Pushing Templar off=Cheese
Pushing Atheon off=Cheese
Having 1 man cross bridge=Cheese
Preventing Crota from standing up=Cheat
Using only 1 orb at golgoroth=Strategy
Not killing ogres at a particular time=Strategy
People are soo quick to throw out the word "cheese".......
We didn't end up using this strategy when we defeated oryx, always had a guy die on the way up.
We found an easier way where we had a titan floating with a blessing bubble in the middle between platforms with mallace.
Whoever didn't have to jump on pillar that cycle would join him in the middle to pop in and out of bubble melting ogres as they spawned.
Doing this along with some shots from the people on the pillars took down the ogres quick.
This gives plenty of time for they guys to turn and snipe their knights.
Runner should be saying that he has the relic by that point,
Everyone heads to middle, takes out vessel and shoots oryx.
Stagger, detonate bombs return to middle, shoot at his chest.
Rinse and repeat.
When you get teleported, if you can pop a blessing bubble it helps with the shade swinging.
Also an optional tip...having 1 guy run up to start the fight while the team stays back between platforms. Don't shoot the thtalls, you can let them come to you and bunch up. Hit them with a tether if you have a hunter. Once tethered, kill them all creating plenty of extra orbs for when needed.
Hope this was helpful.
Thanks for commenting
Wow 1000+ replies, for the most part, a lot of really good points have been pointed out..
I'm waiting for someone to chime in and suggest that using ToM with Blessings is a cheese because you aren't engaging with the mechanisms of the weapon.
Both methods are simple and easy to do. It just depends on your fireteam because last night i had a group and we did no knight strategy in 2-3 tries and then i did it again with a different group and they just couldn't stay alive.
Ran with a group last night, made it through to Oryx smoothly, until we got to oryx..Party leader was determined to run the so called "no knight cheese". An hour and a half later still haven't beaten him due to people dying while going from pillars to platforms. We then switched strats, explained it and ran it a few times, as we are building rhythm, he rolls out and as always 2 others leave also....people are soo hung up on this more riskier strat..hopefully when I get on in a few, it will be different
I would rather hire a lazy man because he would find an easy way to get something done.
Edited by ArisenJeans063: 10/28/2015 2:11:11 PMThe difference between a strategy and a cheese is: Cheesing is despawning enemies at the crota bridge and getting to the other side with one person while the fireteam kills ogres Strategy is instead of doing the normal way it's supposed to, you do another simple way to achieve a goal like instead of killing ogres right away wait stagger oryx then kill ogres
Bungie called "no nights" A strategy. Any arguments calling it a cheese are wrong.
Some scientists say that cheese is as addictive as heroin. Maybe that's why we can't stop ;)
I like cheese. What is your favourite kind? I personally love swiss
Tried it. Didn't work. Did regular way when we wiped . Finished it.
This! This is the strategy we used. I would also like to add the runner can drop down the middle platform to get weapons/blessing buff for extra damage/armor.
Also.. Sniping the Oracles is a cheese.
Exactly what I was thinking
To make the no knight strat even easier and avoid any deaths on the way up the people on the lower platforms DO NO shoot the ogres. Throw a grenade as they come out of the ground but then stop. The only people that should shoot the ogres are the floater and his buddy on the daughters platform - then when the relic holder calls he has the relic - everybody goes up to the daughters platform - at that point you have ages before oryx slams so now you weaken the ogres down to 25%. By doing this the ogres only aggro on the people on the daughters platform and the people on the lower platforms never even get shot at. It makes the whole thing so so easy
1 man cross bridge isn't a cheese either, it is just a strategy. If you use self Rez warlocks on the other side, no cheese. If you have the others go into glitch spot, then it's a cheese.
Edited by peegu: 10/26/2015 10:33:44 PMI beat it 3x this week with 3 dedicated platformers, 2 ogre killers and a runner without the 'no knight' strategy. I personally find that both methods can be hectic but can kill Oryx with the right about of chemistry, communication and teamwork. I can see both points about it being cheesy and not. I'm leaning towards this being a cheese, as it's not really cheating. I see it like a multiple choice question where I took the steps and solved the problem and got the right answer whereas someone else tried to solve it halfway, didn't know what they were doing but made an educated guess and got the right answer anyway. That's my stance, anyway. Here is a question for everyone: Was the Skolas Burn with Gjallarhorn(or void/arc high impact snipers depending on the burn) a cheese? You know, the one where we wait 10 minutes for heavy(or special) ammo synth and burn him down before the mines spawn.... This method 'delayed' all mechanics and dealt with Skolas first, then mines. Bungie, apparently, found it 'cheese'y enough have to change the modifiers for consequent Skolas encounters so that we would have to do the fight the way Bungie 'intended' us to do the fight. For that say that the current Oryx 'no knight' method is not a cheese, the Skolas fight also delayed mechanics, do you see the parallel? Also, question for those defending it not being a cheese. Why are you all so sensitive? Who cares if it's a cheese or not, you got your loot.. and if Bungie finds that this method isn't how they wanted us to go about it then they'll change it.. [b]perhaps...knights will spawn when the ogre dies, but will spawn no matter what after he slams[/b]. That would probably force you do kill the knights and figure out the mechanic. For those that say that it IS a cheese and are mad about it... who cares? again, if Bungie thinks is too cheap a way to get loot, they will change it and everyone will have to adapt. If you completed with what you feel is the 'right way', then you can feel good about it.
Wait, there's a different way to do Golgy other than only using one orb? Why...
this new strat is so bad. you people need to stop putting it in kids heads that its a cheese because when kids hear cheese that implies that it is an auto complete. every group i joined that wanted to do this strat is just scrubby kids who think its gonna be a cake walk when its actually more complicated than normal and can cause more problems. the normal way is not hard! if your bad you wont complete it either of the ways so git gud and stop doing this strat its annoying the shit out of me that every group i join and even my friends want to do it this way.
Skipping a game mechanic intentionally is a cheese. The end.
Wouldn't call this a cheese. It actually requires better coordination, and has its own unique difficulties. Mistiming ogre kills = stolen bombs, slow relic carrier = deaths or missed oryx stun.
Exploiting a glitch = cheese.
We tried Oryx 2 different ways tonight. One, we dealt with Knights....the other we did not. we ended up getting the kill on the strat where we dealt with knights.
I agree with that. It's not a glitch, it's just smart planning. It's still hard enough to keep people alive for this strat. Your fire team will still wipe 20 times before you get it.
I don't understand how the new oryx strategy is a cheese. I believe it makes the fire team communicate more frequently. so what of we want to skip out of killing the light eater knights, they don't spawn until we kill the orge and oryx can still do damage to you on top if you don't have ward of dawn up there. this isn't a game breaking exploit, it's a simple strategy that was made by the fans. Bungie accepts the fact we work as a community and find new ways to expand our game. keyword "OUR." they may buff this, nerf that, and patch nonsense, but I really don't think they'll take away a strategy.
I haven't used this strategy yet. I don't see anything wrong with it. Some of the things people have pulled in raids on the past are aggregious. This is a great way of getting it done without manipulating connection, or taking advantage of an unintended game mechanic, e.g. atheon, templar. This just looks like smart gameplay.
Edited by jlobue10: 10/26/2015 11:25:18 PMI agree completely. I don't think it's a cheese. I actually think it's harder to leave the ogres alive for longer. I beat it with all 3 of my characters and each time we killed the ogres as fast as possible and sniped the knights. The last ogre and knight are the most difficult to deal with as you have less time, but a good team will deal with them efficiently as well. On my hunter, I tethered the fourth ogre when I was the floater (4th platform), to help deal with it in the reduced amount of time. What our group found was super helpful was having a Titan up top with blessing of light and ToM. That right there was truly the game changer. Also that titan up top, or floater can easily snipe the last knight. It's a very fun battle, but challenging without a good team.
And -blam!- saying dps him, that doesn't even make sense! You guys, get ready to damage per second him! Like understand things before you say them dps is a stat not an action