous snake would do what he decided to do. He went to the Minister of Fortitude, whom you know better as Truth, and informed him of my situation. Together, they hatched a plan together. Tranquillity began to drop subtle hints of what the two were planning, drunken braggart that he always was." "And then the demand came. Tranquillity delivered an ultimatum; either I, and my fellow Hierarchs step down, or he would reveal my darkest secret. I spent many a day conferring with Tolerance and Obligation. Good friends, we were, all of us, and they understood the danger I was in. And so, together, we stepped down from the seat of power. I watched as the bastards Fortitude, Tranquillity, and the Philologist, now Mercy, ascended up the arms of the Dreadnought." Some of this was common knowledge. It troubled Sorran, however, that the three leaders he had but a week ago revered and honoured were dishonourable cads. "But that, whilst horrible in itself, is not all. One night, in a drunken stupor, Regret appeared at my doorstep. He had the look of someone ready to boast about him. I tried to turn him away, but he commanded me to grant him access to my house. Indeed, he was sat in the very same chair you sit in now, Sorran."

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  • Well, here is the end of Section I. Sort of like when you read a long book and it splits it up into different 'books'. Like the bible. Anyway, enjoy. [b] Part Fifteen - Truth[/b] Sorran was roused from his fitful slumber as he heard a crash in the lower chambers. And this wasn't the 'I knocked a plate to the floor whilst preparing a meal' kind of crash. This was the clear smash of glass. The newly made Honour Guard rose from his floating bed; which was the most comfortable thing he had ever slept upon. Indeed, everything in the Minister of Restraint's quarters was lavish and expensive. Sorran thought back to the day's events as he shook his tiredness away, and gently lowered the ceremonial headpiece the Honour Guard wore onto his suddenly sweating crown. There had been no trouble in escaping the dungeons of High Charity. As Sorran had passed his flash-clone, he had felt a slight shudder. But he was safe, and in Restraint's quarters, as one of his two Honour Guard. That a Minister, especially one who used to be one of the Hierarchy, would have but two Honour Guards was incredibly strange. When Sorran had questioned the elderly Prophet about it over dinner, Restraint had ambiguously said that he trusted few, and that's why he still lived. The other Honour Guard, a rather elderly Sangheili by the name of Hem, had been with Restraint since the beginning. His family and Restraint's had long worked together, and the new generation had been no different. He had his own quarters in the High Charity upper district, and had retired there for the night, warning Sorran as he had left to 'be careful.' [i]Was this what Hem had meant when he said that?[/i] Sorran thought as he grabbed his Energy Stave from the wall. The Stave responded to his will, and sparked, bathing the dim room he slept in in a soft blue glow. Sorran had had so many questions for Restraint, but the Minister had merely smiled a crooked smile and had shaken his head, saying that Sorran would learn with time. Once Restraint was 100% sure of his motives. In other words, once Sorran was trusted by the Minister he served. There were further noises down below, and a sinking feeling rose in Sorran's gut. It could have been Jajab, the serving Unggoy, but Sorran doubted it. The small Unggoy, Restraint had informed Sorran, never awoke once he retired for the night. Indeed, it was a daily ritual for the Minister to have to rouse Jajab from his own slumber each dawn. Sorran secured the shoulder pads he wore, and pressed down on a panel by his door. The mechanical door fled into the frame it was set in, and the new Honour Guard walked out into the candle lit hallway. Sorran gave thought to waking Restraint, but decided against it. If some burglar [i]was[/i] in the house, then better it would be if the elderly Prophet remained asleep. Another bang below. Whoever it was obviously wasn't well versed in the art of stealth. Either that or the intruder wanted someone to come looking for him. Well, Sorran would be happy to oblige. The Honour Guard stepped into the gravity lift, and slowly fell down two stories, to the ground level. He looked around; no obvious signs of trouble. However, upon close examination of the door, he saw where metal had obviously been cut, and welded back together once whoever was intruding was inside. Interesting, whoever it was obviously knew the trade. Sorran moved into the dining chamber, looking around the dim room. No one in sight, bar the Huragok [i]Floats lower than most.[/i], who assisted Restraint with his hobby of examining Forerunner artefacts the Ministry had deemed useless. Just as he was about to leave though, Sorran saw something out of place. A stack of documents which had previously been in a neat pile were now askew, spread all over the table. One looked to have half the page missing. Sorran moved forward, and lifted up the light parchment. The ink was faded, and blotched in some places. The page seemed to be a series of notes and thoughts. The bottom ones seemed menial enough. However, half of the middle one was visible, where the page had been nearly torn. Still, it was nearly unreadable, bar a few fragments, such as what seemed to be 'Regret', 'Journey', 'False Writ.' How odd. As Sorran was still trying to make out the other words, he heard a rustle behind him. Ever so slight, as if a feather had been brushed amongst a pile of leaves, making the smallest of small sounds. Almost small enough to disregard. However, Sorran was suspicious enough to spin around suddenly... ...A good decision, as it became apparent when Sorran's moving stave crashed into a small, blue object. The Energy Stave's shields flickered slightly. Sorran's eyes widened as he saw what he had struck. A small plasma knife, a burning blue cutting through the sanguine night. The knife bounced of Sorran's stave, and the Honour Guard quickly jumped back, out of reach of any further attacks. He looked closely at the assailant. It seemed to be a Kig-Yar, garbed in tight robes the colour of the darkest of dark nights. The avian like creature had it's head covered by a hood, shrouding all but it's sharp beak in shadow. It screeched in it's native language. Sorran recognised it as a Kig-Yar curse word from their pirating days. For a few moments, the Sangheili Honour Guard and Kig-Yar Assassin circled each other wearily. A slight shimmering across the face of the Assassin informed Sorran that the Kig-Yar did indeed possess personal shielding. Sorran hadn't even known such technology existed. He wasn't allowed much respite however, for at that moment the Jackal brought out from it's person a crystalline pink whip, which hung limply at it's side. The seven shards which made up the whip crackled with power. It was all Sorran could do to dive out of the way before the whip flew in his direction. As it was, he got lucky, and instead the foremost shard of the whip embedded itself in an ancient bookcase. After a second, the shard exploded, shattering the bookcase and it's containments into a million shards. As the shards flew through the air, Sorran vaulted over the table, and delivered a strong blow with his stave to the startled Kig-Yar, who reeled backwards, before somehow managing to land on it's feet nimbly. It suddenly lashed out with the whip, and Sorran narrowly avoided the deadly string of shards, throwing himself to the floor. He brought his stave around in a low arc, knocking the Assassin's feet from underneath it. The Jackal collapsed to the ground with a thud, it's whip falling limply to the side. Before the creature could right itself, Sorran pounced on it, grabbing the Assassin around the neck. He lifted the frail Jackal into the air with a thick, vice like grip on it's small windpipe. With his other hand, Sorran threw back the Kig-Yar's hood, and staring at him were a pair of frantic, buggy eyes. The Assassin attempted desperately to break free of Sorran's grip, managing to bury one of it's throwing knives into the Honour Guard's side. Sorran persisted though, and kept a tight hold. The Jackal's face began to lose it's colour, eyeballs wide, mouth trying to draw air in which didn't have the chance to travel down to it's lungs. After a few more seconds, the Assassin went limp. A quick read of it's pulse told Sorran that he had perhaps gone a little too far. The Kig-Yar was dead. With disgust, he let the corpse fall to the floor. Sorran stood there, breathing deeply. He remained alert; for all he knew there could be several other Jackals in the house. After it became apparent that if there were any, then they had fled, the Honour Guard began to search the Jackal's corpse. He eventually found a scrap of parchment. Complex runes decorated the header. Sorran decoded them and saw what the parchment was: a hit list. And listed below, in ink the colour of Jackal blood, was a single name. Restraint. It was then that Sorran heard a noise behind him, and he spun, anticipating another brawl. Instead, he only saw the Minister of Restraint, wearing a satisfied grimace. Sorran noted with surprise that the Minister was supported by only a wooden cane, rather than the chair the Honour Guard had been led to believe was needed. "You have done well Sorran." Restraint croaked, nudging the Assassin gently with the edge of a boot. The Jackal rolled over, it's lifeless eyes staring into the ceiling above. Sorran frowned. "Well done? Was this your idea of a test?" the Sangheili asked, and he could hear the anger in his own voice. The Prophet reeled around, scowling. "Don't be a fool!" Restraint barked, and then, noting Sorran's sheepish expression, softened slightly, "this was no test." "Then what--?" Sorran began to question, stepping forward. He was cut off by Restraint. "This was an Assassin, and no inefficient one at that. This Kig-Yar bears the symbol of the [i]Shadow of Relic.[/i] Have you heard of them, Sorran?" Indeed he had, or at least he had heard the rumours. Effectively an Assassins cult, one of the most efficient and deadly there was. They took members of every species, although the Kig-Yar were the most predominant; they had a history of espionage and murder. Sorran merely nodded before asking his next question. "Why was one of the Relic attempting to kill you, noble one?" Sorran questioned of the Prophet, who sighed. "Dispose of this body, and meet me in the lounge. I shall reveal to you the truth. You won't like it, you won't believe it. But it is the truth." Restraint told him, and the Sangheili Honour Guard nodded slowly, frowning in confusion. Still, he had an order, and so hefted up the dead Assassin, and prepared to burn the body. [Edited on 11.16.2009 4:03 PM PST]

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  • NICE! I just read two parts, but im rly rly tired. I would read more :( But this is awesome man! You have characterized the three elites so well :D

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  • Again congratulations on more great storyline. Waiting for the next bit of genius.

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  • I just read the one with the old man, Wolver, that is truly deep. Sorran's deept thoughts, i don't know what to say. All i can is, I wish I could do that. PS. Can you check out part five of Rise of Harvest?

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  • Nice man! Just read part ten! I really like how you encorpirated the femal sangheili :D

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ajw34307 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] random no337 *Makes confused face*[/quote] The [i]Prophet of Restraint[/i] was a 'Hierarch', along with the [i]Prophet of Tolerance[/i] and the [i]Prophetess of Obligation[/i]. Restraint, and the other two Hierarchs, were overthrown by Truth's plan. Restraint's tenure was ended due to his involvement in a major -blam!- scandal. Great part, Wolvers. [/quote] Ah, thanks for clearing that up.

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  • I am very interested to see where this will lead to.

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  • "Prophetess?" [b]WORT[/b]?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] random no337 *Makes confused face*[/quote] The [i]Prophet of Restraint[/i] was a 'Hierarch', along with the [i]Prophet of Tolerance[/i] and the [i]Prophetess of Obligation[/i]. Restraint, and the other two Hierarchs, were overthrown by Truth's plan. Restraint's tenure was ended due to his involvement in a major -blam!- scandal. Great part, Wolvers.

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  • *Makes confused face*

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