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[Novel] True Sangheili (Part 39 available!) ~ 18 December

SCHOLAR, SOLDIER, HERETIC... SAVIOUR. At first, the life of a warrior in the Covenant army seems a noble one. But are the motives behind the war with the humans as innocent as the Sangheili, Sorran, believes? An act of heresy unveils a conspiracy spanning thousands of years, which could bring about the total ruin of the Covenant. [i] True Sangheili[/i], from the fan fiction author of [url=]Halo 3: Insurrection[/url] and [url=]Memoirs of an ODST[/url]. [u] ==[b]CHAPTER LISTING[/b]==[/u] [b]Book I[/b] ([url=]PDF[/url]) [url=]Prologue + Chapter list[/url] [url=]Part One - Sorran[/url] [url=]Part Two - Warrior[/url] [url=]Part Three - Besieged[/url] [url=]Part Four - Into Custody[/url] [url=]Part Five - Interrogated[/url] [url=]Part Six - Assessment[/url] [url=]Part Seven - Covert Extraction[/url] [url=]Part Eight - To kill a Demon[/url] [url=]Part Nine - Immortal Repentance[/url] [url=]Part Ten - Insertion[/url] [url=]Part Eleven - To show mercy[/url] [url=]Part Twelve - Heresy, of the greatest kind[/url] [url=]Part Thirteen - Trial and Punishment[/url] [url=]Part Fourteen - Factions within Factions[/url] [url=]Part Fifteen - The Truth[/url] [b]Book II[/b] [url=]Part Sixteen - Life goes on[/url] [url=]Part Seventeen - Things never go according to plan[/url] [url=]Part Eighteen - The sound of battle[/url] [url=]Part Nineteen - Old habits die hard[/url] [url=]Part Twenty - Cultural differences[/url] [url=]Part Twenty One - Personified Death[/url] [url=]Part Twenty Two - Breaking Point[/url] [url=]Part Twenty Three - Turnabout[/url] [url=]Part Twenty Four - Breaking free[/url] [url=]Part Twenty Five - Mutiny[/url] [url=]Part Twenty Six - Skirmishes, and Reflections[/url] [url=]Part Twenty Seven - Shrouded Heresy[/url] [url=]Part Twenty Eight - Signs and Portents[/url] [url=]Part Twenty Nine -Parted Reunion[/url] [url=]Part Thirty - Honour[/url] [url=]Part Thirty One - Visitations to the past[/url] [url=]Part Thirty Two - Loss concealed within victory[/url] [url=]Part Thirty Three - The best intentions[/url] [url=]Part Thirty Four -The Tower came crashing down.[/url] [url=]Part Thirty Five - Blood runs thick, brotherhood runs thicker.[/url] [url=]Part Thirty Six - For whom the bell tolls, for whom hell calls.[/url] [url=]Part Thirty Seven - Daggers in a cloak.[/url] [url=]Part Thirty Eight - Gods and their weapons.[/url] [url=]Part Thirty Nine - Trials of Delphi.[/url] [i]Next chapter ETA: Valve Time[/i] **** ***** ***** ****** ***** [b]Prologue[/b] [i]Edict of the Most High Prophet of Truth, 9th Age of Reclamation.[/i] By the authority of the noble Prophets of Truth, Regret, and Mercy. Henceforth, any and all battle worthy Sangheili are to be transferred from any idle posts in High Charity and/or upon any Covenant held world/ship into the active combat. Those amongst the excused are the Honour Guard, the Councillors, and the mentally ill, physically unfit, and the old. Female Sangheili are, as always, prohibited from taking part in any military action. Any Sangheili engaged in a guard post, other than the Honour Guard, will be replaced by the Jiralhanae until such a time as the High Council deems otherwise. Any Jiralhanae in question of where they now stand shall direct all enquiries to Tartarus, Chieftain of the Jirahanae. Failure to adhere to this edict will result in death. No exceptions. These are trying times, my brothers. The Human infidels persist in resisting the might of the Covenant. Rest assured, this 'war' as some are calling it, will be over soon -- to be forgotten and dismissed as an insignificant event in Covenant history. [Edited on 12.17.2012 5:35 PM PST]

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  • [i]Lies of the weak, beacons for the deluded![/i]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ajw34307 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] me123456789 Hurry kill the Jackals! And how do you pronounce all the Names? Ahkrin, Sorran, Zharn etc. [/quote] S (Z) - harn[/quote] LIES! It's pronounced Z-arn. A silent 'h'.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] me123456789 Hurry kill the Jackals! And how do you pronounce all the Names? Ahkrin, Sorran, Zharn etc. [/quote] Ack - rin Sor - ran S (Z) - arn [Edited on 10.11.2009 10:43 AM PDT]

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  • Hurry kill the Jackals! And how do you pronounce all the Names? Ahkrin, Sorran, Zharn etc.

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  • With Memoirs out of the way for now, I can concentrate on this and Insurrection. This part isn't the longest, but it's good. [b]Part Twelve - Heresy, of the greatest kind[/b] Ahkrin lifted Sorran onto the wooden table within the human house, and Sorran lay, gasping. Ahkrin turned Sorran onto his back, and removed the Commando harness he wore. The Sangheili minor grimaced as he turned his head and saw the bloody welt running down his back. "Are you sure it was a knife he attacked you with, or was it a broad sword?" Ahkrin muttered dryly, going to a nearby sink and damppening a rag with` water. The moment the sodden cloth touched Sorran's wound, he cried out in pain, the stinging nearly unbearable. "Do you not have anything more...advanced to treat me with? Other than a rag and water." Sorran questioned through his teeth as the Stealth Sangheili washed the cloth out of purple blood and applied the rag again, cleaning the wound. "Well, there is this biofoam canister I looted off the body of a human. It should hold you together." Ahkrin replied, holding up a grey cylinder with a metal nozzle on the end. Sorran eyed it doubtfully. "If you say so Ahkrin." Once the wound was clean, Ahkrin then ejected the healing foam into Sorran's wound. Forget about the water on the rag, [i]this[/i] was a hundred times more painful. He could feel the disgusting foam pour into every bleeding effidice of his body, sealing it up. Sorran did admit that once it had all been finished, he did feel a lot better. Ahkrin then sc­­-blam!-d the excess foam from his back, and reattached Sorran's Commando harness. "That should hold you together for now brother. If you feel any urges to be cut in half once again, warn me beforehand." Ahkrin stated wryly, and Sorran swung a punch at the Stealth Sangheili, who evaded the playful blow with a laugh. Sorran lifted himself off the table, bouncing on the balls of his heels. He took a look around the human house. "Do you think this house is deserted?" Sorran breathed quietly, suddenly suspicious a human was lurking behind a door with a shotgun. "In all probability, yea. However, it shan't hurt to look around. Lead on, mighty warrior." Ahrkin implored, and Sorran, ignoring the last mocking comment, procceeded through the human abode, wary for signs of danger. The two Sangheili stole through the house, cautious. Suddenly, there was a loud bang at the front door, and both Sorran and Ahrkin whirled around, rifles ready. The door crashed in, and a Brute was standing in the doorway, evidently surprised. He was on his lonesome, a spiker rifle in hand, garbed in Brute power armour. "Noble Sangheili..." the Brute said suspiciously, looking around the room. Ahkrin narrowed his eyes. "Jirahane. What are you doing here?" the Stealth Sangheili demanded, hand still brushing his rifle. The Brute seemed to squirm. "The Chieftain...ordered me to kill any humans who may be hiding. He was under the impression that the Sangheili were at the front gates." the Brute told the two Elites, who nodded. "Not all of us." Sorran spoke up, surprising himself. "We dropped in from a Phantom. You are welcome to join us Brute." The Brute seemed happy with that. There was then a sudden sharp pain in Sorran's side, and he jumped. Ahkrin was looking at him angrily, as if to say '[i]I don't want a Brute with us.'[/i] Sorran shook his head, and turned to the Brute, who was eyeing Ahkrin with hurt. "We're searching this home for any marines who may be cowering. Assist us." Sorran ordered, and the Brute nodded slowly, his eyes still on Ahkrin. "My name is Hestaphus. I am honoured to be in your prescense...Sangheili." the Brute told them, and Ahkrin nodded. "Just look around, and try to refrain from going beserk." The unlikely trio then began to search. The downstairs seemed to be clear, and so Sorran preceeded upstairs, Ahkrin and Hestaphus closely behind him. "I shall search the rooms on the right side. Sorran, Hestaphus, search the left side. Be wary Sorran." Ahkrin told the two, adding the last ambiguous sentence as if on a whim. Sorran wondered what he meant, be wary of the possible humans, or the Brute? Maybe both. The Sangheili Minor cracked open a door to a bedroom, Hestaphus behind and heard a rustling from behind one of the curtains. Sorran crept towards it, rifle in hand, and pulled them back, ready to fire. A gleaming kitchen knife struck out, and punctured Sorran in the leg. He just had all the bad luck today...he looked at the assasilent, intending to fire, and stopped, eyes widening. A child of what could only be seven was staring at him with wide eyes, lips quavering. His hands were warm and sticky with Sorran's blood. The Sangheili minor fell back, unsure of what to do. The Brute came up behind him, huffing in his blue power armour. "A human child? Interesting. You should kill it, Sangheili." Hestaphus advised, and Sorran frowned, taken aback. Kill a [i]child?[/i] It was the same situation he'd had with the old man earlier. He couldn't do it. "Kill a child? It has done nothing wrong, Brute." Sorran protested, aware that the young boy was frozen in place, his eyes round and fearful. Sorran felt a strange, almost paternal urge to reassure him. "Except stab you in the leg." Hestaphus commented dryly, his canines protuing from his mouth. The boy shrieked loudly, pressing back further against the window. "I would have done the same in it's position. Nay, I cannot call a child Brute, it is wrong. The Forerunners forbid the killing of the innocent." Sorran stated crossly. "Look at it Sangheili...Sorran. It looks harmless enough now, but it will grow, and become another marine, with one of their guns. Kill them young, before they are old enough to fight back!" the Brute insisted, his voice turning aggressive. Sorran flexed his muscles instinctively. "We are leaving Hestaphus." Sorran stated, glaring at the Brute. The Jiralhanae growled, and then without warning, siezed the child by it's neck, and the Brute took out his spiker rifle, holding up it's blade in anticipation. Without realising it, Sorran drew out his own metallic blade, and leered at the Brute, who still held the young boy's neck. "Jiralhanae; release the child. Now." Sorran commanded in a stern voice, holding his sword up threateningly. The Brute laughed, and turned away from the Sangheili, his spiker blade gleaming in the light of the fire outsie. The child cried out, looking helplessly at Sorran. "No!" Sorran cried out, lunging forward with his blade. Before he knew what he was doing, the sword plunged into the Brute's body, sinking in slowly. Hestaphus turned towards Sorran in rage, his bloodshot eyes widening. With his last breath, the Brute brought the spiker rifle down on the huamn child's head, before Sorran could stop him. Both bodies collapsed to the floor, dead. [i]By the Forerunners, what have I done?[/i] Sorran screamed in his mind, looking at the dead Brute corpse. Sorran looked out the window with dread, and sure enough, saw five Jackals outside, watching with their large, buggy eyes. They'd seen it all. Seen the Sangheili murder the Jiralhanae over the life of a [i]human.[/i] Sorran suddenly couldn't breathe. He collapsed against the window frame, the Brute's red blood still on his hands. "Sorran...what have you done?" a familiar voice asked softly from behind him. Sorran turned, with red eyes, to see Ahkrin standing in the doorway, arms folded, looking at the scene before him. "Ahkrin, I--" Sorran couldn't finish the sentence. Instead, the Sangheili collapsed to his knees, weeping. Killing another of the Covenant in cold blood, over the life of a human. That meant certain death for him. Ahkrin walked over, and placed a hand upon his shoulder. "Worry not, nothing shall happen to you Sorran. I, and Zharn shall do our best to make sure of it.d [Edited on 10.10.2009 6:17 PM PDT]

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  • Lol, WOlverfrog, this is VERY good. Probably your best (not counting Ascendency) But the thing that makes me laugh is that Zharn could order Savara to sleep with him if he wanted. XD

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  • Nay, I apologise if I comfuse you, I'd try to say MERCY KILL, i mean the Elite didn't kill him, sad though losing a son in front of a dad, haha, well ok'. ( Or something like that). If you are writting part 12 don't bother, but would you linky me to this: [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Wolverfrog You should check out Halo 3: Insurrection and Memoirs of an ODST if you liked this, you can see them to the right hand of the Gallery forum index. But once again, thanks.[/quote] Ohh, crap, its a sticky then , forget about it.... [Edited on 10.06.2009 5:51 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Reverance 7 > I like the way you write your stories, Im waiting for part 6. PS: I [i]Loved[/i] the way you made the mercy kill for the old man, it was cool, exiting and sad all-in-one paragraph. Keep it up, Its interesting how people Bend the creed of the Elite's Honor and the Real tuth that lies behind The Path, You've wonn another literature fan, * I'll think I need to save this thread* <<[/quote] Thanks for the feedback. You should check out Halo 3: Insurrection and Memoirs of an ODST if you liked this, you can see them to the right hand of the Gallery forum index. And by the way, Sorran didn't kill the old man in Part 11, he killed his son, knocked the death wishing old man unconscious, and hid him in a nearby basement. Maybe I didn't make that clear enough. But once again, thanks.

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  • Ohh, I mean part 12, sorry whatsoever....< [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Reverance 7 > I like the way you write your stories, Im waiting for part 6. PS: I [i]Loved[/i] the way you made the mercy kill for the old man, it was cool, exiting and sad all-in-one paragraph. Keep it up, Its interesting how people Bend the creed of the Elite's Honor and the Real tuth that lies behind The Path, You've wonn another literature fan, * I'll think I need to save this thread* <<[/quote]

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  • > I like the way you write your stories, Im waiting for part 6. PS: I [i]Loved[/i] the way you made the mercy kill for the old man, it was cool, exiting and sad all-in-one paragraph. Keep it up, Its interesting how people Bend the creed of the Elite's Honor and the Real tuth that lies behind The Path, You've wonn another literature fan, * I'll think I need to save this thread* <<

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Xd00999 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Wolverfrog [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Xd00999 Star Trek fan much?[/quote] Never watched it in my life. Why?[/quote]Because Sorran knocking that guy out with his to fingers sound's like Star Trek's Vulcan Pinch; a Vulcan takes there fingers and pinch's you elbow (right)and that knocks you out.[/quote] Maybe the Star Trek producers are a fan of True Sangheili... XD

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Wolverfrog [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Xd00999 Star Trek fan much?[/quote] Never watched it in my life. Why?[/quote]Because Sorran knocking that guy out with his to fingers sound's like Star Trek's Vulcan Pinch; a Vulcan takes there fingers and pinch's you elbow (right)and that knocks you out.

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  • Best part yet, great job there. The dialogue between Sorran and the Human elder was brilliant.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Xd00999 Star Trek fan much?[/quote] Never watched it in my life. Why?

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  • Star Trek fan much?

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  • How did I miss TWO parts? Let alone two very nice parts. Good job, [i]the infection does not cloud your mind.[/i]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BuckHarvester [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Wolverfrog "That Elite we've got banged is a nutter, punched the Sarge in the gut he did!" the first human spoke in a heavy accent. [/quote] I would of wrote it a bit like this. "'At Elite 'e got banged is a nughu, punched the Sarge in 'u gut 'e did!"[/quote] ....Okay. Thanks for the feedback guys, I appreciate it.

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  • EXCELENT! Man i love this. I am not sugar coating it when i say this, you could write a halo book for bungi. I haven't read all of it yet cuz i gota do Home work and some writing myself :) I read up to the part were soren woke up from being sick. Great stuff man :D

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  • This baby just got a lot more cuter.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Wolverfrog "That Elite we've got banged is a nutter, punched the Sarge in the gut he did!" the first human spoke in a heavy accent. [/quote] I would of wrote it a bit like this. "'At Elite 'e got banged is a nughu, punched the Sarge in 'u gut 'e did!"

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  • "I'm sorry." was all he said, in shame. The old man looked up, but where Sorran had expected to see anger, he saw but forgiveness. "You killed my son. But it wasn't your fault. He would have killed you, you had no choice...I understand. Even as the Lord does, I forgive you, strange Elite. Now go, leave me with my dead son. No doubt I will join him soon." Sorran frowned against his better judgement. "There is still time to hide old man. I would not have you killed, I owe that much to you for killing your son." the Sangheili protested, and the old man shook his head firmly. "No, I will remain here." Sorran shook his head, and took a step towards the elderly human. This felt all wrong, yet at the same time, just. "Nay, you shall not." Sorran breathed, placing two fingers upon the man's shoulder and squeezing. The human instantly collapsed, out cold. Sorran lifted the man out of the pool of blood, and, searching around, managed to find a set of doors embedded in the ground. He ripped one off, and lowered the old human down the stairs, setting him to rest inside. Sorran then shut the hatch from the outside, leaving the unconscious human below. He then dipped his finger in Miguel's blood, and traced the shape of a Y on the two doors, which would indicate to other forces of the Covenant that the house had already been searched. The old man was safe. Until the glassing started. There was nothing Sorran would be able to do to stop that though. He had done his best. Why? The answer to that question still eluded him, alas. But Sorran knew he had done good that day. He looked sadly at the body of Miguel, and noticed that he too, like his father, wore a cross around his neck. Sorran reached down, and grabbed the chain, ripping it from it's dead wearer. He held the cross up in the light, admiring it's fine craftsmanship. Tiny human letters were grooved in the man body of the cross. Even from the distance he was holding the religious item, Sorran could make out the words. [i]'CHRIST IS FOREVER WITH YOU.'[/i] What did those words mean? Obviously something important to the man and his son. Who was Christ? Some sort of Demon? Sorran decided it best to leave the body of Miguel, if Christ really was a Demon who was with him. Still, the Elite kept the cross, and it's chain, draping it around his neck and tucking it under his armour. He did not know why. The Sangheili hurried out of the alley, aware of a dull throbbing at his back. The knife wound had indeed been painful. Fire was rising from the city, and smoke was clogging the streets. Up ahead, Sorran could make out the faint shape of a fellow Sangheili. One wearing black armour. It was hard to tell who it was through the thick smog. Sorran moved closer to Ahkrin, who turned around with an expression of surprise, noticing the Sangheili minor. "Is that you Sorran? Good, good. This smoke is heavy, what is Zharn's attack force doing? They should be keeping the smoke away from the city, all it is doing is hampering us and them." Ahkrin told Sorran, covering his maw with a thick hand. Sorran did likewise. Ahkrin then noticed blood dripping from Sorran's back. "You're hurt Sorran! What happened?" the Stealth Sangheili questioned worriedly. Sorran began to feel a little dizzy. "One of their marines, back in an alleyway. Attacked me with a knife. My shields aren't recharging." Sorran explained, coughing as he inhaled some smoke. Ahkrin grimaced, and pointed towards a building at the end of the street. "Come, let us get out of this foul air and somewhere where I can heal you." Ahkrin instructed Sorran, who nodded, following his friend. Screams could be heard all around them, especially in the lower districts, and the stench of blood was thick in the air. Sorran felt sick. War was not as glorious as the Elders made it out to be.

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  • I've been going overtime lately, so many parts in so few days. Well, I suppose there isn't much else to do when I'm ill. Anyway, I personally like this part; although it is light on action. Enjoy. [b]Part Eleven - To show mercy[/b] The pod hit the ground, and Sorran felt pain. Inescapable pain. His shields did indeed break, and he felt like every bone in his body had too. The Sangheili minor opened his blurry eyes, and saw the pod begin to unseal. With a burst, it smashed open, and Sorran as suddenly staring into the face of a human. He wasn't a soldier; not even one of their militia. The human was old, Sorran reasoned, white hair riddled his head, wrinkles were deep set around his eyes. The man shrieked at the sight of Sorran and tried to run away. The elderly human's legs collapsed, and he fell to the ground with a cry. The man then resorted to dragging himself along the floor, weeping, crying out for his son to save him. There was no one else around. This human was alone. There would be no rescue for him. Sorran unfolded his arms, and hopped out of the pod. Ahkrin's own was no where in sight. No doubt they would meet up later. But for now, it was just Sorran, and the old human in the small area. The Elite looked around, and realised he seemed to be in a secluded area of garden. Evidently, the elderly man had thought it wise to cower in a place it was unlikely the Covenant would search. Life, evidently, was determined to prove him wrong. Looking down at the human, Sorran raised his rifle, and felt his arm tremble as he did so. Could he really kill; nay, [i]murder[/i] this helpless human in could blood? Sorran knew what the brutal, efficient Ahkrin would do. Zharn would probably give the man a weapon, hoist him to his feet, and then kill him; thus feeling better about himself. But Sorran wasn't Ahkrin, or Zharn. He was himself. The man had backed into a stone corner, shrunk against the wall on his behind, a look of terror on his face. The human grappled for something within his clothes, and Sorran prepared himself to strike, thinking it to be a gun. The Sangheili was halted as he beheld what the old man now held in his hand, affixed to his neck by a silver chain. Sorran rotated his head to one side inquisitively in the manner of the Elites. The human held what seemed to be a small silver cross in his hand, and had his eyes shut, murmuring words, clasping the cross tightly. Did Sorran's eyes deceive him, or was the human [i]praying?[/i] This was a revelation to him. The Prophets had lectured that the humans were athiest infidels who cared not for any reverence to Godly beings. But here was a human, evidently praying. To the Forerunners? Unlikely, more of a chance the human had his own God. Still; they were all one and the same were they not? No matter how you went about it, or in what manner, the Forerunners were your God, so lectured the Prophets. Was this human under the protection of some divine force? Sorran had never been a truly religious being, but to murder an elderly, religious person, even if that person was human, seemed to be wrong. "Just kill me now; please, get it over with. Don't make it painful." the old man whispered up at Sorran, who was momentarily surprised, snapped out of his reverie. The man had a different way of speaking to the other humans Sorran had heard. The Sangheili shook his head; how could he be thinking of pity at a time like this? Even now he could hear the smoke pour in from the houses in the lower district of the city. Sorran reached down, and grabbed the elderly human with one hand, lifting him high into the air. Tears were streaming down the man's cheeks. Sorran drew out his metallic blade, holding it with his left hand. The Adam's apple of the human was bobbing up and down nervously, with layers of wrinkled flesh covering it. No; Sorran could not do this. It was wrong. They were fighting a war, not committing genocide. Weren't they? Some would disagree. They were effectively hunting humanity to extinction. And for what reason? In all their time of warring with the humans, the Covenant had come across but a few Forerunner artefacts, all of them untainted by the humans. And yet the High Prophet of Truth claimed otherwise; that the humans were defiling the relics. That didn't seem to be the case. Was there another, darker motive behind this war? Sorran, lost in thought, dropped the human to the ground, not looking down. [i]I shall ponder upon this later,[/i] the Elite decided, turning to face the old man. "You will not die today; not by my hand. Run human, hide. And do not let my fellows come across you; they shall not be as merciful as I." Sorran told the human, who's eyes grew wide with gratitude. The elderly man tried to move off the ground, and cried out in pain as he did. Sorran looked down incredulously. "Is there a problem?" the Sangheili whispered, frowning. The old man began to weep once again, no doubt thinking Sorran would consider it easier to merely kill him than bother himself further. He did consider it easier. But he wouldn't do it. Instead, he bent down, and spoke in a soothing voice. "Come now, I have given my word I shall not harm you. What is the problem?" If one of the council had seen this, Sorran would be in chains. No Covenant soldier was supposed to do this; it was unprecedented, forbidden. Still, he couldn't help it. He was no killer; he was a scholar. His goal was to preserve and understand, not destroy. "My back...I can't move." the human gasped, face screwed up in pain. Sorran sighed, and hefted the man up again, intending to find him a hiding place himself. Before he could though, a voice cried out from behind him. A human voice. "Get your filthy claws off my father you bastard!" the voice cried, that of a male's. Before Sorran could turn around, he felt a bulk smash into him, and dropped the old man in shock, flown forwards by the son's weight. Sorran was thrown against the wall, and grimaced in pain. He then felt his body explode as a sharp object entered the base of his spine. He felt his back warm as blood leaked out, and managed to throw the human off in his pain drunk state. Sorran reached around his to his back, and grasped the hilt of a human knife, yanking it out. His shields had not yet recovered from the drop; the recharging mechanism was in all probability damaged, He saw the son of the old man rise off the ground, and Sorran noted he was a marine. The Sangheili would have to be all the more careful then, his shields were down, and this human evidently knew his business. "Miguel, stop!" the elderly human still lying on the ground cried out weakly, but his son didn't heed his father's warning. Instead, the one named Miguel drew out a pistol, and aimed it at Sorran. Before he could fire, the Elite managed to toss the knife at the attacking human. Miguel's eyes grew wide, and he looked down in horror at the hilt buried deep in his lone heart. His mouth opened twice in a wordless scream, before his eyes glazed over and he collapsed in a river of dark red blood. "No! You fool Miguel!" the still living elderly man cried out, a rush of adrenalin propelling him off his feet towards his dead son. The old human knelt down in the pool of crimson liquid, cradling Miguel's limp head in his arms, hugging the marine dearly. "Mi hijo, mi querido, mi querido hijo..." Sorran realised it as 'Spanish' for 'my son, my dear, dear son.' Evidently, the old man and his son were of a Spanish descent. The Sangheili squirmed, guilty. Guilty! He knew he shouldn't feel that way, but he did. Sorran averted his gaze towards the floor. [Edited on 10.05.2009 3:10 PM PDT]

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  • True Sangheili is Truly Awesome. See what I tried to do there? I stole that guys thing.^^ [Edited on 10.09.2009 9:53 PM PDT]

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  • Just read part where spartan gets thrown of cliff. NOES!!! Spartans must prevail! But here is what i REALLY like abbout this story. When we play halo, we look at the covenant like OMFG BAD GUYZ. When you write this, it makes the humans look so evil. Wich i think is really cool.

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  • You are the truely awesome!

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  • [b]Part Ten - Insertion[/b] "Sorran! Board the Phantom, lest I order a lance of Unggoy to throw you upon it!" Zharn shouted at the Sangheili Minor, who didn't turn his gaze away from Savara, who he was holding hands with. The Sangheili Ultra sighed, and turned to Ahkrin. "This is truly disgusting. I should kill Convalescence for introducing them to each other." Zharn spat, and was rewarded with a mocking smile from Ahkrin. "Methinks you are envious brother." the Stealth Sangheili replied softly, and Zharn tensed. "I am not envious! I am an Ultra, Ahkrin; I could have any mate which took my fancy. Some Warriors, however, unlike others," at this he shot an icy glance at Sorran, "have restraint." "Of course. I'll go fetch him." Ahkrin chuckled back, hopping off the Phantom, striding towards the love struck couple. "Sorran! Come now, Zharn is getting testy." he barked, and the Sangheili Minor finally broke his stare with Savara. "I must go, my love. I shall return, fear not." Sorran breathed longingly, and now it was Ahkrin's turn to feel sick. He grabbed the younger, smaller Sangheili by the scruff of his neck, and began to pull. "Stay strong my sweet!" Savara cried after Sorran as he was dragged towards the Phantom, and thrown upon it by Ahkrin. Sorran stumbled to his feet, gazing sadly at the [i]Immortal Repentance[/i] dock. "Pilot, close the hatch before his eyes dry up. You can blink, Sorran." Zharn commented dryly, and the door of the Phantom swung shut. Sorran nodded, snapping out of his trance, and took a seat in the troop bay, checking his weapons. The Unggoy and Kig-Yar beside him scooted nervously out of the way of this Sangheili, this Sorran who was so important he was friends with an Ultra. "Disengage us from the cruiser pilot!" Zharn ordered the Sangheili garbed in Flight armour, who was flying the Phantom. The pilot nodded, and the Phantom released it's gravity lock, free-falling through space. The small vessel then engaged it's engines, and Sorran felt himself be moved swiftly away, down towards Eridanus II below. Ahkrin sat down next to Sorran, causing yet more Unggoy and Kig-Yar to shift anxiously. The Stealth Sangheili folded his thick arms, and leaned over to speak with Sorran. "This will be you first major operation?" Ahkrin questioned, and Sorran nodded silently. "Don't worry, Zharn instructed me to look after you. Stick with me, and you'll be fine." "My thanks to you brother." Sorran muttered gratefully. Zharn then came, and sat opposite the two conversing Sangheili. The Unggoy and Kig-Yar jumped up completely, and moved to the other side of the ship. Zharn chuckled. "So. You and Savara." the Ultra stated, and Sorran squirmed. "Yes?" he asked, and Zharn reclined back in the chair, stretching. "You make a good couple. Are you considering her to be your mate?" Zharn replied to Sorran's question. The Sangheili Minor flushed. "I-I haven't really thought--I mean, I shan't have much opportunity to return to her." Sorran stuttered out. "I'm sure she'd wait for you. And whenever you went back, you could impress her with tales of your bravery and escapades." Zharn spoke back, and Sorran realised he was being serious. "I know not if I shall survive this attack Zharn. Or any future ones. How could I commit myself to someone, knowing that one day, they may be left widowed?" Sorran explained, and Zharn nodded understandingly. "It's your choice brother. But yes, for now we shall concentrate on surviving this battle. Have you chosen which weapons you want to use?" Zharn asked of Sorran, who nodded. "Plasma rifle and a needler, as well as the sword at my hip. They should see me through." the Sangheili Minor replied, showing the weapons to the Ultra. Zharn nodded in approval, and then sighed. "I must rally the troops; recite the writ with them." the Ultra spoke, standing up in the Phantom. The myriad of Covenant soldiers fell silent, all eyes on Zharn. "When we joined the Covenant, we took an oath!" he cried. "According to our station! All without exception!" the rest of the Covenant chanted back, including Sorran. "On the blood of our fathers...on the blood of ours sons, we swore to uphold the Covenant!" "Even to our dying breath." the crowd recited back. Sorran grimaced; he hated the way the Prophets had ordered all Sangheili and other military personnel under their command to recite this before every mission. "Those who would break this oath are Heretics... Worthy of neither pity, nor mercy! We shall not hesitate before striking the human infidels with the wrath of our Lords!" Zharn shouted. "We shall grind them into dust! Scrape them as excrement from our boots!" Sorran always found that part a little strange; considering the Sangheili didn't wear boots. The Prophets had obviously overlooked that fact when creating the ritual. "And continue our march to glorious salvation!" Zharn finished, and the clamour in the Phantom began once again as the Covenant soldiers chattered amongst each other. "Very inspiring." said Ahkrin dryly as Zharn sat down once again. The Ultra dug his friend in the side with his elbow, irritated. "Indeed. How long now, pilot?" Zharn inquired of the Sangheili at front. "We are nearly arrived noble one. I am slowing down the Phantom, preparing to land." the pilot called back, and Zharn nodded. "Where are we landing? In the human city?" Sorran asked. "In a way. More specifically, the 'slums' at the edge of the town, it is the area least protected. From there, we shall march into the city, and begin the attack." Zharn replied, loading his Carbine with plasma 'bullets'. "We've landed. Opening hatch now. Good luck Warriors." the Pilot spoke, and the hatch unsealed, revealing grimy shacks, some of which were already burning. Some poorly dressed humans were running around, screaming, being cut down as they did so. Sorran grimaced, and prepared to leave the Phantom. Before he could however, he felt Ahkrin's hand hold him fast. "Wait up Sorran; we go together, and stay away from the main attack force. We shall fight in the manner of the Stealth Sangheili; with grace and striking out of the shadows." Ahkrin told the Sangheili Minor, who nodded. Zharn looked down at the two, smiling. "Try to keep each other alive. May the Gods be with you." the Ultra told them, leaving the Phantom, already barking orders. Eventually, Sorran and Ahkrin, along with the pilot, were the only three remaining in the Phantom. "Pilot, take us high above the clouds. I and Sorran will drop into the main city via Orbital Insertion Pods." Ahkrin ordered the Sangheili commandeering the ship, who hesitated. "Are you sure? They can be dangerous noble operative." the pilot replied uncertainly. Fear gripped Sorran. Dangerous? "Worry not, we shall be fine. Take us up, at once. Sorran, lower yourself into a pod, quickly." Ahkrin indicated the row of five pods embedded in the wall of the Phantom, before sliding into one himself. It looked awfully small. Still, Sorran was not one to disobey a superior, and so he himself delved into the pod, disliking the way he couldn't move. He heard a voice emanate from inside the pod, that of Ahkrin's. "Now Sorran, when these pods are released, they shall fall down to the ground, inside the city. The impact will probably break your shields, but you probably won't die. Just follow my lead, and be courageous." the Stealth Sangheili soothed. It wasn't very soothing. [i]Probably[/i] won't die? Before he could reply though, the pods disengaged, and Sorran was silenced. [Edited on 10.04.2009 12:41 PM PDT]

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