originally posted in:The Roleplay League
Alice looked at Atheon, eyes glowing white, as she slammed three swords in a triangle around Atheon.
Then, she spins a finger in a circle lazily, as each sword starts to spin around Atheon, increasing in speed.
Each Element leaves a trail which begin to fuse together, creating pure light energy.
Soon after, Atheon was standing in a pool of Liquid Light, only contained by the spinning blades.
As Alice begins combating Atheon with her swords, Ginger fends off the waves of Hive forces with nothing but his fists. Next to his feet and the piles of dead Hive lie the shattered remains of his Multi-Tool, and his Fusion rifle had long since run out of ammo. He ducked under the sword of a Hive Knight, punching and shattering its knee-plate, and then melting its brains with a storm fist underneath its chin. He picks up its fallen sword and begins combating the other Knights while Grixis circles around, like a hawk observing its prey before a strike. Alice realizes that she has to finish her fight soon, or Ginger, and by extension she, will be overrun.