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[Novel] True Sangheili (Part 39 available!) ~ 18 December

SCHOLAR, SOLDIER, HERETIC... SAVIOUR. At first, the life of a warrior in the Covenant army seems a noble one. But are the motives behind the war with the humans as innocent as the Sangheili, Sorran, believes? An act of heresy unveils a conspiracy spanning thousands of years, which could bring about the total ruin of the Covenant. [i] True Sangheili[/i], from the fan fiction author of [url=]Halo 3: Insurrection[/url] and [url=]Memoirs of an ODST[/url]. [u] ==[b]CHAPTER LISTING[/b]==[/u] [b]Book I[/b] ([url=]PDF[/url]) [url=]Prologue + Chapter list[/url] [url=]Part One - Sorran[/url] [url=]Part Two - Warrior[/url] [url=]Part Three - Besieged[/url] [url=]Part Four - Into Custody[/url] [url=]Part Five - Interrogated[/url] [url=]Part Six - Assessment[/url] [url=]Part Seven - Covert Extraction[/url] [url=]Part Eight - To kill a Demon[/url] [url=]Part Nine - Immortal Repentance[/url] [url=]Part Ten - Insertion[/url] [url=]Part Eleven - To show mercy[/url] [url=]Part Twelve - Heresy, of the greatest kind[/url] [url=]Part Thirteen - Trial and Punishment[/url] [url=]Part Fourteen - Factions within Factions[/url] [url=]Part Fifteen - The Truth[/url] [b]Book II[/b] [url=]Part Sixteen - Life goes on[/url] [url=]Part Seventeen - Things never go according to plan[/url] [url=]Part Eighteen - The sound of battle[/url] [url=]Part Nineteen - Old habits die hard[/url] [url=]Part Twenty - Cultural differences[/url] [url=]Part Twenty One - Personified Death[/url] [url=]Part Twenty Two - Breaking Point[/url] [url=]Part Twenty Three - Turnabout[/url] [url=]Part Twenty Four - Breaking free[/url] [url=]Part Twenty Five - Mutiny[/url] [url=]Part Twenty Six - Skirmishes, and Reflections[/url] [url=]Part Twenty Seven - Shrouded Heresy[/url] [url=]Part Twenty Eight - Signs and Portents[/url] [url=]Part Twenty Nine -Parted Reunion[/url] [url=]Part Thirty - Honour[/url] [url=]Part Thirty One - Visitations to the past[/url] [url=]Part Thirty Two - Loss concealed within victory[/url] [url=]Part Thirty Three - The best intentions[/url] [url=]Part Thirty Four -The Tower came crashing down.[/url] [url=]Part Thirty Five - Blood runs thick, brotherhood runs thicker.[/url] [url=]Part Thirty Six - For whom the bell tolls, for whom hell calls.[/url] [url=]Part Thirty Seven - Daggers in a cloak.[/url] [url=]Part Thirty Eight - Gods and their weapons.[/url] [url=]Part Thirty Nine - Trials of Delphi.[/url] [i]Next chapter ETA: Valve Time[/i] **** ***** ***** ****** ***** [b]Prologue[/b] [i]Edict of the Most High Prophet of Truth, 9th Age of Reclamation.[/i] By the authority of the noble Prophets of Truth, Regret, and Mercy. Henceforth, any and all battle worthy Sangheili are to be transferred from any idle posts in High Charity and/or upon any Covenant held world/ship into the active combat. Those amongst the excused are the Honour Guard, the Councillors, and the mentally ill, physically unfit, and the old. Female Sangheili are, as always, prohibited from taking part in any military action. Any Sangheili engaged in a guard post, other than the Honour Guard, will be replaced by the Jiralhanae until such a time as the High Council deems otherwise. Any Jiralhanae in question of where they now stand shall direct all enquiries to Tartarus, Chieftain of the Jirahanae. Failure to adhere to this edict will result in death. No exceptions. These are trying times, my brothers. The Human infidels persist in resisting the might of the Covenant. Rest assured, this 'war' as some are calling it, will be over soon -- to be forgotten and dismissed as an insignificant event in Covenant history. [Edited on 12.17.2012 5:35 PM PST]

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  • *Makes confused face*

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  • "Do you know why you are imprisoned here?" the Prophet suddenly questioned from Sorran's left, his voice containing a hint of mocking. Sorran thought for a moment, before replying. "I committed Heresy." the once Sangheili Minor spoke softly, hanging his head. The Prophet went behind him, as if sizing him up. "And do you truly believe you did?" the Minister asked, and Sorran frowned ever so slightly. [i]Do I?[/i] he thought to himself, clacking his two lower mandibles together in thought. He knew the answer, but would it be wise to say it in front of the Prophet? Then again, why not? He was already on death row, what more could the Covenant do to him. "Nay, I do not." Sorran replied, surprised to hear the anger in his voice. He heard the Prophet chuckle as if the Minister had won a small victory. "Wonderful. Truly wonderful. And tell me, Sorran, what is your opinion of the High Prophet Truth?" Sorran gave his opinion of Truth, in a colourful and disgraceful way which would have made even the most bashful of people flush in disbelief. As it was though, the Prophet facing Sorran merely smiled. It wasn't a cold, sly smile like Truth had worn; rather a warm, secretive one. "Indeed Sorran, indeed." the Minister stated ambiguously, still looking at the imprisoned Sangheili speculatively. Sorran began to get annoyed. "Do you have something of import to convey to me Minister or are you but wasting the precious time I have left?" the Sangheili Heretic snapped, but this seemed to please the Prophet even more. "Tell me Sorran; how would you wish to live again?" the Prophet asked, and Sorran's eyes snapped open. He turned to look at the Minister, who had a look of genuine curiosity upon his features. "I would wish nothing more, noble one." Sorran blurted out. The Minister nodded, drawing a scroll out from his person. "I have here with me a pardon from the High Council, to be used as I will. Truth and the other Hierarchs do not know about it." the Prophet informed Sorran, turning the scroll to face him. It seemed official, the parchment had the noble seals of all the greatest Councillors. Sorran couldn't speak for a moment, but managed to finally find his voice. "But...the Council voted to condemn me!" Sorran cried in protest, and the Minister grimaced, gesturing upwards in the general area of the Brute Warden standing outside. Sorran apologised softly, but without any real meaning. "Would it come as a huge surprise to you Sorran, when I tell you that the Council voted to spare you, by a three unto one margin? The bastard Truth masked this choice." the Prophet told Sorran slowly, and a few moments later the implications of these words fully struck Sorran. "I--he did?" the Sangheili asked, hurt evident in his voice. The nameless Minister nodded in sympathy. "I'm afraid so. However, I have had this decision overturned, although none must know of it. Not the Brutes, not Truth, not even your friends, Zharn and Ahkrin." the Prophet instructed Sorran gravely. "How do you know about those two?" Sorran asked, referring to the latter. The Minister chuckled. "We know a great deal about you Sorran. And I am willing to offer you a new life, and a place on my Honour Guard." [i]The Honour Guard.[/i] A noble position awarded to but the elite few amongst the Sangheili. But what did the Prophet mean by 'we'? "How will I escape here?" Sorran asked. He could not believe his own words. To think, he was conspiring to commit high heresy! The Prophet did not seem affected by this worry. "Oh, that is simple enough. Do you wish to come with me?" the Minister asked. After few foolish moments of hesitation, Sorran nodded sharply. The Minister drew out a device and clicked it once. Immediately, the energy manacles restraining Sorran deactivated, and Sorran fell to the cold flagstones below, bruising his knees. He looked up to see the Prophet smiling down at him, hand outstretched. Sorran grasped it, and pulled himself up. He looked around. "How are we to get past the Brute Warden up top?" Sorran asked, looking at the Minister, who merely held up the three fingers of his left hand. One dropped, and then another. [i]A countdown.[/i] The final finger fell. There was a great, startled cry of pain from high above, outside of the cell. That of a Brute's. Sorran looked at the Prophet, who nodded. "I believe that is the signal to leave. One of my Honour Guard awaits us with a set of armour for you. Come, let us move." the Minister commanded, already leaving the small circular base and heading up the stairs. Sorran ran after him. "Hold, will it not look suspicious when I am missing from my cell?" the Sangheili asked, holding up a sweating hand. The Prophet shook his head. "We have a dead clone of you Sorran; imperfect of course, but enough the fool the wardens into thinking you died overnight. It happens." said the Minister, and Sorran's jaw dropped, they'd prepared a clone? That took days. Surely they hadn't been able to take a DNA sample as soon as he arrived at High Charity. . . "A clone? Forgive my ignorance noble one, but I must question; who are you?" Sorran questioned, and the Prophet looked back. "Right now, I am the one saving your life. My name is Restraint."

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  • This should give you an inkling of where this series is going. Prepare to be confused! [b]Part 14 - Factions within factions...[/b] [i]Two hours later.[/i] Zharn eyed the serving Unggoy in the restaurant with a look of distaste. He eyed everyone with a look of distaste. Ahkrin shared his distemper, not even bothering to crack an Unggoy waiter joke, as was his usual ritual. "I failed him." Zharn spoke with an echoing sadness, gazing into the wall on the other side of the room. "He was my friend; my student, per se, and I failed him." "No. Zharn my friend, it was not your fault. Don't ever think that." Ahkrin assured. "What happened to Sorran was mere bad luck." Zharn shook his head, still not facing Ahkrin. "I feel like I should be doing something. Perhaps I should appeal to the Prophet of Truth on his behalf." the Ultra mused, and Ahkrin barked sharply. "Ha! You would soon join Sorran on death row Zharn, and you know it. We've done all that we can. We shall meet Sorran again, as we all embark on the Great Journey." Ahkrin informed Zharn wisely, his voice grave. Zharn sighed, and shook his head. "Even as the Writ says, "The weight of heresy shall stay one's feet." There will be no journey for Sorran." the Ultra cracked, cupping his head in his hand with no small sorrow. Ahkrin grimaced; was there nothing he could do to set his friend's mind at rest? "I don't believe that. Sorran is no heretic. You know that to be true Zharn." the Stealth Sangheili assured the Ultra, who nodded slowly. "Yes. . .yes, you are right, of course. What must we do now? I have no wish to view Sorran's execution; I just want to forget about all of this." Zharn told Ahkrin. There was a pause. "As do I brother. We shall leave High Charity by dawn I think, Sorran would not want us to see him disgraced as he will be. Both you and I should meet back up with the [i]Immortal Repentance[/i], inform those he acquainted himself with there of his fate. Then we shall head back down, and continue our campaign against the humans." Ahkrin suggested, and Zharn smiled sadly, before replying in turn. "I think not even a thousand human deaths shall ease the pain you and I felt today, my brother. But yea, even as you say, we should do just that. Now come, let us order some food. I finally feel as if I won't spew it back up." *************** He was cold. Afraid. Lonely. These were but a few of the many troubles ailing Sorran as he hung nude in an ancient stone cell, deep within the dungeons of High Charity. Energy manacles suspended him in the air, preventing him from finding needed sleep. Not that he wanted to sleep. Every moment spent in the cell brought him a moment closer to his death. Sleep would but accelerate the punishment. Warm liquid fell down Sorran's cheeks. His first thought was that it was blood. As the liquid dripped to the floor below, and splashed against the stone floor, he realised it was in fact a salty drop of tears. Not blood at all, although the way Sorran had immediately jumped to the conclusion that it had been showed just how much he had begun to think like a warrior over the past...he didn't even know how long it had been. If only he had kept his position as Scholar in the Great Library, none of this would be happening right now. Sorran laughed bitterly, knowing that this shouldn't have happened even though he was now a warrior. No, this was Truth's fault. [i]Truth.[/i] The very thought of the Prophet sent revulsion down Sorran's aching spine. To think, he had once looked up to the Hierarch as a role model for life. Now he knew the reality; Truth was a monster. He took a look at the cell he was in. It was archaic, designed by the Sangheili shortly after the Great War they waged against the Prophets. The design was similar to those used upon Sangheilios; a thick set door, leading down to a stone, spiralling staircase with torches lighting the way. At the bottom was a simple circle, surrounded with stone walls. In the middle of this circle stood two pillars, each the same distance from one another. It was between these pillars that Sorran hung now, head held low. As Sorran was about to start a new wave of weeping, there was a bang at the top of the spiralling staircase above, most likely emitting from the door. Fear clenched Sorran's two hearts in a titan like grip; was he to be killed [i]already?[/i] Voices suddenly spoke. "This one is not to be approached, we have orders." a gruff growl stated. A Brute. The new prison wardens of High Charity. "I beg your pardon? Move aside, vile beasts. I shall go where I please." another voice replied. Harder to distinguish, but it sounded like either an elderly Sangheili, or a Prophet. There was another shake of the door, followed by an aggressive growl from a Brute. "The noble Prophet of Truth has commanded it that none should approach, Minister!" the Jiralhanae warden growled. Minister? Definitely a Prophet then. There was silence for a few dreadful seconds, and Sorran realised he was holding his breath. He let it out in disgust with himself. "If you knew what I did, I think you would not consider him to be so noble. Now let me past, or I shall call my Guard and have them run you through like the worthless cur you are." the Prophet threatened, and Sorran's eyebrows rose from where he hung suspended. It was not often that one of the San 'Shyuum would be so bold. The Brute growled indecisively from what Sorran could hear, before finally grunting in defeat. "You have five minutes." Sorran heard the heavy door above unlatch with a sickening resolution. Who was this Prophet who would threaten a Brute so? An interrogator perhaps? One chosen to take Sorran to his death? The door swung open, and Sorran heard the hum of a Gravity Chair chime as it descended down the stone staircase. Eventually, the chair reached the bottom, and an elderly Prophet wearing blue robes came into view, a thoughtful look upon his face. Strange, he seemed familiar...

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  • Wow im dumb I was thainking about the infected elite homeworld or Im not *sigh* my head hurts. PS keep the fan fics comeing!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Halflingforever The begining of a new one? what about the humans and the Flood? AWNSER ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/quote] I don't know where you got the Flood from, but I won't abandon the conflict with the humans...probably.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Wolverfrog [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Xd00999 *Commence Sorran's rescue*[/quote] Would Zharn and Ahkrin dare go against the Covenant? I will tell you this, there won't be another jail break, I've done that already. Anticipate for the beginning of an epic and grand plot.[/quote]*commence epic plot* Happy?

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  • The begining of a new one? what about the humans and the Flood? AWNSER ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [Edited on 10.15.2009 12:41 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Xd00999 *Commence Sorran's rescue*[/quote] Would Zharn and Ahkrin dare go against the Covenant? I will tell you this, there won't be another jail break, I've done that already. Anticipate for the beginning of an epic and grand plot.

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  • *Commence Sorran's rescue*

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  • *Chukling silently* Ok'' [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Wolverfrog Try and stick to one tense, you keep switching between past, present a future. It's hard to understand. What are you saying?[/quote]

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  • Try and stick to one tense, you keep switching between past, present a future. It's hard to understand. What are you saying?

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  • *Really* I'll explain then. [i]Lord of The Rings: Return of the King[/i] The way the prophet behaves compared to the movie... OK'' forget about the movie. About, when, and obviously the prophet lies about the voting trial, he was against making that [i]voting[/i] session, and sent Sorran's mistakeable death... I wonder what would happen then. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Wolverfrog 4th movie? Uh, what? Oh, and I haven't watched those films least four or five years, so I assure you the chapters were not inspired by LoTR. And which Forerunner law is this?[/quote]

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  • 4th movie? Uh, what? Oh, and I haven't watched those films least four or five years, so I assure you the chapters were not inspired by LoTR. And which Forerunner law is this?

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  • Reverance7=Trancient Ghost Reading the last 2 chapters made me had a De-Ja-Vu from the 4th movie of Lord of The Rings.... I didn't even knew that a prophet would over rule a [i]Forerunner[/i] law. But it acounts for his arogance.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Guitarmasterx7 [url=]You are now my sponsor. Congradulations.[/url] [b]Guitarmasterx7 - I can't believe you actually did that, dude. I mean, it was kind of gross, you know? And as for as I'm concerned, she wasn't clean. No way. STDs all over that chick.[/b] P.S. - I'm not a huge fanfiction person, but this isn't too shabby. [/quote] Halo 1 Pistol, eh? I remember watching that, like Wolvers there were many lols on the table.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Guitarmasterx7 [/quote] You're the creator of that? Nice, I remember watching it a while ago. Many 'lulz' were to be had. I'm honoured to have one as epic as yourself grace my thread with you presence, but don't be putting a link in every post you make. That's the sort of thing which will get you banned.

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  • [url=]You are now my sponsor. Congradulations.[/url] [b]Guitarmasterx7 - I can't believe you actually did that, dude. I mean, it was kind of gross, you know? And as for as I'm concerned, she wasn't clean. No way. STDs all over that chick.[/b] P.S. - I'm not a huge fanfiction person, but this isn't too shabby. [Edited on 10.14.2009 5:42 AM PDT]

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  • Nice trial! I assume that Truth is lying, of course. Oh, the irony.

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  • *rereads the entire thing to pay tribute to your epicness*

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  • Great stuff man :D Hehe, he was naked. Well im out for the night, but il be sure to read more tomorow.

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  • No! I'm sad now, They must save him.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Halflingforever this is awesome I have all of storys you and others have made I am at awe. You sir deserve a hug! *hug*[/quote] get in line

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  • this is awesome I have all of storys you and others have made I am at awe. You sir deserve a hug! *hug*

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  • "You are not the Arbiter, Sangheili. You have no right to decide who lives, and who dies in your forces. The matter should have been reported to one of a higher echelon, rather than take matters into your own--" Truth began to speak, and Sorran found to his horror that he couldn't help but interrupt. "Had I opted to do so, the child would have already been dead, rendering my attempts at mercy moot." Sorran cut in, and Truth's eyes flashed dangerously. "And what of it? The child was but a human, and Hestaphus was right to judge that it should be killed." Truth demanded, and for the first time Sorran felt himself falter. If the High Prophet of Truth himself deemed that the child should have been killed, surely the council would be likewise influenced. Sorran looked around the hall once again. The councillor's faces were blank, as always. At the back of the hall, Sorran could make out the grim faces of Zharn and Ahkrin. Ahkrin had his hand upon the Ultra's shoulder consolingly. That hit Sorran hard; even his closest friends believed him doomed. "Noble Prophet, it was a grave mistake, one I shall not emulate again, of this I assure--" Sorran began, before being shushed by a hand of Truth. "Indeed, you [i]shall[/i] not emulate it again. Whether through being pardoned and learning a lesson, or death; I do not know. However, know this: the Brutes are pressing hard on this trial. They would consider a pardon a personal offence. I advise the council to keep that in mind as they cast their votes." Truth spoke, and Sorran spluttered in shock. The High Prophet was influencing the decision of the council! Surely there was a law against that? "We shall hold a brief respite whilst the council debilitate upon whether or not to have you executed. Enjoy these last moments of freedom Sangheili minor, they could well be your last. As always, I implore the council not the reveal their option to others." Truth told the assembled jury, who nodded. As one, a series of computer terminals appeared in front of each and every Councillor. Sorran could only assume that each had two options upon them; one to condemn Sorran, and one to have him spared. Time trickled away as many councillors took their time, for the first time displaying emotion. Some looked down at Sorran with hate; others with compassion. Some seemed to be indifferent. Eventually, the last of the council had made their choice, and the terminals sunk back into the floor. "Has the council made their choice, free of all and any pressure, with their free will?" Truth questioned, bringing up his own terminal. The council looked amongst each other uncertainly, before nodding. "I now have the results for this trial." Sorran held his breath as Truth studied the screen before him. Sorran could not see what displayed upon it's holographic surface. To Sorran's surprise, Truth's eyebrows rose, before his expression settled into one of frustration. Just as quickly as it appeared however, it was vanished, replaced with a smug, almost sly smile. Truth cleared his throat. "Sorran Mahaf'ee; the council of High Charity has decreed that you be put to death by separation of the head. Guards, take the Heretic to the dungeons, where he shall await his final hour." Truth declared, and the world turned to ice. Sorran couldn't breathe, his two hearts beating rapidly. Many of the councillors were looking slightly confused at the result. Two of the Honour Guard next to Sorran grimaced, and grabbed the condemned Sangheili by the wrists. Sorran shook them off. "I can walk by myself." he said, marching away from the council, and Truth, with his smug face. How Sorran longed to end that bastard's life; he was no leader, he was a monster. The Honour Guards shrugged, and followed after Sorran, keeping their weapons raised in the event the newly branded Heretic attempted to escape. "We're sorry for your plight...Sorran." one of the two Honour Guards told the Sangheili Minor, who scowled, saying nothing. Sorran turned to look at the council one last time, saw Tartarus sneering, wearing a look of satisfaction, and saw Zharn and Ahkrin staring with horror down at him. Savara, his dear love, didn't even know of this trial, it had happened so fast. It was of no matter, he would be dead soon enough. Sorran but hoped that Zharn or Ahkrin would inform her of his fate. Sorran wasn't ready to die; but it seemed he had no choice. [Edited on 10.12.2009 2:39 PM PDT]

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  • And thus, the epic plot begins. [b]Part Thirteen - Trial and punishment[/b] [i]Holy city of High Charity, Council Chambers, 9th Age of Reclamation.[/i] "Sorran Mahaf'ee, you stand as the accused. Do you understand why you are here?" the Prophet taking precedence over the trial spoke, and Sorran's mouth dried. This was it; he was on trial. Sorran remembered visiting such an event involving a Kig-Yar who had spilt the blood of an Elite a few years ago. It had not bode well for the defendant. To make matters worse, the Prophet monitoring the hearing was none other than the High Prophet of Truth. [i]Truth![/i] He had been a ruthless conciliator before he had ascended to the seat of power, and even now still enjoyed dallying in the occasional trial. Finally, Sorran found his voice. "I understand, noble Prophet." the disgraced Sangheili Minor murmured, bowing his head. The councillors started talking amongst themselves. Brutes hung in the dark recesses of the chamber; looking bloodthirsty. "And do you plead guilty or not, to the accusation that but three days ago, upon the human planet of Eridanus II, you slew a Jiralhanae in cold blood to protect the life of a [i]human[/i]?" Truth demanded, a sly smile on his face. Sorran frowned. "A human [i]child[/i]--" he began to protest, before being interrupted by the High Prophet. "Be silent!" Truth shrieked, anger displaying across his face. "Do you confess to the crime?" There was a pause, as Sorran lifted his head up and stared Truth in the eyes. "I do." The hall burst into a wave of commotion, the Sangheili Councillors on one side, and the Prophet Councillors on the other. Sorran stared at the two groups appealingly, but could not read their emotions. They were, after all, politicians. "And you confess to the crime knowing that the ultimate punishment, should the council so decide it, is death?" Truth whispered, leaning forward in his chair, bony fingertips tapping against each other. [i]He is truly enjoying my suffering![/i] Sorran realised, suddenly feeling a surge of anger towards this Prophet who would be so quick as to condemn him. At the back of the hall, a voice cried out angrily; that of a Brute's. "This should not be a decision of the council! This Sangheili spilled Jiralhanae blood! I demand his death!" the Brute cried out, striding forward to wear Sorran stood. Five Honour Guard moved before him before the raging Jiralhanae could do so however. This heartened Sorran, to know that the Sangheili at least placed the value of his life over that of a mongrel Brute's. Sorran then stared at the Jiralhanae. He was tall, with grey hair, and a large wave of white hair upon his head. Upon his back was strapped a stone hammer as tall as Sorran. The Brute looked as if he were about to disembowel Sorran at a moments notice. "Tartarus; you know the Jiralhanae are not permitted to approach the inner circle of the council chamber." Truth chastised, but with no real anger in his voice. Indeed, Sorran may have been imagining things, but he could have sworn he saw the Prophet give a secretive nod to the Brute. "As it is, you may remain; such is the uniqueness of the situation." [i]So this was the Chieftain of the Brutes.[/i] Sorran thought, looking with speculation at Tartarus as he nodded, and took a seat next to a Sangheili Councillor, who looked appalled. "Do you have anything to say in your defence, Sangheili?" Truth asked of Sorran, who was taken aback slightly. He hesitated before nodding. "I do. I and the Stealth Operative Ahkrin were searching a human residency when we heard a crash at the door. Together, we raised our rifles in anticipation of a squad of humans, only to find it was a Brute named Hestaphus, who claimed to have been ordered by a the Chieftain of the Brutes to scour the nearby houses." at this Tartarus' expression showed surprise, as if he didn't remember giving such a command. The Council noticed it, and he quickly masked it with one of faked understanding. "I remember giving such an order." the Chieftain of the Brutes called out, and Sorran glared at him. Liar! Still, Sorran had no way of proving otherwise, so he continued with his recount of the events. "As it was, I invited the Brute to join us. After finding nothing of import in the downstairs area, we preceded upstairs. I and the Jiralhanae Hestaphus searched what I can assume to have been a bedroom, and I noticed a stirring behind a curtain. Wary, I approached said curtain, and drew it back, only to have a knife embed itself in my leg. The only factor which stayed my wrath was that I saw the assailant was but a small child. My honour would not allow me to kill such a helpless creature, and I ordered the Brute, as is my right as Sangheili, to leave the child alone." Sorran took a deep breath, looking at Truth, who motioned him to go on wearily. "However, Hestaphus seemed unable to comply with this order, and seized the child by the neck, despite my commands to leave him. From thereon, the Brute was guilty of committing insubordination, an act which, under sector nine of the Writ, is an execution-able offence. I merely carried out the law our forefathers imposed." It was a nice, persuasive speech, which Zharn and Ahkrin had run by him many times as he had been taken to High Charity aboard a Phantom. Hopefully, it would hold. The clamour in the hall began once again, this time seemingly incessant. Truth grew wary and banged a mallet upon the podium he sat before. "There will be order in this council!" the High Prophet cried angrily, and the crowd instantly fell silent, all eyes once again on Sorran. [Edited on 10.12.2009 2:21 PM PDT]

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