I knew you were a gun! You son of bitch! I trusted you! You were at my daughters wedding! Little did you know... I'm actually... A blueberry[spoiler]pie[/spoiler]
So it seems that this man shot this man. Then ate a blueberry pie. Then shot himself. [spoiler]lol[/spoiler] [spoiler]this totally was from Key and Peele lol[/spoiler]
Edited by DaDestroyer81: 11/12/2015 9:52:47 PMLol This guy walks into an alley here Had some blueberry pie Then he killed himself Then he put the gun over there to make it look like the gun.... Killed the pie.... Just another crazy day in wizard city YAAAAHHH
I love key and Peele so much!!! Too bad there stopping now. But I guess there reasons are valid
(A ten year old appears) ello mate
[spoiler]oh god[/spoiler] Ah! Senior blight! Have you come to be defeated once again?!
[spoiler]Look down. Still not finished[/spoiler]
*holds 357. Up * Ya
Oho! *I draw my .357* Hola senior!
*Walks up, puts hand on holstered pistol*
[i]dadaduuuum. Dum-dum-duuuuum.[/i] *i put my hand on my .357 in its holster* Hola senior peace! Have you come to die?
[spoiler]Lol, It's me. Tiger.[/spoiler] "Hardly!!!" *Puts other hand on hilt of sword* "It is you that shall die!!!"
Ah. But you killed my father! So prepare to die! *I draw my sword and .357*
*Draws a bigger gun on a whiteboard* "Aha!!! And I must admit, he was delicious!!!"
Hahahahaha. Your magical board of Art is nothing compared to my wonders! *out of the sky drops an electric PKM into my hands*
*Tosses whiteboard aside and pulls out a tessaract railgun* "Aha!!! I have broken your puny physics to weaponize a shape!!!"
Oh ya?! *You begin floating uncontrollably* Well I had one of my buds tag you with an anti-gravity dart! Have a,FLY, Time! Mwahahahaha!
*Flips a switch and turns off gravity* "Aha!!! Now we are both flying!!!" [spoiler]Turning off gravity.... Consider the large-scale consequences....[/spoiler]
[spoiler]shhhhhh[/spoiler] WHO HO! Well I knew you were going to do that! That's why I brought my rocket boots!
[spoiler]Alright. So... Can we do some crazy shyt later? Because otherwise....[/spoiler] "Aha!!! I had known that you would have known that I would do that, so I swapped your rocket fuel for bubbles!!!"
Mwhahahaha! That is all I need to get around! I kidnapped your mother btw!
"The joke is on you!!! You kidnapped my sister instead!!! Oh wait.... You kidnapped a dummy instead!!! Hah!!!"
Hahahahaha! I will not fall for your cheap tricks! I'll also have you know that I scheduled you 8! DENTAL APPOINTMENTS! THIS WEEK!
"Aha!!! But I have nothing to worry about, for I brush my teeth every day!!!!" *Holds up opera tickets* "Aha!!! I have gotten you and your whole family an all expenses-paid-for deluxe opera experience!!!! To the worst opera house in the world!!!"