So what was the toy/doll/game that was the thing in your 4-6 grade childhood? Mine personally at school was silly bandz how about you guys?
Edit 1: for all u guys (British) unfamiliar of how grades works in the U.S. How about from ages 10-12
Edit 2: +50 replies guys your literally blowing up my phone
Edit 3: HOLY CRAP 180 REPLIES!?!?!
Edit 4: Seeing a lot of Pokemon anyone excited for the next game?
Edit 5: wow over 300 replies let's break the app guys!!!
Edit 6: guys we hit 420
I was the head of the Mafia in my elementary school. I had 3 Mafiosos that executed my heists, which consisted of stealing Phoenix and Dragon Silly Bands. I would pay them meagerly, but I was the big guy with all the silly bands. No one messed with me because they knew of the consequences: they wouldn't have any more silly bands, EVER.
I was the head of the Mafia in my elementary school. I had 3 Mafiosos that executed my heists, which consisted of stealing Phoenix and Dragon Silly Bands. I would pay them meagerly, but I was the big guy with all the silly bands. No one messed with me because they knew of the consequences: they wouldn't have any more silly bands, EVER.
Poptropica *cringe*
I started a beyblade epidemic in kids club. That count?
Halo and dissing religion. Just another day at public school.
Silly bands Bakugans Weed Beyblades Tech decks
Heelies, Pokemon, Bayblade, and Darude Sandstorm
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. I hosted a speed run tournament. Everyone loved it.
The S thing
Pick up sticks and Jax
Silly bandz Tech decks Bakugan Beyblades were just starting to get popular Snapping fingers like you were packing a can The jagged "S" thing. MASH Fortune teller paper things
Aw man bionicles too. Those were legit.
Silly bands, bey blades. And the cheese touch.
6th: tamagochi 7th and 8th: pokemon red and blue
Food. We essentially had a black market for trading food. Some guy got sent home because we beat him so hard for not giving us some food he owned us. Luckily I was the master of the black market. I can turn a cookie into spaghetti. (No jokes).
Tech decks anyone?
Drawing as many of these as possible ^ / \ / | \ | | | \ | / \ \ / \ \ /| \ / | | / | | | | | \ | / \ / \ / \/
Silly Bands Jesus how that got out of hand. Inflation, trading, value, and banning. It was like a micro-economy at our school. I wonder if this was the same for your school, but did your most valuable bands revolve around the Phoenix, Genie, and Dragon bands? I remember if you had one of them you could basically trade it for anything.
Silly bands and tech decks
Pokemon, yu gi oh, and in 5th or 6th grade runescape
Silly Bands, and those little top things.
Probably the xbox with CoD.