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originally posted in: Europa RP
10/25/2015 8:28:12 PM
[b]She shivers, the rest of the crew should see this as well...[/b]

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  • The barrel of a rifle is felt press against the flat of her back, though a quick glance behind her reveals nothing. A familiar voice is heard directly behind her, almost as if he was whispering in her ear, "Don't move, and don't yell for help, unless you feel that this is a good day to die. Now, I want you to leave this room, and go to the hangar. Is that clear, Jupiter?"

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  • [b]She freezes, and complies, walking to the hangar[/b]

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  • He remains completely silent the entire time, even his footsteps are devoid of sound. Finally, once you reach the juncture at the Hangar Doors, he lightly prods you with the rifle again. "This is part of why I need you, these doors are fingertip locked. Verify your identification, and then get in your ship."

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  • [b]She hesitates, but as told Once through, she begins walking to her ship[/b]

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  • When she begins walking up the ramp of her ship, Eric presses a button on the wall and closes them in. Then, when he's sure that he's safe, he uncloaks. In his hand is a small metal pipe (which he found in the storage room), which he probably used to simulate a rifle's barrel. He lets out a small chuckle, and then digi-structs the Helios Cannon on his prosthetic. Eric didn't look like he wanted to kill you, as he probably already would haves one it if he had desired to. "Take us out of here. Just make a random jump to a nearby star system."

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  • [b]She types in the coordinates of a nearby star system, and the ship flies from the hangar, and jumps to its location She remains sitting in the pilots chair, thinking of ways to take him down[/b]

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  • Seeming completely lost in thought, Eric absentmindedly asks Jupiter a question, "Do you want to know how I got this arm?"

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  • [i]"Not really"[/i] [b]She remains sitting in the chair[/b]

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  • He shakes his head dismissively, "Eh, well then I'm going to tell you anyways. I was raised on the backworld planet of Achronus, it's somewhere in the Outer Rim of the Tingel Arm. Anyways, like any planet so far away from the fractured government systems rising to power in the Core, we were left in sheer anarchy. Complete, lawless, anarchy. I escaped the early violence, but it was inevitable that it would eventually reach me, and so it did. I was just a kid when my parents were shot in front of me by lawless savages, these slaves to a mad dictator who claimed half the planet for his own. I was shot in the shoulder, a lucky miss, but the tendons the bullet severed led to the complete loss of my arm. As I lay there, bleeding out, I wondered when the hero was going to come and push those men back. That this wasn't real, that suddenly he would find a way to save my mother, and father, and the thousands of others that died that day." Bitterly, he began rotating his arm at the shoulder, spinning it around like a drill. "But it wasn't a goddamn story, and I got off the planet as a slave to a merchant who found me there. I escaped eventually, and the newly fledged Galactic Federation took me in. They gave me this arm, in the hope that I could become the hero that I so desperately needed a decade earlier. That I would never stand by when there were helpless people suffering. I-I..." For a second he becomes overcome with emotion, but he ever risky recollects himself, "I'll never be that hero. It's not who I am, or who I ever will be. But you and I, Jupiter, are going to find the man that is everything that I can't be." Suddenly, he sounds exactly as he did when he had the mock barrel pressed to your back "When we reach the system, I'm getting a fake ID, I'll refuel the ship, and then we'll head for these coordinates." He swipes something on his tac-pad, and it appears on the ship's nav-computer.

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  • [b]She remains silent She didn't know the man, let alone how he knew her It was either wait for him to get closer, or she had to do something She chose to wait for him[/b]

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  • He takes a look at the stony expression on her face, and shrugs, "I'm going to rest. Don't get any ideas." He sits down at a [couch/bench thingie] and closes his eyes.

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  • [b]She waits an hour, and once an hour passed, to be sure of it, she stands and grabs a few metal cuffs Chaining him to the couch/bed, she sits down across the ship[/b]

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  • When Eric wakes up, he realizes that his arm had been chained to the couch. He looked across the ship to see Jupiter sitting down, and begins straining against the cuffs. "Well... At least I got a good nap in."

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  • [b]She sighs[/b] [i]"Who the hell are you?"[/i]

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  • Now looking confused, Eric tilts his head at you and replies. "My name is Eric. Don't you remember me from when I saved your ass last night?... Oh wait, you were unconscious."

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  • [b]She looks confused[/b] [i]"I don't remember anything from last night"[/i]

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  • "Well that's... Probably not good. You were hit in the head by an object and were knocked unconscious. I tended your wounds and pulled you to safety... Even though I was responsible for the injuries, I suppose. You really don't remember anything?"

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  • [b]Knowing this, she shakes her head, as she walks back to the control panel, and types the coordinates of the Cyprus cruiser, as it turns around and heads back to the ship[/b]

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  • He looks over at the dashboard and shakes his head, "You're making a mistake Jupiter. I was telling you the truth."

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  • [i]"I have no clue who the hell you are! Your first mistake, was not detaining me, next, was allowing me to even roam free on the ship!"[/i] [b]It clicked in his head, she was right It was either take her down now, and stop her from returning them both to the cruiser, or lose all hope in his mission[/b]

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  • "I thought that you would be a little more reasonable, if I'm to be honest. Perhaps I misjudged you, as any guy might when he sees somebody like you." His detained arm begins rotating rapidly, and a rending noise is heard from the cuffs. In seconds, they lie in shreds on the floor by his feet, and he's free. The device on his back begins absorbing light to power his shields, which in turn extend into a fearsome hard light blade that forms into a fearsome looking HardLight blade... But just as suddenly as it forms he retracts it. He sits back down on the couch and sighs, "I won't make that mistake again."

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  • [b]She didn't notice at first, but the sound of metal hitting the floor was enough to alert her, as she turns around, grabbing for her pistol[/b]

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  • She sees him sit back into the couch, and sigh.

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  • [b]She keeps her hand over her pistol Every moment wasted, meant them getting closer to the Cyprus cruiser, he needed to restrain her if this would ever work[/b]

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  • Eric already had a plan brewing... One that didn't involve him traveling across the galaxy with dead weight. He'd accepted his fate, and currently stared at the ground like he was lost in thought.

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